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Amnesty International on Kulbushan Jadhav: Pakistan military court violates international standards

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Sep 20, 2009
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Amnesty International on Kulbushan Jadhav: Pakistan military court violates international standards

LONDON/NEW DELHI: By sentencing Indian national Kulbushan Jadhav to death, Pakistan's military court system has once again showed how it "rides roughshod over international standards", Amnesty International said on Monday, questioning the secretive court's ability to dispense justice.

Amnesty opposes the death penalty at all times and in all circumstances, regardless of who is accused, the crime, guilt or innocence, or the method of execution, he said.

A Pakistan military court sentenced Jadhav to death+ after he was convicted of "espionage and sabotage activities".

The award of the death sentence to the 46-year-old former Naval officer at a court-martial was confirmed by Pakistan's army chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa on Monday.

" The death sentence+ given to Kulbushan Jadhav shows yet again how Pakistan's military court system rides roughshod over international standards," Biraj Patnaik, South Asia director, Amnesty International, said in response to Pakistan military court sentencing Jadhav to death for alleged spying.

"Stripping defendants of their rights and operating in notorious secrecy, military courts do not dispense justice but travesty it. They are an inherently abusive system that are best left to deal with issues of military discipline, not any other crimes," Patnaik said in a statement.
The prominent rights group also noted that over 87 executions were recorded in Pakistan in 2016 and more than ver 360 death sentences were recorded in the country last year.

Pakistan sentences alleged Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav to death: 10 developments

It said that over 6,000 people are known to be under death sentence at the end of 2016 in Pakistan, which is among the world's top 5 executioners.

If Pak executes Jadhav, it'll be a premeditated murder: India

Reacting strongly, India on Monday said it will regard as "premeditated murder" if Pakistan carries out the death sentence, awarded to its national Kulbhushan Jadhav "without observing basic norms of law and justice".

Foreign secretary S Jaishankar summoned Pakistan high commissioner to India Abdul Basit and gave a strongly-worded demarche, which said the proceedings that have led to the sentence against Jadhav were "farcical" as there were no "credible evidence" against him.

The proceedings that have led to the sentence against Jadhav are "farcical in the absence of any credible evidence" against him, it said, adding it is significant that Indian High Commission was not even informed that Jadhav was being brought to trial.
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If it was an Israeli citizen (Jew) in the hands of Palestinian Islamic terrorists like Hamas, we would have razed Gaza or West Bank to ground. I would like to see how much Modi values the life of an ... Read MoreCol. Avner Mueller

"Senior Pakistani figures have themselves cast doubt about the adequacy of evidence. The claim in the ISPR release that Jadhav was provided with a defending officer during the so-called trial is clearly absurd in the circumstances.

"If this sentence against an Indian citizen, awarded without observing basic norms of law and justice, is carried out, the government and people of India will regard it as a case of premeditated murder," the foreign secretary said in the demarche.

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Listen when it suits the rule of hypocrites
Amnesty international has been crying for Kashmir for years and India never listened. Amnesty international has been crying for women being raped in India and Indians never listened, Amnesty international has been crying for minorities rights in India and Modi always gave Amnesty international a shutup call and now suddenly India cares about the Amnesty international. Few days back India threatened to ban Amnesty international from India and now suddenly they want to stand along Amnesty international wow.
Amnesty international first help get Kashmiris justice, oh wait can u protest to India on killing of innocent Pakistanis through their proxies. No , u won't cz u dnt have balls to do that. It's our country nd our law.
Its not about Amnesty. I hate that organisation as well. But it is about Natural justice. When you are trying an International citizen its mandatory the embassy is roped in, can be provided the best possible layer (paid for by his country or family), and most importantly transparency. Kasab was provided an good defence lawyer, media was let in, and the whole world knew how the trial proceeded.

This thing looks more like a farce. I dont care how they treat Pakistani citizens in their country. But in this particular case, this is what I call an Banana court.
Few point I bring want bring to discussion
These all bravery in Pakistan is just Chinese push from backside .
It is clearly violation of international norms . If Pakistani believe in clear trial give consular access to accuse and shows /give us evidence .
It is clear murder of a abducted retired naval officer turn businessmen from Iran .
We will see it as clear murder .
We will try each and every mathod to stop this .
If we not able to do so , Pakistan will face more intense heat , and then it will be difficult to bear pain for Pakistan , but to whom Pakistan will ask the pain as no one be in mood to hear only China will be there to give one more push from backside .
It said that over 6,000 people are known to be under death sentence at the end of 2016 in Pakistan,
Wtf seriously? Man talk about human rights abuse , India with 1.3 billion people and the rampant terror groups has handed out only 1,303 death sentences in the past 10 years .

Seriously ,who the hell sentences 6000 people to death per year.:blink:
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