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An Arab-Persian Air War- A simulated look

They are supposed to have around 50 AH-1Js I think. They should've had some significant impact if used smartly.

Also is there a way to simulate UCAVs in your simulations? I would imagine they would have 100s of Shahed-129s by the time this conflict takes place. Swarm attacks using these might be effective against formations of tanks. Or simply to saturate air defences to allow the air force to strike with easier skies.
There is a way to do that but the Shahed-129 may not be as much a factor as we think.
There is a way to do that but the Shahed-129 may not be as much a factor as we think.
How large scale use of UCAVs or UAVS in major war would affect the outcome is an interesting thought experiment for me but I am really not leaning towards any side on this. I would love to find out though. Would they be shot out of the sky like sitting ducks or will they have a significant affect on the battle.

Any updates on Day 3?
How large scale use of UCAVs or UAVS in major war would affect the outcome is an interesting thought experiment for me but I am really not leaning towards any side on this. I would love to find out though. Would they be shot out of the sky like sitting ducks or will they have a significant affect on the battle.

Any updates on Day 3?
Doing Day-3 now.. UAV's do matter but mostly in recon. I do have a surprise in UCAV though but the game engine isnt using it so far.
Doing Day-3 now.. UAV's do matter but mostly in recon. I do have a surprise in UCAV though but the game engine isnt using it so far.
Shouldn't Turkey feature in this. Just wondering because they will have to pick one side.
@Oscar is that all designed by you?
Which AI interface you used to run this simulation and what information you fed it? It must have required some input right?
I am not a geek type but frankly, i never knew you were into this stuff as well? I take you as more of a hardware guy :P
Will like to know if this was done by you? which engine? interface? what were the inputs? etc
It all looks great and interesting.
@Arsalan Can the Iranian F 14 Tomcats still fly or fight ;
are they any good
They are decades old and have gone through this time fighting years long war and without any support from the original manufacturer. There is no way these planes are in there prime condition. However, Iran have managed to keep a few operations. Also we all understand and should appreciate that Iran do do have a good strong industrial base and they were able to keep these planes operational though in reduced numbers by incorporating local parts and modifications. The real question should be how much of a concern they are for the Arab world. For that, all one need to think about is a couple of dozen F14 against squadrons of Rafale, Typhoons, F15s, F16 Blk60 etc and it gives a not so happy picture for Iran.

The future for them can and will be brighter with highly likely procurement of Su30 from Russian and probable J10 from China or other equivalent options.
@Arsalan Can the Iranian F 14 Tomcats still fly or fight ;
are they any good
Here are some interesting links...





These are blogs but still they seem to sugest the same.

They are decades old and have gone through this time fighting years long war and without any support from the original manufacturer. There is no way these planes are in there prime condition. However, Iran have managed to keep a few operations. Also we all understand and should appreciate that Iran do do have a good strong industrial base and they were able to keep these planes operational though in reduced numbers by incorporating local parts and modifications. The real question should be how much of a concern they are for the Arab world. For that, all one need to think about is a couple of dozen F14 against squadrons of Rafale, Typhoons, F15s, F16 Blk60 etc and it gives a not so happy picture for Iran.

The future for them can and will be brighter with highly likely procurement of Su30 from Russian and probable J10 from China or other equivalent options.

The capability of F-14's can be seen from these posts of @Oscar

Most of the early day or rather night was spent by my flying a F-15SA on fighter sweep, but I chose to focus on the types of assets launched. The most interesting bit was the game engine letting the Iranian side set up a fighter sweep prior to us launching to after the HVAA assets. They actually launched some 8 F-14s to go after the Saudi E-3 which was well inside Iraqi airspace and defended by EF-Typhoons. I had to cut that engagement due to it looking awkward with me switching between all the aircraft, but the F-14 sweep overwhelmed the Typhoons with AIM-54 and Sedjeel(HAWK adapted for A2A) shots. They took 2 losses but took out the 2 typhoons that were providing HVAA cover. The E-3 fell to the AIM-54 eventually.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/an-arab-persian-air-war-a-simulated-look.428109/#ixzz47K0McHWa

What was important was that the Iranians were fighting back tooth and nail as expected and despite an older fleet as such were taking a toll on GCC forces. The most effective asset still remained the Iranian F-14 which kept using its sniping technique to take out many an unsuspecting aircraft. The GCC forced however at large managed to inflict quite a few losses on the Iranians in the BVR arena with many Iranian Su-30's falling to Meteors and AIM-120s despite their volleys of R-77s. However, the Arabs found themselves matched in WVR and in the case of the Mig-29/R-73 outplayed a Rafale strike flight and took 4 of them down. Although the rafale's engaged a lot of targets and probably killed more.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/an-arab-persian-air-war-a-simulated-look.428109/page-2#ixzz47K1NGBn0

IIAF would be interested in getting the Rafales and Su-30MKI's rather then going for the J-10's.
The following is an attempt to let a game engine play out an Arab-Iranian Air war over the greater middle east that includes most of the GCC peninsula, Iraq and Iran. The scenario focuses on a GCC presence in Iraq under the guise of taking out ISIS.
There is no script or otherwise on how the mission are happening. Its not an exacting simulation like others but due to the ability to introduce all these assets into theatre. It is a reasonable way to look at what might transpire based on basic initial variable in a Iran-GCC conflict in the near future.
@Horus @Serpentine @Khafee @JamD @HRK
Please feel free to tag others if you feel like it. Ill be doing it day by day as the system plans out its ops and creates missions and the environment for it. Ive been trying to tinker with the AI and Campaign planners for this simulator to get it to more realistic levels of tasking and operations. The results have been pretty surprising.
The video is in SD for now, will do Day-2 as HD.
March 2021- The Middle East - Operation Nasr-as-Salehin

On the third week of Operation Nasr-as-Salehin, the GCC ground forces who were emboldened by their success in Yemen and their rearmament have taken their deployment as far as north Iraq and now comprise of regiments of M1-A1s, Leopards and Leclercs along with various AFV's pushing back what are purported to be ISIS and other rebellion forces out of the Iraqi main grounds in what is being called a sanitation attempt to "rid the Middle east of terrorism". The push has met resistance from both the Shia militia's supported by Iran but also elements of the Iraqi Army not taking this uncalled for invasion lightly. More so, the push seems to be focusing on spreading strong points and FoBs across the Iran-Iraq border whilst bypassing populated areas which are left to be pounded by GCC airpower in the shape of a combined attack helo fleet with on and off assistance by fixed wing air power.

The Iranians have been protesting and actively helping the Shia militias fight back which is only leading to greater effort by the GCC forces to try and form a blockade on supply routes from Iran to these militias. Tensions have never been higher as both sides have been having near skirmishes.

The GCC is well equipped after its rearmament plans began in the early 2000s. The Emiratis have their full compliment of F-16 Block-61s , although they are still soldering along with their Mirage 2000's as they wait for F-35s. The Saudi F-15SA fleet is at full strength along with its Typhoon fleet, the Kuwaitis are pitching in with F/A-18s and Typhoons, The Qataris have Rafale's on standby.

The Iranians have also rearmed since the easing of sanctions. First to go were the F-7s at Omidiyeh which were replaced by Su-30MKD(with D for Darius) of which Iran had 120 on order with 60 delivered. Additionally, they had purchased the F-10BP fighters from China to replace the Early F-4D's. With the S-300's now fully deployed being followed by Low level Chinese SAM systems.. this was not an Iran without teeth.

Considering the increasing might of Iran and seeing time running out for their intervention being of any use besides dead troops, The GCC takes an ambush on troops near Khosravi to put Operation Fawz into effect. The entire air might of the GCC is comitted into a pre-emptive strike on Iranian forces and assets. However, the Iranians get wind of the plans via HUMINT at the key Air Bases in the peninsula..and launch their own defensive operation under the name "Inteqam".

Most of the early day or rather night was spent by my flying a F-15SA on fighter sweep, but I chose to focus on the types of assets launched. The most interesting bit was the game engine letting the Iranian side set up a fighter sweep prior to us launching to after the HVAA assets. They actually launched some 8 F-14s to go after the Saudi E-3 which was well inside Iraqi airspace and defended by EF-Typhoons. I had to cut that engagement due to it looking awkward with me switching between all the aircraft, but the F-14 sweep overwhelmed the Typhoons with AIM-54 and Sedjeel(HAWK adapted for A2A) shots. They took 2 losses but took out the 2 typhoons that were providing HVAA cover. The E-3 fell to the AIM-54 eventually.

nice1, what sim are you using, falcon 4 BMS ?
Nothing exiting happened on day 3 and day 4?
Coming up, the video recorded then needs to be arranged.. and I have been locked out of my youtube account.

Will do it in a bit.

@Oscar is that all designed by you?
Which AI interface you used to run this simulation and what information you fed it? It must have required some input right?
I am not a geek type but frankly, i never knew you were into this stuff as well? I take you as more of a hardware guy :P
Will like to know if this was done by you? which engine? interface? what were the inputs? etc
It all looks great and interesting.
Its a semi-realistic sim with modification friendly characteristics.
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