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American imperialism and ruthlessness masquerading as freedom and democracy.

Why are you comparing Islam which is a religion to samurai and feudal lifestyle?

Meiji Resotoration copied the German Imperial government.

Islam should be the state religion of Pakistan, Islam is our national ideology.

Why should we change that, you moron?
Samurai culture is intertwined with Shintoism, which IS a religion.
And last I checked, Germany is "Wester."
Islam is already Pakistan's state religion. How is that working out?
I am sure you are living in the land of the pure and not hypocritically suckling at the teets of the west.
Oh right, lol, Hypocrite.

Screenshot_2020-05-27 Simon Cowell Best Insults PART 2 SAVAGE - YouTube.png
Samurai culture is intertwined with Shintoism, which IS a religion.
And last I checked, Germany is "Wester."
Islam is already Pakistan's state religion. How is that working out?
I am sure you are living in the land of the pure and not hypocritically suckling at the teets of the west.
Oh right, lol, Hypocrite.
Hey hypocrite yourself, people from the developing world has a right to take advantage of the West, when people from the West take advantage of the developing world you bloody hypocrite.
.. and the ISIS grew bigger, meaner, and bloodier as a result of America's invasions and weakening of Syria and Iraq.

No they got bigger because some sympathizers in the region were giving them money, weapons, and Toyota pickup trucks.

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Why you gotta shyt on NYC alone, the best city in the world😁

Btw NYC GDP is over 2 trillion $, what is that like 10 times of all of Pakistan?

Wouldnt you love to have all those vices like cocaine and gambling in a rich country than to beg for wheat in a poor country?

Perspective my man, get some!

And last time I checked most pakistanis would give an arm and a leg to setup a tiny corner store in the city selling liquor, not the other way around.


Sardar G, you gave legitimacy to stereotypes they have it about sardars in India.

Where did you read “city” in my comment? Discussion is about financial sectors and DOJ.

Now getting to your comment, No NY is not the greatest city by any metric. It’s over crowded, In winter it’s cold as **** and in summer it smell like piss and shit everywhere. There is no architecture. Just overpriced concrete jungle for toilet size, toilet quality room costing a million dollar.

So ya, NY is a financial capital of US , just like Mumbai is for India or Karachi is for Pakistan, it has. GDP close to that of Whole India. Good place for money, but that’s all. Rest of comment is just a rant.
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Sardar G, you gave legitimacy to stereotypes they have it about sardars in India.
NY has stereotypes for everyone, there would be one even for you if you open up a corner liquor store in queens with your username.
Where did you read “city” in my comment? Discussion is about financial sectors and DOJ.
Pick on one word city...ok, lets hear where in NY state is the financial sector and DoJ located, the specific case you mentioned were handled by SDNY circuit, guess where that is located?
Guess who was the federal prosecutor there? Preet bharara born in Firozpur India.
All in all poor attempt at wiggling out by blaming the word city.

Now getting to your comment, No NY is not the greatest city by any metric. It’s over crowded, In winter it’s cold as **** and in summer it smell like piss and shit everywhere. There is no architecture. Just overpriced concrete jungle for toilet size, toilet quality room costing a million dollar.

So ya, NY is a financial capital of US , just like Mumbai is for India or Karachi is for Pakistan, it has. GDP close to that of Whole India. Good place for money, but that’s all. Rest of comment is just a rant.
NYC is the greatest city in the world, change my mind 😝

Haters gonna hate!!!


The look on her face at 16 seconds breaks my heart and enrages me at the same time. Americans need to wake up and realize that we are the new "evil empire".

I cried when the gentle smile of this sweet girl turned to tears.

So when will people stop coming to America?

What an utter haraami you are, Gambit. Muammar Gaddafi was the guide of a revolutionary Communist-Socialist society where many things were free or low-cost. A very comfortable society unlike your "largest economy in the world" USA, until you in the American military for your lust to raise the stock prices of your military-industrial complex and your irrational blood lust that sometimes manifests in going to Africa and killing the beautiful and innocent caracal cats from 40 meters with a gun and holding the dead cat for a brave photo, decided to invade Libyan Jamahiriya along with your co-criminal 35+ government militaries armada with additions of thousands of Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood and genocided the people of Libya including stringing up the Blacks from cranes. Was this worth it ?


Your American government arranged the military budged just for 2020-21 to be 700+ billion dollars and what for ? Was there an imminent threat of invasion pf America by an alien race ? Or to invade progressive countries thousands of kilometers away on Earth itself which are welfare-based societies which care for their citizens unlike your government which kills and kills and kills outsiders and oppresses its own American citizens in ways such as this ? You cannot provide free homes and free food to your own citizens but you bomb even water pipelines in countries which provide free homes ? What psychopathy is this ?

The Afghan Taliban are for their own country first!
View attachment 910558

This TaliGaandu declared that Afghan females are being imposed with the burqa and are being kept away from schooling and employment because "We want respect and honor for our Muslim sisters" but where is that respect and honor for females when the TaliGaandus have deprived the Afghans of food to the extent that Afghan parents are giving anxiety tablets to even one-year-olds to put them to sleep to make them forget hunger and are so desperate that they are pledging the daughters for money so that bread can be bought because hunger cannot be sated by the 20-times-a-day prayers that these psychos impose on the suffering Afghans ? People are selling their kidneys to buy bread much like Americans sell blood to buy bread. So where is the TaliGaandu "We want respect and honor for our Muslim sisters" ?

No they got bigger because some sympathizers in the region were giving them money, weapons, and Toyota pickup trucks.

Did Saddam and Bashar create ISIS ? Does this grand American investigation conclude who trained OBL in the mountains of Scotland and then sent him into Communist Afghanistan to murder two million Afghans ? Or who genocided 3.5 million North Koreans in the 1950-53 Korea War ? Or who protects Modi, Supreme Leader of India whose people have done to Muslims in Gujarat in 2002 what the Ukro nationalists did to the Polish people in the 1940s and because of which Modi was banned from setting foot in American for 10 years until he became PM in 2014 ?
I cried when the gentle smile of this sweet girl turned to tears.

What an utter haraami you are, Gambit. Muammar Gaddafi was the guide of a revolutionary Communist-Socialist society where many things were free or low-cost. A very comfortable society unlike your "largest economy in the world" USA, until you in the American military for your lust to raise the stock prices of your military-industrial complex and your irrational blood lust that sometimes manifests in going to Africa and killing the beautiful and innocent caracal cats from 40 meters with a gun and holding the dead cat for a brave photo, decided to invade Libyan Jamahiriya along with your co-criminal 35+ government militaries armada with additions of thousands of Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood and genocided the people of Libya including stringing up the Blacks from cranes. Was this worth it ?


Your American government arranged the military budged just for 2020-21 to be 700+ billion dollars and what for ? Was there an imminent threat of invasion pf America by an alien race ? Or to invade progressive countries thousands of kilometers away on Earth itself which are welfare-based societies which care for their citizens unlike your government which kills and kills and kills outsiders and oppresses its own American citizens in ways such as this ? You cannot provide free homes and free food to your own citizens but you bomb even water pipelines in countries which provide free homes ? What psychopathy is this ?

This TaliGaandu declared that Afghan females are being imposed with the burqa and are being kept away from schooling and employment because "We want respect and honor for our Muslim sisters" but where is that respect and honor for females when the TaliGaandus have deprived the Afghans of food to the extent that Afghan parents are giving anxiety tablets to even one-year-olds to put them to sleep to make them forget hunger and are so desperate that they are pledging the daughters for money so that bread can be bought because hunger cannot be sated by the 20-times-a-day prayers that these psychos impose on the suffering Afghans ? People are selling their kidneys to buy bread much like Americans sell blood to buy bread. So where is the TaliGaandu "We want respect and honor for our Muslim sisters" ?

Did Saddam and Bashar create ISIS ? Does this grand American investigation conclude who trained OBL in the mountains of Scotland and then sent him into Communist Afghanistan to murder two million Afghans ? Or who genocided 3.5 million North Koreans in the 1950-53 Korea War ? Or who protects Modi, Supreme Leader of India whose people have done to Muslims in Gujarat in 2002 what the Ukro nationalists did to the Polish people in the 1940s and because of which Modi was banned from setting foot in American for 10 years until he became PM in 2014 ?
I don't have a problem with Burka, you moron.

Atleast women are not looking like prostitutes in bikinis or miniskirts.
I cried when the gentle smile of this sweet girl turned to tears.

What an utter haraami you are, Gambit. Muammar Gaddafi was the guide of a revolutionary Communist-Socialist society where many things were free or low-cost. A very comfortable society unlike your "largest economy in the world" USA, until you in the American military for your lust to raise the stock prices of your military-industrial complex and your irrational blood lust that sometimes manifests in going to Africa and killing the beautiful and innocent caracal cats from 40 meters with a gun and holding the dead cat for a brave photo, decided to invade Libyan Jamahiriya along with your co-criminal 35+ government militaries armada with additions of thousands of Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood and genocided the people of Libya including stringing up the Blacks from cranes. Was this worth it ?


Your American government arranged the military budged just for 2020-21 to be 700+ billion dollars and what for ? Was there an imminent threat of invasion pf America by an alien race ? Or to invade progressive countries thousands of kilometers away on Earth itself which are welfare-based societies which care for their citizens unlike your government which kills and kills and kills outsiders and oppresses its own American citizens in ways such as this ? You cannot provide free homes and free food to your own citizens but you bomb even water pipelines in countries which provide free homes ? What psychopathy is this ?

This TaliGaandu declared that Afghan females are being imposed with the burqa and are being kept away from schooling and employment because "We want respect and honor for our Muslim sisters" but where is that respect and honor for females when the TaliGaandus have deprived the Afghans of food to the extent that Afghan parents are giving anxiety tablets to even one-year-olds to put them to sleep to make them forget hunger and are so desperate that they are pledging the daughters for money so that bread can be bought because hunger cannot be sated by the 20-times-a-day prayers that these psychos impose on the suffering Afghans ? People are selling their kidneys to buy bread much like Americans sell blood to buy bread. So where is the TaliGaandu "We want respect and honor for our Muslim sisters" ?

Did Saddam and Bashar create ISIS ? Does this grand American investigation conclude who trained OBL in the mountains of Scotland and then sent him into Communist Afghanistan to murder two million Afghans ? Or who genocided 3.5 million North Koreans in the 1950-53 Korea War ? Or who protects Modi, Supreme Leader of India whose people have done to Muslims in Gujarat in 2002 what the Ukro nationalists did to the Polish people in the 1940s and because of which Modi was banned from setting foot in American for 10 years until he became PM in 2014 ?
I’ll agree with you on one thing. F*** the taliban…
I'm not sure what the point is but its feels like its apples and oranges. Many of those "chinatowns" are almost a century old, and even older, they are not necessarily even new migrants, we have had people living in the San Francisco China town since the 1850s. And these places aren't unique to the chinese, there was been jewish ghettos in Brooklyn in the 1800s and early 1900s. Irish Ghettos(Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan), Italina Ghettos. etc. People move for economic opportunity, in fact every migrant group(with the exception of enslaved negros) has come to continent in search of economic opportunity. And usually b/c of discrimination and other reasons, they would group up around familiarity. You see this with American Expats in Beijing, Singapore, Bangkok, Dubai, etc as well. China obviously does not have as many migrants as the US, but thats b/c of the economic disparity per capita between the US and China. But who knows what the future looks like, Rich Expats already live abroad to dodge taxes and enjoy having more purchasing power, in Asia, and it seems to be extending to even middle class retirees, its an interesting phenomena, Boomers(many of whom where drafted in a war to the country) for example retiring to Vietnam b/c living in the US is expense.

They are as old - but the apples and oranges come in play when those chinatowns are constantly reinforced with additional immigrants.
So when will people stop coming to America?
If you had any critical thinking skills you would realize that question is utterly irrelevant to the evil that American imperialism commits. Many great empires committed great evils on huge swathes of populations but because their imperial center reaped the great rewards of empire, they remained magnets that compelled many subjugated peoples to migrate towards the metropole for economic gain and survival.

But of course a nuanced understanding goes over your jingoistic head.
NY has stereotypes for everyone, there would be one even for you if you open up a corner liquor store in queens with your username.

Pick on one word city...ok, lets hear where in NY state is the financial sector and DoJ located, the specific case you mentioned were handled by SDNY circuit, guess where that is located?
Guess who was the federal prosecutor there? Preet bharara born in Firozpur India.
All in all poor attempt at wiggling out by blaming the word city.

NYC is the greatest city in the world, change my mind 😝

Haters gonna hate!!!

View attachment 910579
NYC is far from being the best city on Earth lol. Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong are many times better. The problem with NYC is how horribly it is managed. NYC's public transport is somehow worse than Lahore's which is insane. NYC wouldn't make it to my top 10 best Western cities list, heck not a single North American city will due to how car-centric the vast majority of them are.
If you had any critical thinking skills you would realize that question is utterly irrelevant to the evil that American imperialism commits. Many great empires committed great evils on huge swathes of populations but because their imperial center reaped the great rewards of empire, they remained magnets that compelled many subjugated peoples to migrate towards the metropole for economic gain and survival.

But of course a nuanced understanding goes over your jingoistic head.

A large crowd of people sits in an auditorium under shining lights.

Many immigrants said an anti-immigrant political climate motivated them to become citizens in order to vote.Todd Heisler/The New York Times

On a windswept morning last spring, Mom Leveille slipped into a flowing red dress and high-heeled sandals and headed to a ballpark in Brooklyn, her nerves jangled. A Cambodian refugee, Ms. Leveille had applied for U.S. citizenship nearly two years earlier, and, finally, the moment was nigh when she would take a permanent oath of allegiance to the country where her family had found safe haven.

In the stands of Maimonides Park, she joined 250 people from 65 countries who were sworn in by judges wearing their formal black robes. Like Ms. Leveille, 39, many of the new Americans had waited more than a year to be invited for the naturalization ceremony since first submitting their applications.

She wiped away tears that day as she rose to deliver a speech about the security, the electoral voice and the responsibility that came with becoming a citizen. “It was a very, very long process, and it was very emotional,” she said.
Across the country, naturalization ceremonies are making a comeback, in parks, sports arenas and courthouses, after a long hiatus caused by Covid-19 lockdowns that suspended public gatherings, shuttered immigration offices and put thousands of citizenship applications on hold.

Nearly one million immigrants became citizens in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, the most in almost 15 years and the third-highest number ever, according to a recent Pew Research analysis, demonstrating the increasing impact of immigration on who lives and works in the United States — and who votes.

“People have incentives to become citizens,” said Jeffrey S. Passel, a senior demographer at Pew Research, who co-wrote the study based on government data. “The numbers have not only rebounded. They are reaching levels we have rarely seen in our history.”

The total number of people seeking to become citizens is not reflected in the year-end data and is actually much higher because of the pileup of applications. Some 670,000 naturalizations are still pending.

Nearly 1 million new US citizens in 2022. This process takes YEARS and is completely by choice.

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