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American imperialism and ruthlessness masquerading as freedom and democracy.

Did Saddam and Bashar create ISIS

It's made up of Baathists who got kicked out of Saddams's disbanded Iraqi military.

As if telling thousands of career military people to go home and become farmers is going to go over well.
Nearly 1 million new US citizens in 2022. This process takes YEARS and is completely by choice.
He used the word 'nuanced' so that negates everything, including reality. The word 'nuanced' is often used by pseudo intellectuals disguising their inability to explain the contradictions between their professed beliefs and the real world. Finally, his spiel looks like it was copied/pasted from other pseudo intellectuals from the New York Times, The Nation, et al.
NY has stereotypes for everyone, there would be one even for you if you open up a corner liquor store in queens with your username.
Whole US does, but You have stereotypes in your own country.

Pick on one word city...ok, lets hear where in NY state is the financial sector and DoJ located, the specific case you mentioned were handled by SDNY circuit, guess where that is located?
Guess who was the federal prosecutor there? Preet bharara born in Firozpur India.
All in all poor attempt at wiggling out by blaming the word city.
Use a bit if common sense dude, all 3 branches of government are in Washington D.C. Legislative, Executive and Judicial. Are you trying to say people that are commenting or criticizing govt branches 24/7 are in your view actually commenting on city of DC. Do you know the difference between institution, local and federal govts?

NYC is the greatest city in the world, change my mind 😝
I just did, sh!t and piss. May be you are excited, cuz you flew directly outta your village in Punjab to NY, but there’s beautiful world out there. Now buy a ticket and travel the world. Maybe you see something new.
the educated ones have already reduced and stopped coming- they go to Canada, Australia, UK.

I know this from Nigerians- most educated Nigerians who emigrated from Nigeria recently, went to UK, Canada, Australia- why no US? US has overplayed its weak hand by not offering path to citizenship, or making visas easy and flexible- UK and Canada outsmarting US right now for the best global brains- people that think like you are one of the reasons US is in the mess its in now - US is broke and the world wont baby it now.

Nigerians used to love coming to US for college, but now they mostly go to Canada and UK (again).
When I was active duty and stationed in the UK, I learned a hard lesson about citizenship vs culture, and came an admission about the US. The lesson came from a Frenchman. He said that the US is the only country, so far, that you can become an American. In other countries, you can have French or Spanish or Italian or German citizenship, but you will never be French, Spaniard, Italian, or German. If you want to know how is that possible, you might want to ask the Chinese guy who used the word 'nuanced' of the difference. :enjoy:
It's the same shit repacked in different boxes for the Anglo-Saxon bandits.

During the British Empire it was "bringing trade and culture" to barbarians. During US regime it's "freedom and democracy" delivered through invasion and coups.
A large crowd of people sits in an auditorium under shining lights.

Many immigrants said an anti-immigrant political climate motivated them to become citizens in order to vote.Todd Heisler/The New York Times

On a windswept morning last spring, Mom Leveille slipped into a flowing red dress and high-heeled sandals and headed to a ballpark in Brooklyn, her nerves jangled. A Cambodian refugee, Ms. Leveille had applied for U.S. citizenship nearly two years earlier, and, finally, the moment was nigh when she would take a permanent oath of allegiance to the country where her family had found safe haven.

In the stands of Maimonides Park, she joined 250 people from 65 countries who were sworn in by judges wearing their formal black robes. Like Ms. Leveille, 39, many of the new Americans had waited more than a year to be invited for the naturalization ceremony since first submitting their applications.

She wiped away tears that day as she rose to deliver a speech about the security, the electoral voice and the responsibility that came with becoming a citizen. “It was a very, very long process, and it was very emotional,” she said.
Across the country, naturalization ceremonies are making a comeback, in parks, sports arenas and courthouses, after a long hiatus caused by Covid-19 lockdowns that suspended public gatherings, shuttered immigration offices and put thousands of citizenship applications on hold.

Nearly one million immigrants became citizens in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, the most in almost 15 years and the third-highest number ever, according to a recent Pew Research analysis, demonstrating the increasing impact of immigration on who lives and works in the United States — and who votes.

“People have incentives to become citizens,” said Jeffrey S. Passel, a senior demographer at Pew Research, who co-wrote the study based on government data. “The numbers have not only rebounded. They are reaching levels we have rarely seen in our history.”

The total number of people seeking to become citizens is not reflected in the year-end data and is actually much higher because of the pileup of applications. Some 670,000 naturalizations are still pending.

Nearly 1 million new US citizens in 2022. This process takes YEARS and is completely by choice.
Yes because being the center of an empire allows you to absorb resources and wealth from the far reaches of the empire. This draws people to your core. What is hard to understand? The fact that people from poorer countries want to immigrate to the US for personal or economic gain is not justification for murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent lives to feed a corrupt military industrial complex and parasitic billionaires and their politician servants.

When I was active duty and stationed in the UK, I learned a hard lesson about citizenship vs culture, and came an admission about the US. The lesson came from a Frenchman. He said that the US is the only country, so far, that you can become an American. In other countries, you can have French or Spanish or Italian or German citizenship, but you will never be French, Spaniard, Italian, or German. If you want to know how is that possible, you might want to ask the Chinese guy who used the word 'nuanced' of the difference. :enjoy:
Again, more jingoistic retardation. More fucking propaganda.

The US is the only country where you can become naturalized? So I guess you can’t do that in Brazil, Australia, Singapore, Canada?

The reality is that there is a big difference between old world and new world countries whose native populations were genocided to make way for settler societies that needed immigration to reap the resources of their new lands. If you put aside your simple minded asinine fake patriotic jingoism for a second, you would realize the reality.

He used the word 'nuanced' so that negates everything, including reality. The word 'nuanced' is often used by pseudo intellectuals disguising their inability to explain the contradictions between their professed beliefs and the real world. Finally, his spiel looks like it was copied/pasted from other pseudo intellectuals from the New York Times, The Nation, et al.
I guess it’s ok that the US military used napalm on 9 year old Vietnamese girls because your family was able to immigrate here and make money. That justifies everything.

Boy I’ve never met someone so stupid who tried so hard to sound smart.
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Yes because being the center of an empire allows you to absorb resources and wealth from the far reaches of the empire. This draws people to your core. What is hard to understand? The fact that people from poorer countries want to immigrate to the US for personal or economic gain is not justification for murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent lives to feed a corrupt military industrial complex and parasitic billionaires and their politician servants.

Again, more jingoistic retardation. More fucking propaganda.

The US is the only country where you can become naturalized? So I guess you can’t do that in Brazil, Australia, Singapore, Canada?

The reality is that there is a big difference between old world and new world countries whose native populations were genocided to make way for settler societies that needed immigration to reap the resources of their new lands. If you put aside your simple minded asinine fake patriotic jingoism for a second, you would realize the reality.

I guess it’s ok that the US military used napalm on 9 year old Vietnamese girls because your family was able to immigrate here and make money. That justifies everything.

Boy I’ve never met someone so stupid who tried so hard to sound smart.
Looks like someone does not understand the nuances of the issues he spewed. By the way, what you said about US also described your China.
Looks like someone does not understand the nuances of the issues he spewed. By the way, what you said about US also described your China.

I understand very well. The question is, DO YOU???

If China had a global empire bombing half the countries in the world, I'd be just as against their foreign policy. But in reality, China has not fought a war in 40 plus years.

The US has been in constant war in a multitude of countries for almost all its existence. It has murdered over a million people in the Middle East in the last 20 years alone and displaced millions more because of it.

But you somehow think that because immigrants come to the US to seek economic opportunity, this justifies all of the vast multitudes of war crimes that the US commits due to its foreign policy.
yeah. soon as you stop bombing their homelands.
If you want live out your forum handle, I will accommodate. There are many people who the US never bombed but many of their people became US citizens. Like China, for one example. The US never bombed China. In fact, the US in WW II defended China. Many Chinese came, and still coming, to the US. Craig Ferguson, a late night TV host, became a US citizen. John Oliver, another version of Ferguson, became US citizen. Is that too 'nuanced' for you? :enjoy:
So when will people stop coming to America?

Economy migration, is happening everywhere, not just US. It happened throughout history. From desert to rivers, From villages to cities, from countries to countries and continents to continents, it’s part of nature, like mixing of hot and cold air, or two oceans. Call it Atlantic and Pacific, draw an imaginary line, but nature will take its course.

like never.
When I was active duty and stationed in the UK, I learned a hard lesson about citizenship vs culture, and came an admission about the US. The lesson came from a Frenchman. He said that the US is the only country, so far, that you can become an American. In other countries, you can have French or Spanish or Italian or German citizenship, but you will never be French, Spaniard, Italian, or German. If you want to know how is that possible, you might want to ask the Chinese guy who used the word 'nuanced' of the difference. :enjoy:
spare me with all this bulsh*t- pay reparations first, increase wages to a solid level, make effective healthcare actually accessible, and pay off the fukn debt more- when all these happen ,i'll agree with you.

"when i active duty.."- man, enjoy your privilege in AMerican society!!! that paycheck, all the respect, govt money that goes to you guys.

my brother is in the armed forces too.
He said that the US is the only country, so far, that you can become an American. In other countries, you can have French or Spanish or Italian or German citizenship, but you will never be French, Spaniard, Italian, or German.
Those are ethnicities, American isn’t an ethnicity. It’s an immigrants nation mix of different ethnicities. Like German American. Italian American, African American and so on.
If you want live out your forum handle, I will accommodate. There are many people who the US never bombed but many of their people became US citizens. Like China, for one example. The US never bombed China. In fact, the US in WW II defended China. Many Chinese came, and still coming, to the US. Craig Ferguson, a late night TV host, became a US citizen. John Oliver, another version of Ferguson, became US citizen. Is that too 'nuanced' for you? :enjoy:

Are you addressing me? Or addressing the other guy? Your memory is getting foggy old man.

Again, your arguments are utter shit AS USUAL. What does immigrants coming to the US have to do with America's murderous foreign policy? I might as well say that the US makes great cheeseburgers as justification for it murdering a million people in the Middle East. What utter shit and absolute lack of critical thinking skills.
NYC is far from being the best city on Earth lol. Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong are many times better. The problem with NYC is how horribly it is managed. NYC's public transport is somehow worse than Lahore's which is insane. NYC wouldn't make it to my top 10 best Western cities list, heck not a single North American city will due to how car-centric the vast majority of them are.
Slightly going off topic but I have to agree NYC is overrated - been there and it’s an absolute nightmare.

I prefer Washington, found the people to be far more approachable and friendly to tourists too.

Interestingly New York actually started its birth as New Amsterdam and was the seat of government for the Dutch colony.


The British came along, wrestled control over it and changed its name to New York 😂.
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