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An Afghan PM Once Offered Vajpayee A Chance To Divide Pakistan Between Themselves

And Pakistan, when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you . But they plan, and ISI plans. And ISI is the best of planners.
Please delete your post. Do not eschew Ayahs form the Quran.

Amin = Killed
Mujib = Killed
Indra = Killed
Najeeb = Killed
Rajiv = Killed

Rest i will leave to your respective imagination. :coffee:
You are giving atheists nightmares.

By December 1979, the Soviets invaded Afghanistan as the country descended into a political quagmire. Amin was assassinated by Soviet troops, who he foolishly believed to be on his side till the last moment.


Point to be noted.
It has been told in the books, the forefothers and Sage told the people whoever wanted to or wants to divide Pakistan He/She will die an un-natural death. Nature will take revenge from these people and they will die at the hands of others.

1. Indirah Gandi

2. Shiekh Mujeeb

3. Bhutto

4. *Drum Rolls*..... President Hafizullah Amin (Assassinated in 1979)

All other parties are welcome to try if they think they can outrun the nature's revenge

Why couldn't you just say God's wrath?
It has been told in the books, the forefothers and Sage told the people whoever wanted to or wants to divide Pakistan He/She will die an un-natural death. Nature will take revenge from these people and they will die at the hands of others.

1. Indirah Gandi

2. Shiekh Mujeeb

3. Bhutto

4. *Drum Rolls*..... President Hafizullah Amin (Assassinated in 1979)

All other parties are welcome to try if they think they can outrun the nature's revenge

Astaghfirullah :disagree::disagree:

Interesting observation.....Almost every Afghan wanted or wants to divide Pakistan.......why millions of them did not die un-natural death?
And after that Afghanistan entered into a bloody war resulting in hundreds of thousands of dead. I mean have they even read the stories of the Soviets and their brutality of afghan men and women. Maybe if they didn't blind themselves in their hatred and worked on their own nation, they would have had to invite their own destroyers aka the soviets.

And then after the withdrawal, they started fighting amongst themselves divided, killing each other like animals and then Taliban took over but wait.

Here is the interesting part.

Afghanistan was divided in two when Taliban took over. There were the Taliban areas and the northern areas belonging to northern Tajik groups. Badakshan. In fact if the US had never invaded Afghanistan was going to be divided with badakshan separated.

Today its the same story. The Taliban control 38% of Afghanistan. It is still a divided hell hole.

Yet they continue to make enemies. Yet they still don't focus on their own homes. They still dream about breaking pakistan. Focus on your own home rather than on the home of others.
and guess what we did to afghanistan..ruined their generations to the point that they prefer to live as 2nd class refugee in pakistan..
No, this is wrong. We didn't treat afghans as second class citizens, We feed them, and still they are doing job here and millions feeding their family. This is afghanis which turned against us, few of them joined terrorist organisations. They eat on our bowl, getting job here but still stays bad evil to Pakistan.
Actually it is Afghani , they are namak harams. They are against Pakistan from first day since creation of Pakistan.
Interesting observation.....Almost every Afghan wanted or wants to divide Pakistan.......why millions of them did not die un-natural death?

The greatest embarrassment and humiliation for me would be ............... all my life I wished a country and its people ill and when it came to saving my own life and my dear ones ........... it was that same country I sought refuge in ......... that country hosted me and took care of me for decades. But then its me and I am no Afghan so don't know how they would feel.
The greatest embarrassment and humiliation for me would be ............... all my life I wished a country and its people ill and when it came to saving my own life and my dear ones ........... it was that same country I sought refuge in ......... that country hosted me and took care of me for decades. But then its me and I am no Afghan so don't know how they would feel.
Innocent people do not wish as such may be most of them don't know the boundaries of Pakistan and Afghanistan .It is people like Braith=Samandari abuse,think bad intended to do bad while being in Pakistan and they are know as "Surkey" red inqalab baqiyat....
Innocent people do not wish as such may be most of them don't know the boundaries of Pakistan and Afghanistan .It is people like Braith=Samandari abuse,think bad intended to do bad while being in Pakistan and they are know as "Surkey" red inqalab baqiyat....

My comment was only for people who wished us ill .............. the ones who never cared I am sure they won't be able to read it.
Obnoxious. That is the word to describe Afghans.

Still waiting for the village Fazlullah is living in to be carpet bombed.
Indeed Allah swt is the best planner ..

No one should think bad about anyone , we all should wish good for each other.
Jo dusron k liye ghara khodta ha woh us me khud ja girta ha .

Yeh kis qisam ka behauda mazak hai.
Allah is the best planner .. change u freaking sentence.

@save_ghenda bhai Ainda khyal rakhein. : )
Is tarah k Mazak anti islam krte hain .

Allah swt se mafi mangen .
Ayat ka ehtaram har musalman pe lazim ha .. : )
Interesting observation.....Almost every Afghan wanted or wants to divide Pakistan.......why millions of them did not die un-natural death?

Millions of Afghans were forced to swallow their pride and flee to our country. They cowardly clung to us for 30 years, involved in all sorts of petty crime and depraved things to make a living and are now being thrown out like the dogs they are. This was God's punishment to the deceitful and thankless people known as the Afghans.
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