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An Afghan PM Once Offered Vajpayee A Chance To Divide Pakistan Between Themselves

Bhutto, benazeer and zia died unnatural deaths because they talked about kashmir. Thats what god wills.

Ok if that sounded retarded, welcome to PDF!
On the other hand, India’s reins were in the hands of a Prime Minister who so deeply hated his own intelligence agencies that he actually betrayed them into the hands of Pakistanis. So even if the Soviet invasion hadn’t happened, Morarji Desai would never have let that happen to his ‘friend’ Mohammed Zia-ul-Haq, Pakistan’s military chief turned President.

And Morarji Desai was a CIA agent who was paid 20000USD yearly to work for the Americans.

The relationship between Afghanistan and India is at its strongest in recent years. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visits to the country and his bonding with the Afghan top leadership has helped India make its presence integral to Afghanistan both for strategic and economic reasons.

There was a time that the relationship between Kabul and New Delhi was so strong that one of them actually suggested the elimination of a mutual enemy.
That mutual enemy was, and still is, Pakistan.

Pakistan has been a perennial pain in the arse for India. But this pain could have been alleviated permanently if things had gone right for Afghanistan and India had a different leadership.

It was the late 1970s and Atal Bihari Vajpayee was the External Affairs Minister in the Morarji Desai government. Hafizullah Amin was then the Prime Minister of Afghanistan.


File photo of Afghan Prime Minister Hafizullah Amin.Alchetron

It was the time when Afghanistan was not what it is today. Women in Kabul wore western clothing and had a very modern outlook of life. The Soviet Union was a great friend of both Afghanistan and India. So both had the backing of a powerful country.

In September of 1978, Atal Bihari Vajpayee travelled to Afghanistan. There he met, among other leaders, Prime Minister Amin.


A file photo of Atal Bihari Vajpayee.Indian Express

Now, according to legendary journalist Kuldip Nayar, Amin made a proposal that took Vajpayee by surprise.

In his autobiography, ‘Beyond the Lines’, Nayar wrote that Amin suggested Vajpayee that India and Afghanistan should attack Pakistan and divide the country between themselves.
That was indeed a very bold statement. To Vajpayee, it was certainly unexpected. Nothing of that sort happened.

By December 1979, the Soviets invaded Afghanistan as the country descended into a political quagmire. Amin was assassinated by Soviet troops, who he foolishly believed to be on his side till the last moment.


Soviet tanks surround Afghan capital of Kabul in as seen in this 1980 photo.AP

On the other hand, India’s reins were in the hands of a Prime Minister who so deeply hated his own intelligence agencies that he actually betrayed them into the hands of Pakistanis. So even if the Soviet invasion hadn’t happened, Morarji Desai would never have let that happen to his ‘friend’ Mohammed Zia-ul-Haq, Pakistan’s military chief turned President.

Pakistan’s good luck kept it safe despite having hostiles on either side.

Today Afghanistan is nowhere close to its pre-Soviet invasion days. It has its own problems at home – the Taliban and a whole host of terrorists. India, on the other hand, has become stronger but is plagued by problems such as lack of political unity, intellectuals who sympathise with terrorists, and terrorists sponsored by ISI.

In the past, use to think why Pak govts or PA are so uncomfortable with Afghan govts. Now got the answer. tsk tsk tsk...some unthankful bastards ....
You display your pettiness my mocking the dead. Appalling and distasteful.

Coming from you, a very senior moderator even more so.

Let me put this in perspective for you ...This is a list of your leaders and their demise. Feel free make a similar comparison with ours.

Moral of the story -- Do not throw stones at others when you live in a glass house.

Liaquat Ali Khan
On 16 October 1951, Khan was shot twice and killed during a public meeting of the Muslim City League at Company Bagh (Company Gardens), Rawalpindi.

Iskander Mirza
Iskander Mirza lived in exile in London, England, until his death. It is reported that Mirza struggled financially while living in London trying to run a small Pakistan cuisine hotel. Here he lived in poverty until his death.

Yahya Khan

Yahya remained under house arrest orders until 1979 when he was released from the custody by martial law administrator General Fazle Haq. He remained out from the public events and died on 10 August 1980 in Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan. He died of over-indulgence from alcohol.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

On 4 April 1979, Bhutto was hanged to death.

Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq
Zia died in a plane crash on 17 August 1988. With the passing of Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan, General Zia's name was permanently deleted from the Constitution of Pakistan.

I could go on.. I am not going to. I am sorry I had to stoop down so disgustingly low. The death of a leader of a country is sacred. That you would willingly choose to mock that is beyond words.

@Khafee @Chauvinist

You have been the voice the reason for years now. For the life of me I cannot figure out why you would thank such a post. What good is going to come out of it?

This is beyond healthy trolling ...

God knows I have trolled my fair share too and got it good right back, but in all my years here I have never seen a moderator indulge in such vile stuff.

Beyond shocked.

I agree that the dead irrespective of being Pakistani or Indian or whatever background, shouldn't be mocked. Its not nice at all, and I'm sorry you feel like that. I care for Our boys because it's not a personal war. Both sides need to exchange dialogue but with all due respect since the leadership of Modi, matters have gotten worse and I hope that both Countries can resolve matters for the sake of future oncoming generations and restore peace.
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