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American imperialism and ruthlessness masquerading as freedom and democracy.

There're always people who favor hot dogs over consceince, hamburgers over burritos. But the hot dogs and hamburgers don't make America a good country.
Sure - but neither do hot pots or broiled actual dogs make China or Biryani or Tikkas make Pakistan good countries either.
However, not many Americans clamoring to go to China nor are “USA towns” in China but every major American city has Chinatowns with mamy economic migrants.
Amrika worse contry in the world,wait my iPhone batry low,I calling you from house because I am on my Fourd gar right now,going to Bensylvania for see my cousin Halil,there is NBA match on TV and he got Domino's bizza.

There is not question that American imperialism has negatively affected millions of humans in a profoundly negative way. However, sitting there and impotently getting angry at the US is not a solution.
The solution is to stop being Banana republics with a 7th century mindset. We no longer are living in the desert, riding camels. We are a space faring species now. Basing our post industrial institutions on a desert city 1400 years ago is the reason we will always be victims of any imperial power.
We need to modernize, industrialize and allow people the freedom to just live their lives.
Of course now I am going to be called all sorts of nasty things by our resident mullahs.
Funny enough, my proposal will reduce Muslim suffering, while theirs..... well we already are there with millions dead and suffering.
There is not question that American imperialism has negatively affected millions of humans in a profoundly negative way. However, sitting there and impotently getting angry at the US is not a solution.
The solution is to stop being Banana republics with a 7th century mindset. We no longer are living in the desert, riding camels. We are a space faring species now. Basing our post industrial institutions on a desert city 1400 years ago is the reason we will always be victims of any imperial power.
We need to modernize, industrialize and allow people the freedom to just live their lives.
Of course now I am going to be called all sorts of nasty things by our resident mullahs.
Funny enough, my proposal will reduce Muslim suffering, while theirs..... well we already are there with millions dead and suffering.
I agree Pakistan needs to industrialize as fast as possible.
There is not question that American imperialism has negatively affected millions of humans in a profoundly negative way. However, sitting there and impotently getting angry at the US is not a solution.
The solution is to stop being Banana republics with a 7th century mindset. We no longer are living in the desert, riding camels. We are a space faring species now. Basing our post industrial institutions on a desert city 1400 years ago is the reason we will always be victims of any imperial power.
We need to modernize, industrialize and allow people the freedom to just live their lives.
Of course now I am going to be called all sorts of nasty things by our resident mullahs.
Funny enough, my proposal will reduce Muslim suffering, while theirs..... well we already are there with millions dead and suffering.
Americans did not bring in the Taliban(entire narrative from the soviet invasion needs to be considered) , nor Saddam or Gaddafi or otherwise. America did what it needed to do for its interests and at times for the interests of corporations because they lobbied for it bypassing normal checks and balances - however, to portray these countries and the peoples within them as heaven on earth or suggest they are utopian societies where torture and corruption wasn’t common is the usual victimhood mentality prevalent in third world nations.

They can cite poor leadership supported by America but if they are aware of the problem and still are unable to fix it - well then sit back and be exploited because at the end human beings are selfish collectives to look for their interests.
So when will people stop coming to America?
the educated ones have already reduced and stopped coming- they go to Canada, Australia, UK.

I know this from Nigerians- most educated Nigerians who emigrated from Nigeria recently, went to UK, Canada, Australia- why no US? US has overplayed its weak hand by not offering path to citizenship, or making visas easy and flexible- UK and Canada outsmarting US right now for the best global brains- people that think like you are one of the reasons US is in the mess its in now - US is broke and the world wont baby it now.

Nigerians used to love coming to US for college, but now they mostly go to Canada and UK (again).
However, not many Americans clamoring to go to China nor are “USA towns” in China but every major American city has Chinatowns with mamy economic migrants.

I'm not sure what the point is but its feels like its apples and oranges. Many of those "chinatowns" are almost a century old, and even older, they are not necessarily even new migrants, we have had people living in the San Francisco China town since the 1850s. And these places aren't unique to the chinese, there was been jewish ghettos in Brooklyn in the 1800s and early 1900s. Irish Ghettos(Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan), Italina Ghettos. etc. People move for economic opportunity, in fact every migrant group(with the exception of enslaved negros) has come to continent in search of economic opportunity. And usually b/c of discrimination and other reasons, they would group up around familiarity. You see this with American Expats in Beijing, Singapore, Bangkok, Dubai, etc as well. China obviously does not have as many migrants as the US, but thats b/c of the economic disparity per capita between the US and China. But who knows what the future looks like, Rich Expats already live abroad to dodge taxes and enjoy having more purchasing power, in Asia, and it seems to be extending to even middle class retirees, its an interesting phenomena, Boomers(many of whom where drafted in a war to the country) for example retiring to Vietnam b/c living in the US is expense.

That is a strong argument.

The West needs to mind its own business, stop invading countries of the developing world, and let them succeed in their home worlds, so the locals don't have to leave their countries of origin.
Even Iran was able to grow and develop ONLY by getting the west off its back (not even the sanctions).
There is not question that American imperialism has negatively affected millions of humans in a profoundly negative way. However, sitting there and impotently getting angry at the US is not a solution.
The solution is to stop being Banana republics with a 7th century mindset. We no longer are living in the desert, riding camels. We are a space faring species now. Basing our post industrial institutions on a desert city 1400 years ago is the reason we will always be victims of any imperial power.
We need to modernize, industrialize and allow people the freedom to just live their lives.
Of course now I am going to be called all sorts of nasty things by our resident mullahs.
Funny enough, my proposal will reduce Muslim suffering, while theirs..... well we already are there with millions dead and suffering.

seems a bit reductionist. lol
Americans did not bring in the Taliban(entire narrative from the soviet invasion needs to be considered) , nor Saddam or Gaddafi or otherwise. America did what it needed to do for its interests and at times for the interests of corporations because they lobbied for it bypassing normal checks and balances - however, to portray these countries and the peoples within them as heaven on earth or suggest they are utopian societies where torture and corruption wasn’t common is the usual victimhood mentality prevalent in third world nations.

They can cite poor leadership supported by America but if they are aware of the problem and still are unable to fix it - well then sit back and be exploited because at the end human beings are selfish collectives to look for their interests.
The Afghan Taliban are for their own country first!
Everybody knows Prostitution, sex, Cocain, gambling with public money in disguise of derivatives all is going on Wall Street at the industrial scale. Any legislation to investigate this has been banned. Even after 2008 collapse, FBI or NY attorneys general never prosecuted any of the people caught. Even prostitutes were given plea deals for staying quiet. Guess who was grilled by FBI and DOJ?
Why you gotta shyt on NYC alone, the best city in the world😁

Btw NYC GDP is over 2 trillion $, what is that like 10 times of all of Pakistan?

Wouldnt you love to have all those vices like cocaine and gambling in a rich country than to beg for wheat in a poor country?

Perspective my man, get some!

And last time I checked most pakistanis would give an arm and a leg to setup a tiny corner store in the city selling liquor, not the other way around.
seems a bit reductionist. lol
Really isn't.
If you study human history you can see clear shifts in human societies.
For example, societies that adopted farming out competed hunter gather societies. How many hunter gather societies exist today? Not many.
Same with Bronze, then Iron, and now industrial. All societies that that were able to adapt were successful and societies that were unable to adapt were left behind.
Now it's easy to say "well just adapt" but the problem is that those societies and ours as well, have thousands of years of culture, tradition and civilization behind us. To "adapt", you have to give some, if not all of that up.
Japan is a perfect example. They literally had to give up their Samurai and feudal culture. Which they loved no less than we love Islam. They literally fought wars over it, but the right side won and now look at them.
So the question we have to ask ourselves is are we able to adapt or will we forever be in the current state?
Saying "we need to industrialize" is easy, but do we understand what that means?
It means to take power away from religion and become a more secular society. There is no other way.
(now before mullahs try to lynch me, secularism doesn't mean forced atheism, it just means that we stop lynching people for blasphemy)
Really isn't.
If you study human history you can see clear shifts in human societies.
For example, societies that adopted farming out competed hunter gather societies. How many hunter gather societies exist today? Not many.
Same with Bronze, then Iron, and now industrial. All societies that that were able to adapt were successful and societies that were unable to adapt were left behind.
Now it's easy to say "well just adapt" but the problem is that those societies and ours as well, have thousands of years of culture, tradition and civilization behind us. To "adapt", you have to give some, if not all of that up.
Japan is a perfect example. They literally had to give up their Samurai and feudal culture. Which they loved no less than we love Islam. They literally fought wars over it, but the right side won and now look at them.
So the question we have to ask ourselves is are we able to adapt or will we forever be in the current state?
Saying "we need to industrialize" is easy, but do we understand what that means?
It means to take power away from religion and become a more secular society. There is no other way.
(now before mullahs try to lynch me, secularism doesn't mean forced atheism, it just means that we stop lynching people for blasphemy)
Why are you comparing Islam which is a religion to samurai and feudal lifestyle?

Meiji Resotoration copied the German Imperial government.

Really isn't.
If you study human history you can see clear shifts in human societies.
For example, societies that adopted farming out competed hunter gather societies. How many hunter gather societies exist today? Not many.
Same with Bronze, then Iron, and now industrial. All societies that that were able to adapt were successful and societies that were unable to adapt were left behind.
Now it's easy to say "well just adapt" but the problem is that those societies and ours as well, have thousands of years of culture, tradition and civilization behind us. To "adapt", you have to give some, if not all of that up.
Japan is a perfect example. They literally had to give up their Samurai and feudal culture. Which they loved no less than we love Islam. They literally fought wars over it, but the right side won and now look at them.
So the question we have to ask ourselves is are we able to adapt or will we forever be in the current state?
Saying "we need to industrialize" is easy, but do we understand what that means?
It means to take power away from religion and become a more secular society. There is no other way.
(now before mullahs try to lynch me, secularism doesn't mean forced atheism, it just means that we stop lynching people for blasphemy)
Islam should be the state religion of Pakistan, Islam is our national ideology.

Why should we change that, you moron?
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