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Americans' narrow view of the world - Tariq Ali [video]

Wow, being so dumb, how can those Americans still have a society that rewards hard work and skills fairly? May be they are like ants, individually stupid but collectively very smart? And they hold the rest of the world by its short hairs. Imagine that!

Collectively very smart? Please...

Well, should one call it typical american arrogance? The idea one gets from your comment is that - Oh we americans know the world better than you.

You have literally just posted a video saying "we know better than Americans" now you're criticizing him for doing something similar?
Not really similar as he was saying I (not all of us) know better than you.

The US citizens are well within their rights to know where their money is going. They research a lot of things, but never research the effects of their domination in the world.

And the argument of being busy is ,frankly, ridiculous.

Americans do not want to learn about the world they live in.

So you're a spokesman of Americans now? There is no duty to be informed in anything in a free country, and people deciding they have better things to do than obliging to your mandatory education is the opposite of ridiculous.
What is ridiculous is how you perceive the Americans as being excessively ignorant, while this is true only compared to Europe, and maybe a few other countries. Most of the world population is much much more ignorant than the Americans, it's enough to see what kind of faery tales make it to news papers in other places.

Americans should be replaced by Republicans. Democrats have a pretty wide view!

You mean they have a view more alike to yours, so you complement them ;)

And tariq is a giant of an intellectual and not some propped up intellectual who are a plenty in US.

Says you, he is too far biased to be intellectual, his books are historically inaccurate to the point that they depict a whole other history than what really happened, every historian worth his name would tell you that.
His books are written as a catchy anti west phrase one after the other seemingly designed to infuriate the unintelligent masses. Good books provoke thoughts, his books provoke anti west sentiment.

Have you read any of his works?
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Says you, he is too far biased to be intellectual, his books are historically inaccurate to the point that they depict a whole other history than what really happened, every historian worth his name would tell you that.
His books are written as a catchy anti west phrase one after the other seemingly designed to infuriate the unintelligent masses. Good books provoke thoughts, his books provoke anti west sentiment.

Have you read any of his works?
More likely -- not.

The way it works is this: If you write anti-West diatribe heavily laced with profanities, you are 'passionate', but if you write without profanities, then you are an 'intellectual'.
Formula? How about common sense? Presently, the american policy follows the principle, " Its my way or the high way.

Unsurprisingly we are down to one line propaganda slogans.
Please explain how USA's relation with Egypt for example is "my way or the high way"? even after the revolution when Egypt is no longer going the "USA way" (assuming it did before...), the nations are cooperating still.
How about the relations with Russia? USA changing its previous anti missiles systems in Europe plan?
How about the relations with China, KSA etc...
France went against the USA on the 2003 Iraq war in the UNSC! which repercussions did it suffer? would you describe USA-French relations as "highway" now?
USA, like any other country, is naturally better disposed to those who share it's common goals and have a higher level of cooperation with it. I find it hard to understand how it's a negative trait.

It seems that we have indeed found the uninformed.

Common sense dictates that intervention after intervention is no good. You cannot fund and arm islamic weirdos in one country and fight them in another.

Surprise surprise, USA was dragged into Libya by Europe and NATO should you bother to reminisce, and has not intervened militarily in Syria after two years so they are learning somewhat, military intervention did work in Kuwait and in Afghanistan to a point. so striking it out all together is not a bright idea either. Or were you expecting the USA to just abandon all international policies in the Middle east? yeah that surely would be "common sense".

They are one of the dumbest species on earth.

A person who thinks "Americans" are a species calling others dumb, oh the irony :D

Nearly all American innovations are done by Chinese people living in the US.

I understand you are not from the scientific community, still you can pay a small fee and go into databases of studies online and see that this is false.
lets review 2012 Nobel prize winners: 1 French-Jew, one American who goes by the common Chinese name of David J. Wineland, another "Chinese" American is Brian Kent Kobilka, A third American (Jew) is also surprisingly "Chinese" by the name Robert Joseph Lefkowitz. Than we have a Brit Sir John Bertrand Gurdon, another American- Jewish - "Chinese" is Alvin E. Roth and the last American "Chinese" is Lloyd Stowell Shapley.
The Asian representitive is a Japanese "Chinese" scientist Shinya Yamanaka.

I don't know you so I am sorry if I went over board with the sarcasm, maybe you are just misinformed. Sometimes it could happen to everyone of us on these boards.

You have literally just posted a video saying "we know better than Americans" now you're criticizing him for doing something similar?
Not really similar as he was saying I (not all of us) know better than you.

So you're a spokesman of Americans now? There is no duty to be informed in anything in a free country, and people deciding they have better things to do than obliging to your mandatory education is the opposite of ridiculous.
What is ridiculous is how you perceive the Americans as being excessively ignorant, while this is true only compared to Europe, and maybe a few other countries. Most of the world population is much much more ignorant than the Americans, it's enough to see what kind of faery tales make it to news papers in other places.

You mean they have a view more alike to yours, so you complement them ;)

Says you, he is too far biased to be intellectual, his books are historically inaccurate to the point that they depict a whole other history than what really happened, every historian worth his name would tell you that.
His books are written as a catchy anti west phrase one after the other seemingly designed to infuriate the unintelligent masses. Good books provoke thoughts, his books provoke anti west sentiment.

Have you read any of his works?

I should have made my self clear. My fault. A tiny minority of americans do view their country has hegemonic, but generally the rest of the population is ignorant.

Some statements are not sweeping statements in fact they are based on facts.

wanted to focus more on Tariq ali. what is the reputation of historians challenging him and chomsky? historians who are paid by right wing american media or who have earlier served in the white house and state department?

you have your own view about what is anti west or not. facts and facts. If he says that the US has destroyed countries one after an other, well this is a fact isn't it?

You keep your own view.
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Unsurprisingly we are down to one line propaganda slogans.
Please explain how USA's relation with Egypt for example is "my way or the high way"? even after the revolution when Egypt is no longer going the "USA way" (assuming it did before...), the nations are cooperating still.
How about the relations with Russia? USA changing its previous anti missiles systems in Europe plan?
How about the relations with China, KSA etc...
France went against the USA on the 2003 Iraq war in the UNSC! which repercussions did it suffer? would you describe USA-French relations as "highway" now?
USA, like any other country, is naturally better disposed to those who share it's common goals and have a higher level of cooperation with it. I find it hard to understand how it's a negative trait.

It seems that we have indeed found the uninformed.

Surprise surprise, USA was dragged into Libya by Europe and NATO should you bother to reminisce, and has not intervened militarily in Syria after two years so they are learning somewhat, military intervention did work in Kuwait and in Afghanistan to a point. so striking it out all together is not a bright idea either. Or were you expecting the USA to just abandon all international policies in the Middle east? yeah that surely would be "common sense".

A person who thinks "Americans" are a species calling others dumb, oh the irony :D

I understand you are not from the scientific community, still you can pay a small fee and go into databases of studies online and see that this is false.
lets review 2012 Nobel prize winners: 1 French-Jew, one American who goes by the common Chinese name of David J. Wineland, another "Chinese" American is Brian Kent Kobilka, A third American (Jew) is also surprisingly "Chinese" by the name Robert Joseph Lefkowitz. Than we have a Brit Sir John Bertrand Gurdon, another American- Jewish - "Chinese" is Alvin E. Roth and the last American "Chinese" is Lloyd Stowell Shapley.
The Asian representitive is a Japanese "Chinese" scientist Shinya Yamanaka.

I don't know you so I am sorry if I went over board with the sarcasm, maybe you are just misinformed. Sometimes it could happen to everyone of us on these boards.

Nonsense, kind sir, all of it.

Eulogizing an imperialist power is the easiest business.

Dragged into this war that war. Oh how naive of them.

Dragged into panama, invited into grenada, welcomed in iraq how nice.

You win.
Jealous? Busy?

The US citizens are well within their rights to know where their money is going. They research a lot of things, but never research the effects of their domination in the world.
did you ever research the implications of kasab & co. on the innocent civilians of mumbai, did the gujrat admin research about their blind eye to the killings of innocent muslims, do u research whats going on in balochistan ? kashmir ? or what happened to bengalis in 71 ?????
i guess never....becoz as of know u r busy pointing deficiencies in other ppl , totally forgetting the big beautiful glass house u r in...
I should have made my self clear. My fault. A tiny minority of americans do view their country has hegemonic, but generally the rest of the population is ignorant.
Ignorant? In what way? That the US is 'hegomonic'? Assume that is what you mean instead of making a generalization that Americans are stupid and ignorant of all things, why should the average American care that the US is 'hegemonic'? If the average American redneck in the boondocks of Louisiana believe the US is the greatest country on Earth and in history, did his drunken vocalization of it made it from the swamps in the US all the way over to Pakistan and offend the average Pakistani? Come to think of it, why should the average Pakistani care if the US is 'hegemonic' anyway? How does that US status, dubious to start, affect his ability to earn an income in Pakistan? His ability to have children? His ability to practice his religion? His ability to live his life as the government of Pakistan and society of Pakistan allowed? Zilch. Not one bit.
The Chinese living in America are the people doing vast majority of the innovation in America. Without the Chinese mind, the whites will be scratching each others backs inside caves. And dirty Viets like you will be sniffing white boys booty holes. :lol:

Nearly all American innovations are done by Chinese people living in the US.

But wasn't it the Jews who were doing it all the last time we checked?

Chinese expats are a valuable asset no doubt but claiming "all innovation" would be wrong.
Well when you develop something thats more advance than ours, than I'll give you permission to say that.:victory:

There are many smart Americans there is no doubt about it.

But still...

Ever heard of H-1B? :smart:
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