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An Indian Muslim Sheds light on Indian Secularism.

The last part of the video reminds me of the following ayats from Quran.

Surah Al Mumenoon.
Ayat 104 - 111

104:* The Fire will burn their faces, and therein they will grin, with displaced lips (disfigured).

105:* "Were not My Verses (this Qur'an) recited to you, and then you used to deny them?"

106:* They will say: "Our Lord! Our wretchedness overcame us, and we were (an) erring people.

107:* "Our Lord! Bring us out of this. If ever we return (to evil), then indeed we shall be Zalimun: (polytheists, oppressors, unjust, and wrong-doers)."

108:* He (Allah) will say: "Remain you in it with ignominy! And speak you not to Me!"

109:* Verily there was a party of My slaves, who used to say: "Our Lord! We believe, so forgive us, and have mercy on us, for You are the Best of all who show mercy!"

110:*But you took them for a laughing stock, so much so that they made you forget My Remembrance while you used to laugh at them!

111:* Verily I have rewarded them this Day for their patience: they are indeed the ones that are successful.
This is what Indians and Indian lovers call secularism.

What is written?
@Rusty Because you lecture us over Secularism, which is not even in your own country.

Just tell me, who brought good name for Islam, Indian Muslims and Pakistani Muslims.

As for rule of Law. Please don't lecture again. :D

I am not an Indian, I am not pretentious enough and deluded enough to lecture anyone on anything.
I just pointed out the ground realities.
Now it's your prerogative to bury your head in the sand and shout nonsense, but the realities are there.
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if you see my first post, Sanghie terrorists are condemned. these internet-sanghies does not represent 99% of hindus in India. there are places where hinduism is turned into a cult by RSS and other Sanghi terrorists who are slaves of Golwalker. that includes Gujarat IMO.

I know, pretty much you will go in circles posting more videos or links. I have understood that you are just posting here for the sake of posting anti-India. but, as a person, you know that muslims are getting a better chance in India. the gibberish won't work with me. I know you know the truth.

I thank you for condemning a people you never liked in the first place, that takes real courage. But like I said before, the topic is about India and not SriLanka or Pakistan or Mars. If you feel it is unreasonable to talk about the subject then you are free to start a new thread or log off from this site. No one has forced anyone to be here.

The rest of your point is neither here nor there, please go back to what I wrote, read it again, and one more time for comprehension, and then come back and provide a logical and well though out rebutle.
If Indian Muslims are doing better then why are their leaders in Jail while RSS goons are freely roaming the streets and your largest cities are being shut down for the funeral of thugs like Bal? Please answer me that.
@Rusty It sounds extremely funny when Pakistanis try to lecture us on secularism and democracy. :omghaha:

It's even funnier when low IQ people don't understand the meaning of "lecture" but due to inferiority complex, infer things that are not there. ;)
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There are Muslims of pakistan who are willing to kill thousands of muslims of pakistan, no they ARE killing thousands of Muslims of Pakistan even as we type this on religious grounds.

I suppose they are shedding light on pakistan's islamism???

If not, then how does a rabid hate monger, religious nutjob sheds light on India's secularism???
There are Muslims of pakistan who are willing to kill thousands of muslims of pakistan, no they ARE killing thousands of Muslims of Pakistan even as we type this on religious grounds.

I suppose they are shedding light on pakistan's islamism???

Indian, I know this might be hard for you to comprehend, but go through it with one step at a time, and you will accomplish it, okay?

Now repeat,

There are Muslims of pakistan who are willing to kill thousands of muslims of pakistan, no they ARE killing thousands of Muslims of Pakistan even as we type this on religious grounds.

I suppose they are shedding light on pakistan's islamism???

Again, low IQ Indians dont seem to understand how a forum works.

Let me explain it so even an Indian would understand.
OP = Original Poster makes a thread about a topic they want to discuss.
Everyone else should discuss that topic only.
if people feel that they want to discuss another topic, they should open a new thread. This new thread does not cost any money and no one will stop them from doing so.

The reason for this is that it is unfair to the OP to discuss non topic issues and if allowed to go on, derails the entire thread which eventually leads to the thread being deleted.

Now please, stay on topic or don't reply at all.
Imagine a Pakistani Hindu insulting Mohammad in front of thousands of cheering Hindus . The whole Pakistan would have exploded . the world wouldn't miss them though.

Pakistani Hindus are respectful to their country & their state religion.

You folks, on the other hand cannot dare touch the Muslims of India.
Indian, I know this might be hard for you to comprehend, but go through it with one step at a time, and you will accomplish it, okay?

Now repeat,

One is just wondering how shameless Pakistanis really have to be. Your society doesn't even spare mentally challenged children from falsely accusing of blasphemy and driving out whole colonies of Christians. It is literally a week since 100s of Christian homes were burnt for blasphemy accusicion . Now I think about it, it's not strange at all. Fanatics supporting another fanatic.
Pakistani Hindus are respectful to their country & their state religion.

You folks, on the other hand cannot dare touch the Muslims of India.

no,we do touch them,because they are a part of my country..so yes we do touch them,play with them and eat with them..

you on the other hand may not touched a pakistani hindu,chances are dim and getting dimmer,as they migrate to india..
Again, low IQ Indians dont seem to understand how a forum works.

Let me explain it so even an Indian would understand.
OP = Original Poster makes a thread about a topic they want to discuss.
Everyone else should discuss that topic only.
if people feel that they want to discuss another topic, they should open a new thread. This new thread does not cost any money and no one will stop them from doing so.

The reason for this is that it is unfair to the OP to discuss non topic issues and if allowed to go on, derails the entire thread which eventually leads to the thread being deleted.

Now please, stay on topic or don't reply at all.

You must be stupid not to see that I did not reject what the idiot owaisi said. Anyone can say anything.

However the original poster, a high IQ one like yourself, takes the opinion of a rabid religious maniac to judge the founding principle of my country and all insecure pakistanis join the corus of that ridiculous assertion, i.e. instead of discussing what owaisi said they discuss the spin the high iq OP posted.

Since that high IQ poster happens to be pakistani, its valid to expose the hollowness and hypocrisy of his assertion that what a rabid islamist says or does is a commentary on the nature of a nation. And that is achieved by pointing out that 40000 pakistanis have been killed by rabid islamists the like of owaisi and that if owaisi's speech is a commentary on india, then the violent bloody actions of those islamists is a commentary of pakistan.

Keep splashing your high iq pls, its entertaining.
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