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Americans' narrow view of the world - Tariq Ali [video]

Most Americans couldn't locate their own country on a map. They are one of the dumbest species on earth. Innovation done in America are done by a very select few foreigners (mostly Chinese). They are also one of the laziest people, that's why American companies move out. There have been many videos exposing how dumb Americans truly are. It's incredibly scary how ignorant Americans are about the world. Americans are a waste of sperm..............

Yes Sir, all very good observations, but isn't it even funnier that despite their stupidity, dumbass Americans are still the only superpower? What does that say about the rest of the world? Aliens would be truly appalled at this state of affairs.
Americans, like most citizens of other nationalities, are more concerned with domestic politics rather than their international engagements. God, guns and gays swing the political windfalls in Washington. No American presidency was won(or more importantly, lost) on account of the candidate's vision on foreign policy.

That said, I agree with the notion that Americans have a moral responsibility on keeping tabs of the things being carried out in their name. Whether they actually approve of their government's shady actions abroad is an entirely different debate. Remember the overwhelming American public's support for drone strikes?
Are Americans dumb? I think it's just silly to refer to any peoples as "dumb" -- So what explains the apathy of a majority of Americans about the world? I really don't think it's a single answer to such a question, but I think that they are very busy with their lives, the fact that they are kind of like an island, they are connected North and South, primarily, may have something to do with it, I think it's also relevant that governments of the US have a sophisticated view of and expend huge resources to offer Americans a view of themselves and the rest of the world, that is indeed narrow, or at least appears to be to outside observers.

When it comes to US foreign policy, lets be reminded that this is a function of interest groups within domestic culture of the US - I am always surprised how much this simple idea surprises most observers of the US scene - it really is true that US interests lead and US govt follows, and this really is very different from the experience of most outside observers, where a generally hostile view of the outside world is presented to justify less than liberal policies at home, though increasingly it seems US policy makers are coming to discover efficacy in this..
Are Americans dumb? I think it's just silly to refer to any peoples as "dumb" -- So what explains the apathy of a majority of Americans about the world? I really don't think it's a single answer to such a question, but I think that they are very busy with their lives, the fact that they are kind of like an island, they are connected North and South, primarily, may have something to do with it, I think it's also relevant that governments of the US have a sophisticated view of and expend huge resources to offer Americans a view of themselves and the rest of the world, that is indeed narrow, or at least appears to be to outside observers.

When it comes to US foreign policy, lets be reminded that this is a function of interest groups within domestic culture of the US - I am always surprised how much this simple idea surprises most observers of the US scene - it really is true that US interests lead and US govt follows, and this really is very different from the experience of most outside observers, where a generally hostile view of the outside world is presented to justify less than liberal policies at home, though increasingly it seems US policy makers are coming to discover efficacy in this..

Why should that be a surprise to anyone? It is clearly stated - and often - by the Americans that the pursuit of their national interests is the goal of their government. And as a corollary, as long as the dumbass Americans are sure that their government is carrying out this prime duty, they are perfectly willing to go abut their daily lives without too many cares. Not a bad system, it would seem.
Yes Sir, all very good observations, but isn't it even funnier that despite their stupidity, dumbass Americans are still the only superpower? What does that say about the rest of the world? Aliens would be truly appalled at this state of affairs.
Aliens would be appalled that the rest of the world is not more like US. :lol:

Formula? How about common sense? Presently, the american policy follows the principle, " Its my way or the high way.

Common sense dictates that intervention after intervention is no good. You cannot fund and arm islamic weirdos in one country and fight them in another.

Maintaining over 900 military bases around world is no good.

Focus on home not abroad.
Same for you. Is it your country? Then don't worry about it.

Well, should one call it typical american arrogance? The idea one gets from your comment is that - Oh we americans know the world better than you.

The problem is that you are not just some normal nation which Tariq meant to say. You, sadly, are a citizen of a country that is a hyper power and has no challenge whatsoever which is unprecedented in history.

Hence, you have more responsibility towards others because your country physically dominates the world.

To a large extent, americans have failed to grasp this.

We could go on and on about the games played in south america and south east asia. This is just a short video.

And tariq is a giant of an intellectual and not some propped up intellectual who are a plenty in US.
Yeah, propped up intellectuals. We wish we were all smarterer like you guys.
Most Americans couldn't locate their own country on a map. They are one of the dumbest species on earth. Innovation done in America are done by a very select few foreigners (mostly Chinese). They are also one of the laziest people, that's why American companies move out. There have been many videos exposing how dumb Americans truly are. It's incredibly scary how ignorant Americans are about the world. Americans are a waste of sperm.

Yup, I bet you think American sh*t smells good too. I bet you think when an American poops, roses come out :lol:
Are you a tard? How about "most Chinese eat kittens". We can find America on a map, (I can draw a world map from memory)....and American innovation is American....Chinese couldn't innovate themselves out of a paper bag. Everything in China worth anything is copied from the US. And American sh!t smells better than anyplace in China.
Most Americans couldn't locate their own country on a map.
We do not need to. We just wait until Chinese who were desperate to come to America to tell us where we are on the map. :lol:

They are one of the dumbest species on earth. Innovation done in America are done by a very select few foreigners (mostly Chinese).
Amazing...But then again, the script generator must take into consideration it is dealing with conscript rejects who will believe anything, that scientific innovations in the US came mostly from Chinese.
Really....if most of our innovation comes from China....they must be waaay ahead of us. Probably why we slavishly copy the Chinese all the time.
We do not need to. We just wait until Chinese who were desperate to come to America to tell us where we are on the map. :lol:

Amazing...But then again, the script generator must take into consideration it is dealing with conscript rejects who will believe anything, that scientific innovations in the US came mostly from Chinese.

The Chinese living in America are the people doing vast majority of the innovation in America. Without the Chinese mind, the whites will be scratching each others backs inside caves. And dirty Viets like you will be sniffing white boys booty holes. :lol:

Really....if most of our innovation comes from China....they must be waaay ahead of us. Probably why we slavishly copy the Chinese all the time.

Nearly all American innovations are done by Chinese people living in the US.
Jealous? Busy?

The US citizens are well within their rights to know where their money is going. They research a lot of things, but never research the effects of their domination in the world.

And the argument of being busy is ,frankly, ridiculous.

Americans do not want to learn about the world they live in.

its true
most people are just to be busy with either work or drugs tbh to care about anything.
most black people seem more open minded and more informed then white people.
most white americans are actually kinda dumb tbh.
all the street smart ones get one drugs such a shame lol.
Same for you. Is it your country? Then don't worry about it.

Yeah, propped up intellectuals. We wish we were all smarterer like you guys.

Its my world and I would like it to be safer.

And the only ones who claimed to be smarter are the guyz in Pentagon.

Their smartness is being dragged from the streets of tripoli to kandahar.
What is more arrogant, him speaking for himself against you, or you speaking for Americans against Americans? He never said all Americans know the world better than you, that not even implicitly. That is just your bias filling in the blanks.

Also it speaks volumes of the good America has done in the world that you see it as having a responsibility to other countries.

It also speaks to how much America's role is taken for granted by at least some people, that they expect the US to help as they want to be helped because the US is the dominant world power at this point.

even 100 years ago, that concept was laughable.


When the US intervenes and claims to be a beacon of freedom and others craps, people can hold you accountable. Please dont mix concepts.

Tariq meant to say that since US is deeply involved in almost every country, americans need to know what is really happening as a result.

And yes, many do agree that americans are quite arrogant and ignorant as well.
The Chinese living in America are the people doing vast majority of the innovation in America. Without the Chinese mind, the whites will be scratching each others backs inside caves. And dirty Viets like you will be sniffing white boys booty holes. :lol:

Nearly all American innovations are done by Chinese people living in the US.
Sonny...I worked daily with Chinese engineers. Heck, I TRAINED Chinese engineers. You, on the other hand, probably never left your female scarce village. But do go on making a fool out of yourself with these utterly stupid comments.
The Chinese living in America are the people doing vast majority of the innovation in America. Without the Chinese mind, the whites will be scratching each others backs inside caves. And dirty Viets like you will be sniffing white boys booty holes. :lol:

Don't flatter yourself, I can't think of a single Chinese innovation, unless you count accidentally discovering gunpowder as an innovation.

Nearly all American innovations are done by Chinese people living in the US.

You have proof to back that claim? Most American innovators have been 'white' such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, ect.

To be blunt almost all the major inventions from around the world have been created by the 'whites' unless now the Chinese are taking credit for aircraft, satellites, telephones, electricity, lightbulbs, microwaves, televisions, automobiles, computers, vaccines, air conditioning, gas engines, jet engines, radios and just about everything else worthwhile.

Yes where would the whites be without the Chinese? :lol:
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