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American imperialism and ruthlessness masquerading as freedom and democracy.

So when will people stop coming to America?
There are evil who want to come America. So maybe that can explain it. :enjoy:

Amrika worse contry in the world,wait my iPhone batry low,I calling you from house because I am on my Fourd gar right now,going to Bensylvania for see my cousin Halil,there is NBA match on TV and he got Domino's bizza.
iphone- made in China. Pizza is dish from Italy. As for sport and entertainment I will say USA is great. But isnt becos USA acting or showmanship are great that they can fool a lot of fools thinking USA is really about human right, freedom and free media? :enjoy:
That is a strong argument.

The West needs to mind its own business, stop invading countries of the developing world, and let them succeed in their home worlds, so the locals don't have to leave their countries of origin.
USA is never about fairness. USA is only about global domination. Anybody who step in their way will be target of their destruction. USA will resort to murder ,lie or rape just to achieve their aim and ambitions.

This shxtty high command admit all the evil of America. Nobody point a gun and force him say those things. He is saying the truth about USA. Only evil will side with USA.
Find a place in the virtual game world to kill all the locals. Shouting for freedom and democracy every day. Empty land continues to attract immigrants. Learning from American practices, you can build a country that is as attractive as the United States.
So when will people stop coming to America?👏
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yeah. soon as you stop bombing their homelands.

Is that a serious comment? Most of the population displaced by wars across the world end up in refugee camps in adjacent countries (for example Afghans in Pakistan, or Syrians in Turkey), while those who consider USA are far more likely to be economic migrants.
Is that a serious comment?
I could have sworn I thought you would say this about the comment I was replying to that said "If US is so bad, why do people come here"

Most of the population displaced by wars across the world end up in refugee camps in adjacent countries (for example Afghans in Pakistan, or Syrians in Turkey),
Props to you for acknowledging that the overwhelming majority of refugees from third world, war torn countries are hosted by other third world, war torn countries and not the saviour complex ridden white man, like your compatriot above.

while those who consider USA are far more likely to be economic migrants.
So what was all the hoopla in the US about SyRiAn RefUgeES, all about, then?
On a serious note, just because the US has stricter policies and is more picky about who they take in, as compared to Canada for example, doesn't mean refugee are purposely avoiding the US.

Also, most people would agree that the economic situation of these immigrants home countries might have something to do with the US and the west in general. The Hutus didn't genocide those Tutsi with blowdarts, after all.
That is a strong argument.

The West needs to mind its own business, stop invading countries of the developing world, and let them succeed in their home worlds, so the locals don't have to leave their countries of origin.
True. Kppressed minorities during the Ottoman empire migrating to America, surely an example of american imperialism. Same with kurds saddam, afghans under Taliban.... works both ways, the powerful has to keep projecting power
Americans need to wake up and realize that we are the new "evil empire".
Dude this banker controlled Establishments don’t mind fucking American people over, you think they care about foreigners. Millions lost their homes after so called financial crash.

Everybody knows Prostitution, sex, Cocain, gambling with public money in disguise of derivatives all is going on Wall Street at the industrial scale. Any legislation to investigate this has been banned. Even after 2008 collapse, FBI or NY attorneys general never prosecuted any of the people caught. Even prostitutes were given plea deals for staying quiet. Guess who was grilled by FBI and DOJ? Professionals and executive who were open about all what was going.

Even these charting agencies, Moody’s, standard and poor (S&P) and Fitch are in on the game. Their legal defense in congressional hearings was, it is just our opinion not anything legally biding or anything official, after them caught taking money for issuing fake AAA investment ratings for banks.

In short, it’s a ruthless less world. Don’t except others to wake up, you gotta wake up.

Btw these professors in business school deans and professors in Harvard, Columbia, Brown, and all Top universities are also on Banks payroll. They make actual money either as an advisor for banks or for govt.
Also, most people would agree that the economic situation of these immigrants home countries might have something to do with the US and the west in general. The Hutus didn't genocide those Tutsi with blowdarts, after all.

As I said, most migrants are motivated by the economics of their situation (into which local corruption plays a large part), and not by peace or war. Hence, making trite comments like "soon as you stop bombing their homelands" is utterly useless.
True. Kppressed minorities during the Ottoman empire migrating to America, surely an example of american imperialism. Same with kurds saddam, afghans under Taliban.... works both ways, the powerful has to keep projecting power
the europeans that arrived in what's called amrika today were escaping persecution!! THEN what happened to the natives is (fill in the blanks)

So when will people stop coming to America?
the people who make it to there aren't just let in, they have to go through a load of s#it to be accepted otherwise they are forever aliens.
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