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An Indian Muslim Sheds light on Indian Secularism.

This guy is fighter against forces that want to make india a hindu state.

when he talks all indians start crying...

anyways, nice to see indian muslims are finally taking up their stand against hindu force... it seems the indian muslims have been reduced to a mouse infont of the hindu cow... exactly what was feared by muslim leaders pre-partition is happening in india today to muslim... isliyay pakistan bana tha..

Yes he is a true warrior.
As some Pakistanis have been able to realize, the very fact that this piece of sh*t is still breathing and has not been chopped to bits is itself an indication of our secularism.

What should really be done to this kind is another matter altogether.
OK let me say it, people like Owaisi who do politics of divide and rule, of cultural segragation and hatred based on religious ideas are a problem for muslims of india, as they will suffer in the end if they manage to cut themselves off from the mainstream and indian law is trying to prevent it from happening.

In an islamist country like Pakistan, such people however will prosper and indeed have a place in society, even when they end up killing 40000 muslims for being less than muslims. Hence the different spin by the OP and you and a different interpretation by indians and indian law. There, I said it.

that is not the issue I brought up.
I don't know if you have difficulty reading or just not smart enough to understand what i said.

So I will say it one more time.
India has a million and one "leaders" who preach divide and rule.
Yet only the minority leaders seem to be attacked by the government.
While the indian government is putting Owaisi in jail and attacking Golden temples, the Hindu extremist are given a free hand to spread hate and violence against the minorities, as evidence by the numerous youtube videos of RSS rallies with hate speach against Muslims.

And once again, what is it with you and your inability to stay on topic?
Do you have ADHD? Are you physically unable to comprehend what "stay on topic means" ?
you should see a doctor for that.
It seems your high IQ brain is failing to comprehend his post..He is countering the logic of using the speech/action of an extrimist as an example of indian secularism by comparing it to using the actions of high IQ islamic terrorists(who kill thousands every year in the name of islam)of pakistan as an example of pakistani islamiath..


Well, that is about as intelligent an answer one can expect from internet Hindus.
You don't get to be a mindless hate drone like them with a high intellect.

We have 7 pages of Internet Hindus foaming at the mouth about Pakistan while not addressing the topic at hand.
The reason of course is that you people living in a fantasy world where India has white beggars and the taxis are luxury cars.
And you are unable to face the realities of India. Of course in this reality, Pakistan is harbinger of all evil, like a Bollywood movie we are the reason all evil exist on this planet.

You can't really reason with Internet Hindus, even the Congress party has realized this and is trying to crack down on them.
All I have to say is that may God be with India in it's fight against Internet Hindus.


You are still not getting the point..It was not at all about blaming pakistan or its ills..But about the fallacy of using a radical's speech as something to "show light" on indian secularism..Just saying that its as fallacous as showing the action of your everyday killer jehadi as something showing the real face of pakistani islamiyath..I hope you understood the difference..
Its your own deep convictions that is making you believe that we are comparing one blast a day terrorist-islamist $hithole to india..
India has a million and one "leaders" who preach divide and rule.
Yet only the minority leaders seem to be attacked by the government.

There was a hate speech reply to owaisi by top VHP leader Dr.Togadia and there is a case filed against him by Maharashtra Govt..
Maharashtra Police registers case against VHP leader Praveen Togadia for hate speech | NDTV.com
And in his speech akbaruddin owaisi was threatening to "finish off hindus" in three days,while togadia was not at all thretening any community..
@humanfirst, glad to see since you have a good grasp of logic and reason, and indeed intelligence to use them effectively, you do not suffer from the need to keep calling others low iq etc etc in every post.

Like Owaisi, some religious nutjobs through their inherent supremacist beliefs in fairytales feel the need to abuse others, as that the only way they feel they can make a point.
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There was a hate speech reply to owaisi by top VHP leader Dr.Togadia and there is a case filed against him by Maharashtra Govt..
Maharashtra Police registers case against VHP leader Praveen Togadia for hate speech | NDTV.com
And in his speech akbaruddin owaisi was threatening to "finish off hindus" in three days,while togadia was not at all thretening any community..

Thank you for replying to the actual topic.
Now, what do you think about all those RSS rallies that spew hate speech?
Don't you think those people should be in jail too?
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.

Dude, you hit that one out of the park!!!
akbarudin owasi ke baap dada bhi hindus ko finish karne ki baat kahte kahte marr gaye.....aab iski baari hai....anyway police ne usko itne dande maare ki dubaara kabhi nahi bolega....hahahahaha
Hassan Nisar is a traitor dude no body takes him seriously.
He comes into shows when he is high on drinking.
He doesnt know what he is saying.

hasan nisar tells the truth and speaks sensibly than most of ur fellowmen whether hes drunk or not.and hes 10000 times better than this asaduddin and akbaruddin.im not sayn this because i hate muslims or anything i have many muslim friends.im only saying this because i know those schmucks better than you for i was born and brought up in hyderabad.
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