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Americans' narrow view of the world - Tariq Ali [video]


When the US intervenes and claims to be a beacon of freedom and others craps, people can hold you accountable. Please dont mix concepts.

Tariq meant to say that since US is deeply involved in almost every country, americans need to know what is really happening as a result.

And yes, many do agree that americans are quite arrogant and ignorant as well.

sweeping generalizations about American arrogance and ignorance?

Pot, meet Kettle. :rolleyes:
Most Americans couldn't locate their own country on a map. They are one of the dumbest species on earth. Innovation done in America are done by a very select few foreigners (mostly Chinese). They are also one of the laziest people, that's why American companies move out. There have been many videos exposing how dumb Americans truly are. It's incredibly scary how ignorant Americans are about the world. Americans are a waste of sperm.

Yup, I bet you think American sh*t smells good too. I bet you think when an American poops, roses come out :lol:

No i don't think that actually. I find it more bizarre that someone would even say that.

Terms such as 'waste of sperm' and 'dumbest species' tell me more about your emotionalism than they do about America.
Americans are inward looking because its a massive country, same goes for Indians and chinese too. Most people are too busy building their own life.
Jealous? Busy?

The US citizens are well within their rights to know where their money is going. They research a lot of things, but never research the effects of their domination in the world.

And the argument of being busy is ,frankly, ridiculous.

Americans do not want to learn about the world they live in.

The whole point is that they elect people to distribute this money into areas that serve the wider interest of the public.
When that doesn't happen, society destabilizes (something not evident in America, it's a very stable place).

When people start getting paranoid about where their money is going, it serves no purpose. America is clearly where it needs to be. Anymore paranoia from the general public and it would only detract from their output. Your flow is too conspiratorial. Reality is much simpler.
Americans are one of the most ignorant people on earth. I could even argue that the reason why the US is an superpower is because of elite dominance, which has been established by attracting smart brains from all over the world, and due to their society , which provides all opportunities to people with exceptional intelligence, innovative ideas/products and skills. The average Joe the Plumber is not interested in the world outside the US, with the exception if the US is invading some place from time to time.

Or as Ambrose Bierce said:

"War is God's way of teaching Americans geography."
Americans are one of the most ignorant people on earth. I could even argue that the reason why the US is an superpower is because of elite dominance, which has been established by attracting smart brains from all over the world, and due to their society , which provides all opportunities to people with exceptional intelligence, innovative ideas/products and skills. The average Joe the Plumber is not interested in the world outside the US, with the exception if the US is invading some place from time to time.

Or as Ambrose Bierce said:

"War is God's way of teaching Americans geography."
And the average Mehmet the Sandal maker living with barely any electricity, scant medical care, scraping a living out of the dirt in the badlands of Pakistan does? :lol:

Pakistan still has one of the highest illiteracy rates in the world
Pakistanis should stay away from criticizing in general how 'ignorant' Americans are.
And the average Mehmet the Sandal maker living with barely any electricity, scant medical care, scraping a living out of the dirt in the badlands of Pakistan does? :lol:

Education in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pakistanis should stay away from criticizing in general how 'ignorant' Americans are.

You should've gone for the second flag, not the first one, since I am not a Pakistani, although I was born there. And yes, the average Mehmet the Sandal knows more about the world than the average Joe the Plumber. And weren't you an Asian? If so, don't bother me again with your pathetic patriotism.
You should've gone for the second flag, not the first one, since I am not a Pakistani, although I was born there. And yes, the average Mehmet the Sandal knows more about the world than the average Joe the Plumber. And weren't you an Asian? If so, don't bother me again with your pathetic patriotism.
Yeah...What was that Pakistan's literacy rate again? :lol:
Americans are one of the most ignorant people on earth. I could even argue that the reason why the US is an superpower is because of elite dominance, which has been established by attracting smart brains from all over the world, and due to their society , which provides all opportunities to people with exceptional intelligence, innovative ideas/products and skills. The average Joe the Plumber is not interested in the world outside the US, with the exception if the US is invading some place from time to time.

Or as Ambrose Bierce said:

"War is God's way of teaching Americans geography."

Wow, being so dumb, how can those Americans still have a society that rewards hard work and skills fairly? May be they are like ants, individually stupid but collectively very smart? And they hold the rest of the world by its short hairs. Imagine that!
Wow, being so dumb, how can those Americans still have a society that rewards hard work and skills fairly? May be they are like ants, individually stupid but collectively very smart? And they hold the rest of the world by its short hairs. Imagine that!

Just shut the hell up and join the rest of the people that are heading towards our country that provides opportunity compare to most countries especially Pakistan. You guys have problems in Pakistan and I can definitely show how ignorant your people are.
Just shut the hell up and join the rest of the people that are heading towards our country that provides opportunity compare to most countries especially Pakistan. You guys have problems in Pakistan and I can definitely show how ignorant your people are.

Oh the irony!

You missed my sarcasm totally and utterly, perhaps it is indeed true that Merikuns are dumb!
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