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Ancient Pakistan the Defense Wall of India

I made my original point that India meant the whole Indian subcontinent and backed it up with evidence when Pak members keep on insisting ad nauseam that India meant only the Indus Valley

regarding Pakistanis joining the empire..yes they joined as subjugated people..when do kings freely share power with subjuhated people?...Bengali soldiers under East India Comoany conquered coterminous Pakistan...does thatmean Bengal conquered coterminous Pakistan and Bengal joined the British in co-conquering? WHat nonsense..utter balderdash

whatever makes you happy my friend!!

if empires forced our ancestors to revert back to Islam i am happy they did! same way i am sure you are happy being the only "tool" of western masters in S Asia!
whatever makes you happy my friend!!

if empires forced our ancestors to revert back to Islam i am happy they did! same way i am sure you are happy being the only "tool" of western masters in S Asia!

Says the man whose nation gave red carpet welcome to USA after being threatened post 9/11
and nation thats learning from past and moving on!

while your kind serving west since 1 BC!

what a costly lesson! and we have not seen the last of USA in Pakistan...not by a longshot
please enlighten my knowlege ? when did this happen ?

Conquered till the doorsteps of Kabul I meant..Conquered till Khyber Pass...when under EIC...as EIC defeated the Sikh Empire
he should have included the time duration to show the real sense of scale....for example...Ganesha dynasty in Bengal lasted only 20 years, that too conversions and reconversions back and forth going on

Thats not manipulation though. On the other hand we are aware of what you are doing. Pretending to be soft hindutva. You dont even know or just lie about the fact that bengalis were not anywhere near British made so called bengal regiment. They were muslims and hindu rajputs from Bihar. Historically these rajputs migrated from indus in to deep inside India.
Thats not manipulation though. On the other hand we are aware of what you are doing. Pretending to be soft hindutva. You dont even know or just lie about the fact that bengalis were not anywhere near British made so called bengal regiment. They were muslims and hindu rajputs from Bihar. Historically these rajputs migrated from indus in to deep inside India.

Bengal Regiment was mostly Bhumihar Brahmins...but in the scale of things its irrelevant ...cuz the point I was making that whatever eastern India ethncity that made up EIC that conquered coterminous Pakistan were not stakeholders in that invasion
Bengal Regiment was mostly Bhumihar Brahmins...but in the scale of things its irrelevant ...cuz the point I was making that whatever eastern India ethncity that made up EIC that conquered coterminous Pakistan were not stakeholders in that invasion

Not mostly, some. And Bhumihar are more like rajputs anyway then brahmins. Their claims to be brahmin are disputed. And these Mallis of Multan were not brahmins either like you said.

Here is another interesting historical fact. Maurya was likely from Indus. We know for a fact that he with help of Chanakya another Indus men, recruited from Indus valley to conquer east India.
Not mostly, some. And Bhumihar are more like rajputs anyway then brahmins. Their claims to be brahmin are disputed.

Here is another interesting historical fact. Maurya was likely from Indus. We know for a fact that he with help of Chanakya another Indus men, recruited from Indus valley to conquer east India.

I highly doubt Mauryyas are from Indus ....Chanakya yes...later texts do claim that he took the help of foreign tribes like Greeks and Scythians to topple Nanda

Rajputs are considered pure Gangu race anyways

Ancestors of Mauryas were peacock breeders... (the word literally means Peacock in Indian languages)

native range of peacocks

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I highly doubt Mauryyas are from Indus ....Chanakya yes...later texts do claim that he took the help of foreign tribes like Greeks and Scythians to topple Nanda

Rajputs are considered pure Gangu race anyways

Ancestors of Mauryas were peacock breeders... (the word literally means Peacock in Indian languages)

native range of peacocks


Chanakya recruited army from Indus, this is historical fact. Gangu Rajputs are offshoot of indo-aryan migrants from Indus. At least the pure ones. Indus men ruler, mercenary or collaborator with foreign king, is only martial alpha male in south asia since 1500BC.
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Chanakya recruited army from Indus, this is historical fact. Gangu Rajputs are offshoot of indo-aryan migrants from Indus. At least the pure ones.
Muarya the Ruling dynasty are firmly Gangu...Rajouts have heterodox origins but mainly from Rajasthan...which was originally named Rajputana
Muarya the Ruling dynasty are firmly Gangu...Rajouts have heterodox origins but mainly from Rajasthan...which was originally named Rajputana

Maurya was seen in Indus in Alexander invasion time. His origin being gangu is questionable. But in any case he must have been offshoot of indo-aryan who back then were early settlers in ganges from Indus. The idea that he was some adivasi from ganges picked up by racist Chanakya is illogical. And all his early army with who he conquered was made of with men from Indus.

Rajputs origin lies beyond Rajasthan, firmly in Indus.
ancient Pakistan? wasn't Pakistan founded in 1947?
And this land came in 1947 to the location where it is today from Mars, right?
What is your definition of "immediately". They didn't have humveys and c130s those days for evacuation. He and his defeated army was stuck bang in the middle of ancient Pakistan with no clear sense of direction. The only way out was to follow Indus downstream towards Arabian sea on retreat back towards conquered Persia. His army was picked up by other ancient Pakistanis. Their remains can still be found in makran coastline.

I wrote a detailed thread on a now defunct forum on the battle of hadaspes, before PDF existed.

Yes we Pakistanis need to owe our ancients and history. Indus is ours, exclusively, just like nile is for Egyptians.
It's nice that we are finally recognizing our ancient past and history. Back in 2011 when here at this forum I used to introduce this, members from India and around 90 percent from Pakistan used to think I have identity crises. Lol

Indus Valley civilization is history of Pakistan which Indians have stole it like other stuff.
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