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An Insight into Al-Khalid II MBT.

none sir
looks like a Chinese photoshop of some Western rip off design.
Bhai, why you think so low of Chinese? If today we take out Chinese-made stuff from our armed forces, I am not sure what we'll be left with to defend our home.
Bhai, why you think so low of Chinese? If today we take out Chinese-made stuff from our armed forces, I am not sure what we'll be left with to defend our home.
its no high or low. to their credit, their things do move and tentatively operate close to their originals. I just state the obvious. all Chinese designs are rooted from Russian or Western designs.
think of some Chinese products and you will struggle to come up with any original design except FC-1 (our JF-17). some are so blatant that they can break down even a stone cold killer .J11 being one such example @MastanKhan might refer to Lavi when talking J-10 or super ten and their stealth aircraft abominations? I better not say anything which might lead to the breakdown of our relations with our sugar daddy.

dont get me wrong. we make do with what we got, but over glorifying it wont help in practice.

That's a pic of Chinese ztz-99a2
yea thats the one. not sure why we decided it was AK2
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Quaid Says
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Every body is talking about Engine Horse power but did not talk about transmission. it looks from what i read it has a six speed transmission, and that transmission as i see it should be changed to eight speed transmission giving this tank faster and smoothewr run and will save 20% of the fuel.
Every body is talking about Engine Horse power but did not talk about transmission. it looks from what i read it has a six speed transmission, and that transmission as i see it should be changed to eight speed transmission giving this tank faster and smoothewr run and will save 20% of the fuel.

@fatman what do you say sir ?
A transmission is a system of gears that controls the speed of any moving vehicle, some time a go, car manufacturer thought to save gas they should go with Hybrid systems meaning car switching between gas engine and batteries but than experience taught them that this kind is prone to more failure as it depends on a switching device that can fail so they came up with a system of transmissions that will have 8 shifts automatically keeping engine revolutions on a highway driving between 1200 to 1400 RP Ms previously engine.

Previously same horse power engine used or in old cars still runs at 3000 to 3200 RPMs running 1000 RPM extra as compare to these new transmissions. of coarse the speed of the car is same as in previous or new transmissions.

Due to low low RPM on high speeds noise reduction will be tremendous and it is important in a war zone to control noise of a machine such as a tank as much as possible.
I am kind of confused.
are AlKhalid and AlKhalid1 are same thing?
where is AlKhalid2?? it must have shown up
and the numbers of AlKhalids we have................320 I guess?? or we have developed more?
I am kind of confused.
are AlKhalid and AlKhalid1 are same thing?
where is AlKhalid2?? it must have shown up
and the numbers of AlKhalids we have................320 I guess?? or we have developed more?
Yes al khalid and al khalid 1 are the same thing
All Pakistani Tanks dont have the "The forward skirt element" like The T-80 UD has it, what is the sense of this "forward skin" to reduce the sandy-dust during driving ? When Yes why Pakistani Tanks dont have it, specially the Alkhaklid Tank which was made for"desert conditions" ^^
A selam @Dazzler

I was talking about that here:


All Pakistani Tanks dont have the "The forward skirt element" like The T-80 UD has it, what is the sense of this "forward skin" to reduce the sandy-dust during driving ? If Yes, why Pakistani Tanks dont have it, specially the Alkhaklid Tank which was made for"desert conditions"

what I have read:" The forward skirt elements are armored and a radiation absorption liner coats the armor inside and outside."

Main Battle Tanks

secondly, what do think about the roof skirt, would it make any sense for our Tank-Designes ?

50is (1).jpg

What I have read about this:"The turret roof between the commander's and gunner's hatches has been provided with additional protection against top attack weapons and a collar of rubber skirts hangs from the turret front. "

The sense of the turret-side skirts was:

"Rubber skirts hangs from the turret front which is believed to reduce the signature of the T-80U and deflect top attack bomblets."

by the check this Al-Khalid ;)
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