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Amit Shah: If BJP wins West Bengal, not even a bird will enter from Bangladesh

Kolkata Bangals have origins in Bangladesh, and are rather open-minded and open-walleted like us.

I find it hard to believe your account that Kolkata Ghotis can be 'splurging money' at any point. Even if they are business owners...

Any Bangladeshi that has gone to Kolkata at any point in time (that would include 75% of our population) would vouch that Kolkata Ghotis are a diehard kanjoos bunch. This is not a new thing, the impression has been there since WW II, or even earlier.

We Bangladeshis have many jokes about this type of Ghoti behavior. Ask any Bangladeshi, it is fact.
Ghoti bangal stereotyping goes on even in North east, you'll see people laughing about their galis saying it sounds too sweet to be a gali but that's just about the dialect which can't be changed, people laugh about noakhalis too and they are bangal, but saying that particular populace in West Bengal are all kanjoos and all others bangals in India just because their ancestors lived in bd area in past are somehow above all that is something i feel is highly biased. I'm quite sure there will be many highly cheapo bd people out there :angel:I feel such stereotypes spread more by word of mouth than by actual experiences.
Thanks for the compliment.
Our views are more important than who we are :
Just to go over the facts .

Driven by a combination of factors such as sectarian communal politics, climate change and population pressures, illegal infiltration from Bangladesh is a problem for India.

(a) There are Hindus leaving due to communal violence, mostly from poorly administered remote rural regions.

(b) Muslims fleeing depletion of their agricultural lands due to erosion and climate change effects.
Or simply overpopulation ( 2400 + per sq.km )

(c) Buddhists ( Chakma tribals) fleeing sectarian violence with Bengali Muslim settlers in the CHT.

That the above has been a problem has been admitted by the home ministers all political parties ( Congress, Left Wing, BJP). The Indian states most affected have been Assam and West Bengal.
You seems to believe each and every bullsh!t propaganda hinduwadis pull out from their backside without any exception! Show me any reliable data which prove millions of Bangladeshi Muslims have settled in India?

Muslim population growth in Assam and West Bengal is almost entirely due to higher fertility rate. All over India, Muslims have higher fertility rate than Hindus and they are growing faster rate than other major religious groups. In fact West Bengal's muslim growth as a percentage is lower than all India Muslim growth and for Assam, it is at the national average.

A typical Muslim family in West Bengal and Assam has 1 or 2 more children than a typical Hindu family. And this phenomenon, though narrowing in recent times, existed for many decades. Coupled with initially higher percentage of Muslims, it produced a significan minority in West Bengal and Assam much to the discomfort of Hinduwadis. In 1951 census, Muslims were 25% percent of Assam's population, now it is 35%, in West Bengal, Muslims were 20% in 1951 and 27% now. How it is anyway different percentage wise than all Indian Muslim population increasing from 10% in 1951 to 14% now?

It is true, millions of East Pakistan/Bangladesh origin Hindus migrated in India. But there is no reliable proof than large number of Muslims from Bangladesh shifted to neighboring Indian states. There are some Bangladeshi Muslims gone to big and relatively prosperous Indian cities like Mumbai or Bangaluru illegally for jobs, but their number can not be more than a few thousands. Which is evident in fact that, even after a sting operations, police in Mumbai or Bangaluru only manage to catch 2-4 Bangladeshi illegal and it become national headline! If our police were that vigilente, we also could have round up hundreds of illegal Indians in Dhaka.
(b) Muslims fleeing depletion of their agricultural lands due to erosion and climate change effects.
Or simply overpopulation ( 2400 + per sq.km )
Why are you falsifying the data on population density of Bangladesh? Show me any reference which says, population density in Bangladesh 2400+ per sq. km? Bangladesh's population density is 1106 per sq.km. This type of density is common in India in some states where soil and climate condition is similar to Bangladesh. West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala all has population density around 1000/sq. km. Even in Pakistan, northern Punjab has population density near to 1000 per sq. km given than Punjab has average density already 600/ sq.km. If we taken into account that southern Punjab has sparsely populated Cholistan desert and other semi arid areas, then the fertile northern Punjab has very similar density like Bangladesh. So, Bangladesh's population density is nothing unusual in South Asian context. Even fertile deltas(Soil and topography similar to BD) of East Asia has population density around 1000 people per sq. km. Egypt's Nile delta has population density of 2000 per sq. km. Deltas are inherently capable to support very dense population. Bangladesh's 80 percent land is ferlite, alluvial plain delta.
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I don't know what it is, but some ladies say it is cheaper in Kolkta even with air fare.

Rubbish, it's an excuse for an overseas shopping visit,
they are making a fool out of you guys :rofl:
The BSF strength alone is almost equal to the entire strength of the Bangladesh Armed Forces.

I can agree with a lot of what you say, some not so much, but I'm sure you already know size and strength are two different things. There is no way in hell is BSF stronger then BA, let alone the whole armed forces.
itna be na karr bhai jaan lol
We have a recent thread on this. At the conference last December the Bangladesh Border Guards Chief himself admitted to his Indian counterpart that his countrymen were attempting to enter India.
While I can show you that, the BSF chief himself said that smuggling is the only motif for infiltration from Bangladesh.
Smuggling only motive for infiltrators from Bangladesh: Border Security Force

Even BGB chief implied smuggler infiltration , not settler migrant, which you cunningly avoided to reveal. As I have said, you parrot every hindutva propaganda against Bangladesh which should be unusual for a genuine Pakistani. You do not believe Hindutva propaganda against Pakistan, then why you make the exception for Bangladesh? Do you have some inborn hatred for Bangladesh?
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These are Rohingyas meeting some UN officials across the Bangladesh-Myanmar border. What are you trying to convey by posting this picture? That Bangladeshis are logingly looking at Indian border to cross? How shameless you can be?
Again you are busted for circulating fake image.
This is most probably India-Pakistan border. Modi did not visit Bangladesh border. Plus look at the terrain. Dry, barren landscape. Nowhere in Bangladesh-India border this kind of landscape can be found. India-Bangladesh border travers fertile farmland, rivers, forested hills, not this.
1. Climate change is going to drown Maldives that has a higher per capita annual income :$6000. But Maldives population is only 300,000 and they are wealthy enough to buy real estate in Australia.
Maldives abandoned the plan to buy land in Australia several years ago after the transition of govt, they are now creating artificial islands 2 meter above sea level to protect themselves from potential sea level rise.
I like how you simultaneously piss of Indians , Bangladeshis and Pakistanis...

Your knowledge is really great too.. Makes Indian and bangladeshis scratch their heads.. Notice how some have gone on to abuse you instead of replying in dignified manner.
I can demolish each and every of his falsification, pseudo-argument and deceptive tactics, but it will take a lot of times. Not only me, but many of the Bangladeshi posters here can do that. Just look at all those ultra-lengthy posts he is churning out. It seems, he is on key-board 24 hours. Nobody us has such time to forcefully engage with him. He is simply a maniac. Moreover what he is saying here is nothing new. Those hindutva propaganda is debunked many times here. We have hundreds of threads and thousands of post refuting those baseless allegation here. There is some fatigue I believe on part of many of our posters here to re-engage with those topics. he is taking this advantage.
India doesn't like a two front war with China and Pakistan in the North.
Bangladesh is not a factor for India. India will handle Bangladesh to it's own advantage in any such war situation. In a Sino Indian or Sino-Pakistan Indian war Bangladesh can only support India or at best desperately try to be seen as "neutral".
Offering, or even appearing to offer any kind of diplomatic support to either Pakistan or China, will result in a crushing military response from India . Even neutrality will not be taken kindly by India, and India will demand, or take by force full road, rail, air and waterway transit across Bangladesh territory to support operations in Arunachal Pradesh.
It is far more likely that Bangladesh will offer these facilities on its own rather than risk an Indian military takeover.
For India, Bangladesh poses no risk to the "chickens neck" ( Siliguri corridor ). In case of an unforeseen collapse of the Indian front to China in that sector, India will swiftly invade Bangladesh to take over it's transit routes and facilities to support its operations in the east. This is exactly like Belgium's case in World War 2 when it's neutrality was meaningless in the face of Germany's military objectives.

Bangladesh's strategic and tactical situation is precarious. Bangladesh has a non-professional army with insufficient and outdated hardware riddled with corruption ( read Gen Hasan Sarwardy interview ).
At this time Bangladesh's Armed Forces have no capabilities of even protecting its citizens from wanton sniper fire by India's border guards.

The Bangladesh Armed Forces have no capabilities of protecting its own territory. The comments by PDF members here of Bangladesh taking over 7 Indian states by cutting the "chickens neck" are not realistic. Any such attempt will result in Indian retaliation that will cause severe or total destruction of Bangladesh's infrastructure.
Due to geography and the fact that Bangladesh is an enclave India doesn't need to put any boots on the ground or even commit its air force. Every bit of Bangladeshi territory is within range of Indian MRLS and its coastal access and ports is completely vulnerable to a Brahmos missile attack. India has allies within Bangladesh such as the Chakma insurgents. As a final punishment to Bangladesh India might carve out a "Chakmastan" from the Chittagong Hill Tracts and hand it over to the Chakmas.

If India turns on Bangladesh (in the course of a war) there is very little any foreign nation could do to help even if it wanted to. Unlike interventions in Syria or Afghanistan there is no big power vested interests in Bangladesh. Even China would be more concerned with taking Arunachal and defending Ladakh then bothering about Chittagong.

Indian war game planners have accounted for the scenario that in case
Bangladesh is annexed or even temporarily occupied there would be a partisan or gurilla resistance from remnants of the Bangladesh Armed Forces. This however would be handled by India far more easily than the situation faced by Pakistan in 1971.

India would not have the logistical disadvantages faced by Pakistan. The Indian occupation backed by India's 1 million paramilitary and reserve forces will outmatch Bangladesh numerically.( Example: West Bengals Eastern Frontier Rifles ( Bengali Speaking), supporting 26 battalions of the Bihar Regiment ( with many Bengali speaking assets) as well as the Bihar Military Police would be enough to secure Dhaka. India has huge Bengali language resources for its intelligence and population control which was unavailable to Pakistan in 1971.
The Bangladeshi resistance without shelter, protection and resupply from a friendly foreign base ( as in 1971) will quickly run out of resources. Bangladesh has no indigenous arms industry of any significance to support a people's resistance.
It is very likely that Myanmar ( looking over the shoulder at China ) will attempt a deal with India to annex the CHT.

What options does Bangladesh have ?
Keep marching in India's Republic Day parades, and hope that the BSF shoots less of its civilians each year.
Hold on to your super long wet dream of India-Bangladesh war and destruction of Bangladesh. India is not going to invade Bangladesh anytime soon. Neither we are going to war with India. If we had concerns of war with India any time soon, then you would not have seen our armed forces this small and with this relaxed attitude.
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From 1971 to 1973 almost all these Arabs nations, and most of the OIC members stood by Pakistan against Bangladesh ( and India) refusing to recognize the territory until all Pakistani POWs held by India has returned home. Arab and OIC pressure compounded with China and USAs refusal to allow Bangladesh to join the United Nations forced Bangladesh into a humiliating submission to drop its demands for a war crimes trial and apology from Pakistan. Bangladesh's isolation was so intense that ultimately Sheikh Mujib ( the victor of the civil war) had to fly to Lahore to attend the OIC summit ( after strident declarations Bangladesh would not attend ). It was Pakistan's strong alliance with its Arab partners ( as well as with Iran) that saw us through the darkest days of our history.
Again falsification and half truth. Iraq recognized Bangladesh July 8, 1972. Egypt also recognized early, (I don't find any date on google, but it was Early as it was a Soviet ally). Now Egypt was the Arab leader back then and Iraq was the 2nd strongest Arab nation. I don't care about other Arab countries whether they recognized early or late. Saudi Arabia was not that influential back then. Leadership was in Egypt's hand.

And Mujib did not fly to Lahore to overcome the isolation. Where did you get this bullsh1t? Pakistan was under pressure by Muslim countries to recognize Bangladesh and mend it's tie. That's why Pakistan was forced to recognize Bangladesh and invite Sheikh Mujib to Lahore. Algerian president Houari Boumediene came to Bangladesh to take him to Lahore. Should we believe your lie or the New York times news from that year?

Now comes to the important things. -

United States recognized Bangladesh at April 4, 1972,
USSR at January 24, 1972.
UK and West Germany at February 04, 1972,
France at February 14, 1972,
India at December 06, 1971,
Japan at February 08, 1972

these are the important date and all of them are within 3 months of our independence. The funny thing is Pakistan had to leave the Common Wealth in a rage for accepting Bangladesh in 1972.:lol:

Most of the countries of the world finished their recognition within 1972. It is true that due to Chinese veto, Bangladesh had to wait to enter UN till 1973. But Chinese refusal was not entirely to please Pakistan. As they were at odd with India and USSR and Bangladesh then had very close relation with that two countries, China was sceptical about the sovereignty of Bangladesh and did not want to admit an Indian and USSR 'ally' that easily into UN.
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Will still disagree with you. The antics of a few spoiled brats of Gulf Shiekhdoms doesn't represent the mindset of the majority of the Arab peoples towards Pakistan. A few rich Arab employers and human traffickers refer to expat labor as miskeen , more so Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans, and Indians, but there is a difference with Pakistanis.
I have worked on an assignment in KSA and there was a distinct difference in the way the employers and supervisors treated Pakistani labour ( who were mostly technicians or supervisory ) as compared to Bangladeshi, Indian, and Sri Lankan labor who mostly worked as unskilled construction labor. The Saudis give due respect where it is to their advantage.
There was an elite highly trained Indian technical and engineering manpower mostly in support roles on specialized equipment with excellent skills in hydraulics, pneumatics, and electrical controls, This was matched by talented Pakistani engineers in equal numbers and what is more I met Pakistani engineers directly employed by the Saudi Arned forces a privilege which at that time the Indians didn't enjoy.
This technical manpower enjoyed privileges far beyond the average Saudi Bedouin truck driver.

Here is an incident that reflects what the common Arab Bedouin thinks.
My work often took me off the main roads into the desert to remote industrial sites under construction. This meant using the vehicle fuel sparingly and in the absence of roads following vehicle tracks and maps There was no GPS in that era nor was there effective cell phone coverage. My bulky car phone CB radio only had a range of 40 km.
I had heard horror stories of engineers getting lost, running out of fuel and water, only to be found dead days later by search and rescue teams. So I began to follow the Bedouin truck drivers who knew the desert well having inherited the knowledge over generations . I would stop at their encampments for water or directions. Their hospitality was overwhelming, and one occasion they insisted I join them for the evening meal ( after prayers of course ). During the meal we got into a discussion about Pakistan and the last Indian Pakistan war. This was before 1998 when Pakistan had not declared it's nuclear status.
I was being very modest about my nations military capabilities praising Saudi Arabia's instead. One of the guests at the meal casually referred to India's numerical superiority over Pakistan. One other guest guffawed saying in typical harsh Gulf Arabic: " Anta majnoon. W
Dhilk maujood
al Bambala al Bakistan..". Every one broke out laughing saying : "Mbala, ...Al Bambala maujood , Inshallah , maafi khatar ila al ikhwan al Bakistani .

This incident sums up what the average common Bedouin Arab thinks of Pakistan as a nation.

You do realize that conquering india means you are trying to merge the world's most hideously ugly and physically repulsive race with us? NO THANK YOU...................................:bad::bad::bad::bad::bad::bad::bad::bad::bad::bad::bad::bad::bad:

There was a Pakistani brother who was very dark in my school(they called him kaaloo) so when the the black boys used to try and ask the asians for money he was the exception to the rule they used to say he was black not asian lol.

Fix your mentality you fool
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