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Amur (Siberian) tigers make 'remarkable' comeback in China


Nov 4, 2011
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Amur (Siberian) tigers make 'remarkable' comeback in China

July 27

An international team of scientists say that tigers could come roaring back in an unlikely place: Northeastern China.

Scientists from Northeastern Forest University in Harbin in China, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), UC Davis, Amur Tiger National Reserve, the World Wildlife Fund, and other groups recently published their results in the journal Biological Conservation, and say that four major forested landscapes — Laoyeling, Zhang-Guangcailing, Wandashan and the Lesser Khinghan Mountains — may be able to support more than 300 Amur tigers, including 119 breeding females.

China has already made considerable progress in recent years to restore these iconic big cats with at least 55 individuals identified in recent surveys.

To achieve the goal of 300-plus tigers in China, the authors say that large prey species, such as red deer and wild boar, need to be restored, along with extensive land-use planning, improving connectivity of habitat, reducing negative human impacts, and extensive international cooperation.

In addition, a feasibility assessment is needed for reintroduction of tigers from other sources as a means of speeding recovery in landscapes without breeding females.

As many as 500 Amur tigers roamed throughout northeast China as late as the 1930s. However, by 2000, due to loss of habitat and prey combined with poaching, no more than 12-16 Amur tigers were found along the border with Russia.

Since then, the Natural Forest Protection Project halted logging over much of the region and led to the relocation of forest workers out of the region. The creation of nature reserves, improved anti-poaching efforts, and compensation for human-tiger conflicts have further helped to ease the pressures facing tigers in northeast China.

Camera trap surveys from 2013 to 2018 detected a total of 55 individual tigers in the four forest landscapes in Northeast China, with an increase from seven individuals in 2013 to 33 individuals in 2018. During this same period, at least 20 cubs were born in northeast China.

Amur tigers are distributed across 47,813 sq km in four major landscapes, but the vast majority are found in the Laoyeling Landscape, where the Chinese government recently created the Northeast Tiger Leopard National Park along the border with Russia.

At 14,600 sq km, this park represents the largest protected area for tigers in the world.

Guangshun Jiang, the leading author of the paper, said: "It is clear that there is still a long way to go to realize a viable future for tigers in northeast China and northeast Asia. We need to build a meta-population of tigers connected across all four major forest landscapes in China, creating source populations in Chinese protected areas.

In China, there is still a need to restore prey populations, create a permeable landscape of well-connected habitat and compatible human land uses, strengthen trans-boundary habitat connectivity, and focus on those threats that are suppressing tiger numbers today.

"With trans-boundary cooperation allowing movement of tigers across the international border in multiple locations, there is the opportunity for a dramatic recovery of tigers in northeast China."

Camera trap surveys from 2013 to 2018 detected a total of 55 individual tigers in the four forest landscapes in Northeast China, with an increase from 7 individuals in 2013 to 33 individuals in 2018. During this same period, at least 20 cubs were born in northeast China.

This explosive increase of tiger population in merely 5 years had already brought a sudden hike of human tiger conflicts in recent years.
How can Siberian tigers breed like rats, should impose a 3 child policy on them.
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People in those regions better not to leave their cars wherever they go...

China has large area of primary forrest at Xing An Ling and Heilongjiiang. Large number of Siberian Tiger there and no one knows exactly how many.
I know tiger looks good but just imagine how many beautiful deers would have been killed to keep Tigers afloat.

I don't really get this animal protection law published this year, the law is way too extreme, even some insects are protected by law now:angel:

Nowadays it seems that only human and flies are not protected animals in China, ooops, dont give ideas to these crazy law makers about the latter.
Frequent human tiger encounters in multiple locations in Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces on almost daily basis, the tigers are increasingly encroaching human lands in North East China.

December. 16, 2021, A train almost hit a Siberian tiger in Heilongjiang province.

Locals frequently encounter Siberian tigers on the way to work and back home
This explosive increase of tiger population in merely 5 years had already brought a sudden hike of human tiger conflicts in recent years.
How can Siberian tigers breed like rats, should impose a 3 child policy on them.

well if Chinese stop using Tiger bones to make "spiritual" medicine it would greatly
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