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An Interview with Pakistan Air Force Viper Pilot

See even this post of yours is a case of wrong comprehension. Your weak abilities to comprehend and trolling instincts are the biggest hurdle in a sane discussion. I said that you are not worthy enough that I should answer your stupid questions. I didn't said I won't reply to those posts of yours which you post to increase your post count. Obviously you are quickly going to achieve that status when I would completely ignore you but being a teacher I would try my best to help you pas the 4th grade. Yeah if you continue with this stupidity I might ignore the BS from your part completely. As far as questions are concerned you might have no idea about them but those guys who have know about's PAF and it's past and who are obviously not trolls know what I was talking about.

Anyways let's see if you improve yourself to the point where I might answer your question or continue to take the downward trend where your idiocy would be completely ignored. I hope for the best though.:)

I am ok with you making a fool of yourself 24/7. This complex explanation of your above post was especially pathetic. Stop typing utter horse-turd or copy pasting my words for 30 mins each day, just reply to my questions.

Or be the usual Areesh and remain where you are. Think about it, you are easier to manipulate than a Barbie doll. Each time you proclaimed you won't reply, yet like a bad coin you come back:-)

Watch friends, this maid still won't have an answer, yet will reply with more smelly stuff.
Since 1990s both Pakistan and Turkey have exchange pilots flying in their operational F-16 squadrons. Any exchange pilot has to perform duties just like any other pilot in the assigned unit.

One of the best thing a PAF exchange pilot enjoys in TUAF is flying. TUAF F-16 have too much flying as compare to PAF F-16s....when a pilot returns from Turkey he gets a good amount of hours credited under his belt.

Following are pictures of Turkish exchange pilots in Pakistan.

No.14 Sqn (1993) with OC Wng cdr Gul Abbas Mela standing in the middle, Turkish pilot Capt Serdar standing 3rd from right.


No.9 Sqn pilots standing with Air chief ACM Farooq F. Khan moments before 23rd March parade air display. Turkish exchange pilot standing 1st from right.


During an escort mission to bid farewell to on going air chief ACM Tanvir, an exchange pilot was seen flying in No.11 Sqn F-16A.


^^ great post najam bhai! -- plz post these pics in the thread ''pilots of pakistan airforce', started by sir murad.-- he has another thread , history of paf .. somewhat similar pics there aswell!
I am ok with you making a fool of yourself 24/7. This complex explanation of your above post was especially pathetic. Stop typing utter horse-turd or copy pasting my words for 30 mins each day, just reply to my questions.

Or be the usual Areesh and remain where you are. Think about it, you are easier to manipulate than a Barbie doll. Each time you proclaimed you won't reply, yet like a bad coin you come back:-)

Watch friends, this maid still won't have an answer, yet will reply with more smelly stuff.

So you are still ranting around. Anyways. Listen troll. As I mentioned it is up to you that whether you improved yourself to the level where I will answer your questions or ignore you completely. And I want to congratulations for joining the class of elite "dumb" where you will be ignored completely. Since you have nothing reasonable to present other than telling us "Hey PAF chief has used defend in his speech". I know you can manipulate my posts. As you did with Air Chief's speech. The fact is idiots have there own way of interpreting things which usually isn't worthy or important to answer or respond to.

As other members have stop responding to your Doo Daa it's time now that I should do the same. But before that I would give you the final verdict about Block 52's while taking a quote from Air Chief's speech.

PAF is going to use all it's "resources" which it has including these Block 52's to defend the territory and geography of Pakistan. If it would be according to part of it's doctrine during the conflict to use these F-16's to cross the border and perform offensive operations, than it would definitely do it and no restriction, no stupid bug or whatever is going to stop them from doing this. And if it would use it for defensive operations than it would be because planners at PAF are more comfortable with that and not because of some alleged restrictions.

You agree with it, Good. You don't agree with it. No problem. Satisfying fools is not our job anyways. As far as questions are concerned. As I said the guys who know about PAF, definitely know what I am talking about. Being an empty vessel so if you don't know about it, I am not surprised either.

Happy ranting. You are on your own now.:)

@ Najam Khan

Nice pics buddy. :tup:

I think you didn't even tried to read the link that I posted. It was a clarification from PAF to this statement of this senator. Your links are already answered by the AVM of PAF in the link I posted.

The PAF took media representatives from Islamabad to Jacobabad, Sibbi and Sukkur. The trip was arranged at a short notice apparently because of a statement made by a senior health ministry official in the Senate Committee on Health that relief operations in Jacobabad were not possible because the only airbase in the area was under the use of Americans.

Please at least try to read the post and all the links in it before jumping to hit the reply button. The words of Air vice Marshal are much credible than some senator's pathetic statement.
he is not going to tell secrets of paf in interview ofcourse we do not need permission to use f16 in war!!
isn't worthy or important to answer or respond to........it's time now that I should do the same. You are on your own now.

Promises, promises...... How many times have you written the same, yet next thing I know, you're replying to me:-)

So now you know more than the CAS of the PAF? More than the pilot who was interviewed?

All the signs of delusion.
They can see the benefit, by fighting against PAF pilots, IDAF can actually help their "ally" India.

Thus the reality is that GoP is just as hesitant to engage as are the Israelis. Its all for security and political considerations. The former does not want to irk Arabs and the latter may not want to cause waves in their dealings with the Indians.

What were to happen if PAF and IDFAF trained together? Nothing. It would be no different than either us or the Israelis training with the Americans or the British or the Turks. Nobody goes in multilateral or bilateral exercises like an open book. You disclose what you are comfortable disclosing and given what goes on, in most exercises, nobody sticks their noses in others' business. Its a job and professionalism is the hallmark of those who fly for Pakistan and its no different for the Israelis simply put. Pakistan does not want to be seen as building close defence relationship with the Israelis given that our relationship with the Arab countries would be impacted. Israelis may be indifferent. That to me is the most plausible reason for us and them not training together.
i think if anything, the israelis would gain more from exercises with PAF than vice versa.....of course the counter-BVR maneuvers would be helpful to learn but there are other ways to perfect this art it is not exlusively held knowledge held by IAF

it's still quite comical how the israelis were so adament and vociferous about ensuring no PAF personnel were anywhere near them during their stay for A.E. exercise

the IAF faces little challenge by its neighbours ---except perhaps Egypt, though we know the latter will not be engaged in hostilities with IAF in the foreseeable future. The Iranian air fleet is aging and is technologically deprived -- and we have no defence cooperation with the Iranians. Therefore their paranoia is a bit dumb-founded --save for the fact that our pilots have secured kills against israeli air force aircrafts in the past.
i think if anything, the israelis would gain more from exercises with PAF than vice versa.....of course the counter-BVR maneuvers would be helpful to learn but there are other ways to perfect this art it is not exlusively held knowledge held by IAF

I dont know what all the big fuss is about regarding Anti BVR Tactics. PAF has been practising Anti BVR Tactics since the late 1980's, its not a knowledge that is held only be the Israelis. Our boys have mastered Anti BVR Tactics, just ask the Turks when their F16 Block 50's failed to get a lock on our Block 15's when our boys performed their Anti BVR Manoeuvres.

notorious, im with you all the way on that; im just trying to use part of what the pilot mentioned

i would imagine Chinese will also be perfecting this art; given PAF participates in international air exercises they will also be acquiring much knowledge on this and building on what they've already learned (either by first hand, or by notes-sharing with AFs of friendly countries)

can you give more info on the anti BVR exercise we held with the Turks? I dont know much about it

notorious, im with you all the way on that; im just trying to use part of what the pilot mentioned

i would imagine Chinese will also be perfecting this art; given PAF participates in international air exercises they will also be acquiring much knowledge on this and building on what they've already learned (either by first hand, or by notes-sharing with AFs of friendly countries)

can you give more info on the anti BVR exercise we held with the Turks? I dont know much about it

I still remember a post by sir murad, he did mention that in one exercise where Turks were allowed BVR, PAF had all the kills expect one where the pilot momentarily lost control to something (i cant recall exactly what it was) but PAF had the dominant kill ratio, likewise even flying with TuAF, when PAF pilot would be pitted against RAF, Typhoon would have certainly try to concentrate on its BVR capability. Why PAF pilot came out better, because he had better performance in WVR. I still remember an interview of RAF pilot explaining their methodology "a good pilot will always shoot first and run bravely" this somewhat also make me believe about his argument. However, Israelis on the other hand, still value the skill set in WVR much more than BVR , an opposite to USAF or other NATO members which concentrate on BVR. AFAIR , when the first ever engagement of IDAF F-15s with Seriyan Migs, The Cdr Eitan Ben Eliyahu was the one with a gun kill while IAF ace Moshe Melnik scoring one with Heater and one BVR kill by another pilot (i forgot his name), Melnik credited eliyahu as the hero of engagement and said that he was jealous from eliyahu as he brought the most valued gun kill. Why Israelis came out better than arabs? because they keenly trained for WVR and gunnery, ultimately leading to better WVR performance.It has been a culture or tradition for IDAF to train keenly for WVR. So I dont think there would be much of a difference between the two airforces as both follow almost similar vision "Best for the airforce" .

notorious, im with you all the way on that; im just trying to use part of what the pilot mentioned

i would imagine Chinese will also be perfecting this art; given PAF participates in international air exercises they will also be acquiring much knowledge on this and building on what they've already learned (either by first hand, or by notes-sharing with AFs of friendly countries)

can you give more info on the anti BVR exercise we held with the Turks? I dont know much about it

I will quote Murad Sahab over here:

Let me tell you something about your Muslim Mujaheddins they are bunch of ediots one of these days someone will shoot and start a war.
TAF is a good Airforce if you see all the 9 videos they shot planes all missile lock and between 2 and 3 Gs, This shows that the other guy is not taking it seriously most of the Greeks were flying straight.
If you get hold of Shaheen MAG from AHQ PAF it tells you about all the exercises we had with other Air Forces and there results.
AE in turkey was mostly a joint exercise but TAF wanted to go head to head with PAF boys, 2 pilots mentioned are Mansoor and Shargil they both had 3 dogfoghts each Mansoor shot the TAF F-16 all 3 times by guns, Shargil got him twice and the third engagement he and the Turkish went below the Hard deck at the same time. That just shows onces again that the block doesn't matter in Close Quarters because there F-16s were advanced blocks.
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