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Americans' narrow view of the world - Tariq Ali [video]

It's not that the masses are misinformed, it's that they're too busy.

The American middle-class is one of the hardest working in the world. That's the issue here. People don't sit around twiddling their thumbs wondering about world politics. The only fuel that makes this machine run is a lifetime of hard work and enormous economic output from a large group of individuals.

On a second note, Americans are 'free'. The right to bear arms, to practice whatever religion you desire, to take a public stance on any political movement you desire, to perform any kind of work you like, to live wherever you want to live, however you want to live. When you have this freedom, why would you care what happens in places that don't allow the same? Places that constrict and control and suck the life-force out of their people, as opposed to letting them grow and prosper in wealth and contribute financially so at the end of the day, they can feel satisfied with their lives.

No-where else wants to adopt the political Americana, for whatever reason. Godless, immoral, decadent, warmonger, usurper etc etc. It's all just code for 'jealous'. I'm jealous of America, too. :victory:
It's not that the masses are misinformed, it's that they're too busy.

The American middle-class is one of the hardest working in the world. That's the issue here. People don't sit around twiddling their thumbs wondering about world politics. The only fuel that makes this machine run is a lifetime of hard work and enormous economic output from a large group of individuals.

On a second note, Americans are 'free'. The right to bear arms, to practice whatever religion you desire, to take a public stance on any political movement you desire, to perform any kind of work you like, to live wherever you want to live, however you want to live. When you have this freedom, why would you care what happens in places that don't allow the same? Places that constrict and control and suck the life-force out of their people, as opposed to letting them grow and prosper in wealth and contribute financially so at the end of the day, they can feel satisfied with their lives.

No-where else wants to adopt the political Americana, for whatever reason. Godless, immoral, decadent, warmonger, usurper etc etc. It's all just code for 'jealous'. I'm jealous of America, too. :victory:

Jealous? Busy?

The US citizens are well within their rights to know where their money is going. They research a lot of things, but never research the effects of their domination in the world.

And the argument of being busy is ,frankly, ridiculous.

Americans do not want to learn about the world they live in.
I was a military brat and am widely traveled (since then). While he is right that many haven't traveled....as a percentage we are better traveled than most nations (the same military he talks about is responsible for Americans seeing many areas no one else travels to.) And most are well aware Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11, but after that attack we realized we needed to control the region better....and Iraq is dead-center.....plus was no friend.:usflag: @Silverblaze....bet I've been MANY more places than you, and know what is going on in the world better than you (and of course you will know your home region better than I do, and vice-versa.....but as in the whole world.)
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Americans should be replaced by Republicans. Democrats have a pretty wide view!
Americans should be replaced by Republicans. Democrats have a pretty wide view!
Perhaps.....but Republicans have some knowledge....they are always keen to find threats!
Perhaps.....but Republicans have some knowledge....they are always keen to find threats!

Non-existent ones, maybe? The only place where they have extra knowledge is on scandals like Ben Ghazi
Another 'Americans are stupid' retread thread...

For a supposedly 'intellectual', Herr Ali is awfully ignorant about the US and the bias that he used to judge US is evident when the first thing he brought up is Palestine. So who else have an equally narrow view of the world? :lol:
I was a military brat and am widely traveled (since then). While he is right that many haven't traveled....as a percentage we are better traveled than most nations (the same military he talks about is responsible for Americans seeing many areas no one else travels to.) And most are well aware Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11, but after that attack we realized we needed to control the region better....and Iraq is dead-center.....plus was no friend.:usflag: @Silverblaze....bet I've been MANY more places than you, and know what is going on in the world better than you (and of course you will know your home region better than I do, and vice-versa.....but as in the whole world.)

Well, should one call it typical american arrogance? The idea one gets from your comment is that - Oh we americans know the world better than you.

The problem is that you are not just some normal nation which Tariq meant to say. You, sadly, are a citizen of a country that is a hyper power and has no challenge whatsoever which is unprecedented in history.

Hence, you have more responsibility towards others because your country physically dominates the world.

To a large extent, americans have failed to grasp this.

Another 'Americans are stupid' retread thread...

For a supposedly 'intellectual', Herr Ali is awfully ignorant about the US and the bias that he used to judge US is evident when the first thing he brought up is Palestine. So who else have an equally narrow view of the world? :lol:

We could go on and on about the games played in south america and south east asia. This is just a short video.

And tariq is a giant of an intellectual and not some propped up intellectual who are a plenty in US.
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I do understand what you are saying....and I try to keep at least my friends informed.
Jealous? Busy?

The US citizens are well within their rights to know where their money is going. They research a lot of things, but never research the effects of their domination in the world.

And the argument of being busy is ,frankly, ridiculous.

Americans do not want to learn about the world they live in.

Unless you guys show how your formula is the one to emulate and how successful it has been... till then yes " jealousy" is an apt description.
Unless you guys show how your formula is the one to emulate and how successful it has been... till then yes " jealousy" is an apt description.


Formula? How about common sense? Presently, the american policy follows the principle, " Its my way or the high way.

Common sense dictates that intervention after intervention is no good. You cannot fund and arm islamic weirdos in one country and fight them in another.

Maintaining over 900 military bases around world is no good.

Focus on home not abroad.

Formula? How about common sense? Presently, the american policy follows the principle, " Its my way or the high way.

Common sense dictates that intervention after intervention is no good. You cannot fund and arm islamic weirdos in one country and fight them in another.

Maintaining over 900 military bases around world is no good.

Focus on home not abroad.

Let's see - our common sense made us a super power, then made us the only super power and also the highest GDP. Yup, we should retract from that which is not perfect but hugely successful to some others notion of common sense. sure we don't need so many bases, no argument there- but we need our presence all over the world to maintain our advantage. We are not Buddhists...

We are learning more about quote, as you put it, " islamic weirdos" , can't say I disagree but we are still far far better and beacon of freedom over some follies in the past.

And Oh re: our militaristic attitude , we are a nation of people if attacked , will go the end of the earth to pound the crap out of those who attack us. It is like the famous Japanese admiral said re: pearl harbor attack, loosely quoting ' we have awakened the sleeping giant' . It's just who Americans are.
Well, should one call it typical american arrogance? The idea one gets from your comment is that - Oh we americans know the world better than you.

The problem is that you are not just some normal nation which Tariq meant to say. You, sadly, are a citizen of a country that is a hyper power and has no challenge whatsoever which is unprecedented in history.

Hence, you have more responsibility towards others because your country physically dominates the world.

To a large extent, americans have failed to grasp this.

We could go on and on about the games played in south america and south east asia. This is just a short video.

And tariq is a giant of an intellectual and not some propped up intellectual who are a plenty in US.

What is more arrogant, him speaking for himself against you, or you speaking for Americans against Americans? He never said all Americans know the world better than you, that not even implicitly. That is just your bias filling in the blanks.

Also it speaks volumes of the good America has done in the world that you see it as having a responsibility to other countries.

It also speaks to how much America's role is taken for granted by at least some people, that they expect the US to help as they want to be helped because the US is the dominant world power at this point.

even 100 years ago, that concept was laughable.
Most Americans couldn't locate their own country on a map. They are one of the dumbest species on earth. Innovation done in America are done by a very select few foreigners (mostly Chinese). They are also one of the laziest people, that's why American companies move out. There have been many videos exposing how dumb Americans truly are. It's incredibly scary how ignorant Americans are about the world. Americans are a waste of sperm.

It's not that the masses are misinformed, it's that they're too busy.

The American middle-class is one of the hardest working in the world. That's the issue here. People don't sit around twiddling their thumbs wondering about world politics. The only fuel that makes this machine run is a lifetime of hard work and enormous economic output from a large group of individuals.

On a second note, Americans are 'free'. The right to bear arms, to practice whatever religion you desire, to take a public stance on any political movement you desire, to perform any kind of work you like, to live wherever you want to live, however you want to live. When you have this freedom, why would you care what happens in places that don't allow the same? Places that constrict and control and suck the life-force out of their people, as opposed to letting them grow and prosper in wealth and contribute financially so at the end of the day, they can feel satisfied with their lives.

No-where else wants to adopt the political Americana, for whatever reason. Godless, immoral, decadent, warmonger, usurper etc etc. It's all just code for 'jealous'. I'm jealous of America, too. :victory:

Yup, I bet you think American sh*t smells good too. I bet you think when an American poops, roses come out :lol:
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