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An outrageous ban

Nitin Goyal

Aug 4, 2011
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Things in our country are really moving from the absurd, to even more absurd. And most frightening of all is the hatred that flows with this madness. The latest example of this comes at the Lahore Bar Association (LBA) — where lawyers following a campaign led by the Khatme Nabuwat Lawyers Forum — have banned the sale of drinks manufactured by the Shehzan Company from canteens at all subordinate courts on the basis that it is an Ahmadi concern. This action takes discrimination against the Ahmadi community to new heights. We can only wonder if the instigators of this plot imagine that sipping the ‘offensive’ drink will in some way contaminate their minds, or alter beliefs. Everyone, after all, has the right to follow the religious philosophy they adhere to — and no drink can alter this. The real aim, of course, is to attempt to hurt the economic interests of the Ahmadis — who have through the decades been subjected to violence in all kinds of different forums, whether it is through physical acts such as murder or other means intended to prevent them from occupying a place as equal citizens in society. The Shezan Company has also been targeted before, during mob violence and through other such means.

The LBA president has said that around 100 lawyers voted in favour of the decision. It is frightening that a so-called ‘educated community’ of professionals could take a decision such as this. The evil of ignorance has obviously sunk deep within our society, leaving scars everywhere. The knives which inflict these wounds are carried by groups dedicated to spreading intolerance and campaigning against the minorities. The Ahmadis, of course, draw the special wrath of the forces committed to acting against them. When professionals such as lawyers, who should know more about justice than most, join hands with them, we can only wonder about the future of our country and ask what grim abyss we are headed for. The direction we have set out in does not augur well for the coming years — with this move also certain to hurt Ahmadi lawyers who practice at lower courts.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 12th, 2012.
The LBA president has said that around 100 lawyers voted in favour of the decision.

If the majority voted in favor of putting a ban on Shezan -> Qadyan then so be it.
It's their right to decide what they consume, and they have decided not to consume Qadyani industry product.
Shame on them...They should also force government not to take income tax from ahmadis

What kind of a lame comment is that ?

Why not pay income tax ? they don't use the country's infrastructure ?

How can you equate a matter of personal preference with national duty (i.e to pay tax).

this decision was made by the BAR association which does not represent government, and the decision should be respected and taken as a precursor of wide spread sentiment
What kind of a lame comment is that ?

Why not pay income tax ? they don't use the country's infrastructure ?

How can you equate a matter of personal preference with national duty (i.e to pay tax).

this decision was made by the BAR association which does not represent government, and the decision should be respected and taken as a precursor of wide spread sentiment

This was an appropriate argument...

The income tax they pay is used by all this anti ahmadi elements also... they should force the government that they do not need ahmadis money for their benefits.

I never said BAR association is representing GoP... I said BAR association should force the government.
I had a similar d**k of a co-worker at an auditing internship who wouldn't eat the food/refreshments provided by the management because the business entity was an Ahmedi concern. I mean talk about bulls**t !
We really need to have an institution in Pakistan which clamps down on such behavior by either legislation against it or by making it socially unacceptable through an intensive educational policy. If the government can be intrusive in our private lives for the greater good of the community than they might as well take note of something like this which affects the very fabric of our society and must imbue better qualities in our collective consciousness.

Despicable...absolutely, despicable. I don't agree with the Ahmedi faith either but I've known some Ahmedis who are better Human beings and better Pakistanis then most of us d**k warts out there.
This was an appropriate argument...

The income tax they pay is used by all this anti ahmadi elements also... they should force the government that they do not need ahmadis money for their benefits.

I never said BAR association is representing GoP... I said BAR association should force the government.

Learning time....

Qadyani comprise less than 1% may be less than 0.5% of the population.
By all measure Qadyani are enjoying muslims tax ... if you want to call it that.
Like I said before

To make a decision based on personal preference to NOT consume items from a certain religious group is an act of free will and must be respected.
Things in our country are really moving from the absurd, to even more absurd. And most frightening of all is the hatred that flows with this madness. The latest example of this comes at the Lahore Bar Association (LBA) — where lawyers following a campaign led by the Khatme Nabuwat Lawyers Forum — have banned the sale of drinks manufactured by the Shehzan Company from canteens at all subordinate courts on the basis that it is an Ahmadi concern. This action takes discrimination against the Ahmadi community to new heights. We can only wonder if the instigators of this plot imagine that sipping the ‘offensive’ drink will in some way contaminate their minds, or alter beliefs. Everyone, after all, has the right to follow the religious philosophy they adhere to — and no drink can alter this. The real aim, of course, is to attempt to hurt the economic interests of the Ahmadis — who have through the decades been subjected to violence in all kinds of different forums, whether it is through physical acts such as murder or other means intended to prevent them from occupying a place as equal citizens in society. The Shezan Company has also been targeted before, during mob violence and through other such means.

The LBA president has said that around 100 lawyers voted in favour of the decision. It is frightening that a so-called ‘educated community’ of professionals could take a decision such as this. The evil of ignorance has obviously sunk deep within our society, leaving scars everywhere. The knives which inflict these wounds are carried by groups dedicated to spreading intolerance and campaigning against the minorities. The Ahmadis, of course, draw the special wrath of the forces committed to acting against them. When professionals such as lawyers, who should know more about justice than most, join hands with them, we can only wonder about the future of our country and ask what grim abyss we are headed for. The direction we have set out in does not augur well for the coming years — with this move also certain to hurt Ahmadi lawyers who practice at lower courts.
Published in The Express Tribune, February 12th, 2012.

Funny that they would eat McDonalds, buy computers/laptops from Jewish made processor chips, give their children foreign imported medicines, watch Indian/English movies and go out for vacations in those 'infidel' countries but would not consume juices from their own country's minority community.
This is sad to hear. Hope that Pakistan is able to fix this situation by punishing the BAR members who are indulging in such clear discriminatory behaviour.
It should be a personal matter- personal choice of the LBA members-
Its their choice- it should be a non- issue-

Its like saying- "Shame on all the vegetarians- who discriminate chicken and not eat it"-
Height of stupidity by Lahore Bar Association ... These people are supposed to lawyers whilst they are mostly found active when "" throwing rose petals on qadri and his types and supporting anti Ahmedi cause.
That is exactly what happens when you make the foundation of a country based on a religious identity. Communities like Hindus/Sikhs/Ahmadis get marginalized.

Tis true that present day Pakistan is far from the Pakistan Jinnah wanted it to be; however the other side of the coin is not necessarily secularism especially if a said religion has a socio-political-economic and legal dimension to it. The other side, as proposed by Jinnah, is a truly democratic, religiously plural and liberal society with Islam as its implied (or mildly explicit) dominant culture where all Muslims and all Non-Muslims can sit together as equal citizens of the state in the legislative body of the state. Where no law is passed which directly affects one community without the explicit majority approval of that community.

Thats the Pakistan we aim for.
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