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American documentary about Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1958)

The only reason i'm staying in this forum is so that people do not misjudge Turks by looking at a couple of persons who support Israel and thank every Israelis post, furthermore calling our Prophets teaching "delusions" calling Allah a "Imganitave" friend, calling Israel the heaven in middle east, etc. Because majority of Turks are thanks Allahnot like you. When people are out of answers they go to personal insults, that is what i find most disgusting above everything else. I guess you people (those who get banned every now and then) do not learn by their mistakes.
The only reason i'm staying in this forum is so that people do not misjudge Turks by looking at a couple of persons who support Israel and thank every Israelis post, furthermore calling our Prophets teaching "delusions" calling Allah a "Imganitave" friend, calling Israel the heaven in middle east, etc. Because majority of Turks are thanks Allahnot like you. When people are out of answers they go to personal insults, that is what i find most disgusting above everything else. I guess you people (those who get banned every now and then) do not learn by their mistakes.

You are doing a great job. Otherways, forum members would consider all Turks are Jew sympathizers.
if Ottomans were more Pro Turkish and more anti armenian, anti Jew, anti Greek, anti circassian anti albanian, anti everything but Turk, then there would have been No need for Mustafa Kemal. Ottomans' mistakes are a reason as well.

Maybe Allah c.c. Chose an atheist (could be or could be not) to command Turkish armies. Mustafa Kemal's choices are his own, my choices are my own.

I don't think he is atheist but i agree with your other points, actually that's exactly what happend, all the nations who were under ottoman rule started uprisings, insurgencies and they came forward as nations even the Arabs did the same, while everyone gained independance and moved own ways Turks were still divided as ottomans couldnt come up with a plan to recover, we lost so much (8 times of landsize of todays Turkiye) still facing danger to even loose what was left! At the time when all hope was gone, Ataturk came and united the Turks, he raised an army out of nothing! After this we all know what happend, puppets, traitors and their masters run for their lives!
You are doing a great job. Otherways, forum members would consider all Turks are Jew sympathizers.

No, not sympathizers at all, zulkarneyn always looking to provoke them, he is always having unneccesary fights with them. However i'm fine with that aslong as he don't talk onbehalf of all Turkish members, he cannot expect us all the time to support his drama.
Turkish forum member have had enough of his silly fights over palestinian cause and his hate towards countrys founding father, thats all!
Coming from a Bangladeshi, what have you Bangladeshis ever achieved in your history as a country\ nation. You are being played around by several countries, you are not independant, or important you are just and insignificant country\people dominated by Indian power. However if u ever had a great leader such as M.K Atatur trust me u would be not in this position right now.

It seems that M. K. P. Atatürk is a very misunderstood person in the Muslim world, most of the people outside of Turkey don't seem to know much about about his lofty achievements he brought about for Turkey and its people. Instead of degrading other countries and its people you better teach them and tell them who actually he was and what he achieved for Turkey. Recommendation of some good books about Atatürk would be a good start. Just a sincere advice from a friend of Turkey.
The only reason i'm staying in this forum is so that people do not misjudge Turks by looking at a couple of persons who support Israel and thank every Israelis post, furthermore calling our Prophets teaching "delusions" calling Allah a "Imganitave" friend, calling Israel the heaven in middle east, etc. Because majority of Turks are thanks Allahnot like you. When people are out of answers they go to personal insults, that is what i find most disgusting above everything else. I guess you people (those who get banned every now and then) do not learn by their mistakes.

You are creating tensions, unneccesary fights, stop deviding the Turks over here with your half truth accusations learn to behave yourself or dont participate. Trust me we wont miss a troublemaker like you.
I don't think he is atheist but i agree with your other points, actually that's exactly what happend, all the nations who were under ottoman rule started uprisings, insurgencies and they came forward as nations even the Arabs did the same, while everyone gained independance and moved own ways Turks were still divided as ottomans couldnt come up with a plan to recover, we lost so much (8 times of landsize of todays Turkiye) still facing danger to even loose what was left! At the time when all hope was gone, Ataturk came and united the Turks, he raised an army out of nothing! After this we all know what happend, puppets, traitors and their masters run for their lives!

actually i dont know much about him
yes u r r8 bangladesh is in india's control
majority of BD dont want it
its just our politicians n media
actually i dont know much about him
yes u r r8 bangladesh is in india's control
majority of BD dont want it
its just our politicians n media

Thanks, i was not degrading your people nor was my intention to insult BD orwhatsoever it's about our souvereignity, if Ataturk wasnt around we would be ruled by others. That's it.
I don't think he is atheist but i agree with your other points, actually that's exactly what happend, all the nations who were under ottoman rule started uprisings, insurgencies and they came forward as nations even the Arabs did the same, while everyone gained independance and moved own ways Turks were still divided as ottomans couldnt come up with a plan to recover, we lost so much (8 times of landsize of todays Turkiye) still facing danger to even loose what was left! At the time when all hope was gone, Ataturk came and united the Turks, he raised an army out of nothing! After this we all know what happend, puppets, traitors and their masters run for their lives!

if turks converted all those nations people into muslims
uprising problem never would have occured
if turks converted all those nations people into muslims
uprising problem never would have occured

Kurds and Arabs were never peacefull wtih Ottomans and they were muslim too.... In WW1 Ottomans lost easter battles because of the Arab revlots... So... You are wrong.
if turks converted all those nations people into muslims
uprising problem never would have occured

True, but converting people with force isnt allowed by Islam, but i agree if t was done that way or if we simply forced our Turkish language on them the empire would last longer.
The country isn't his, it is OUR country. Don't pick on certain people.

None can force anyone to love a specific person, that's absurd. I would probably find many characters which you hate and are among my favourites.

Allahim bizi putperestlikten kurtarsin. Amin.

Nobody is forcing you to love him. Infact it is the otherway around, you are forcing us to accePt all kind of insults and lies trownat him. You just want us to stay silent and agree with every nonsense you comeup with, but we will not! That's it! We dont! Dont force us anymore, go spread your hatred somewhere else!

And dont write kafir, putperest etc etc in Turkish i will report you.

By the why calling fellow muslims kafir putperest just proofs how incredibly you hate us, just because i wont even mention the word love, but just because we dont curse at him Ataturk u call us kafir and putperest!

Thanks for showing your true faces!
Coming from a Bangladeshi, what have you Bangladeshis ever achieved in your history as a country\ nation. You are being played around by several countries, you are not independant, or important you are just and insignificant country\people dominated by Indian power. However if u ever had a great leader such as M.K Atatur trust me u would be not in this position right now.
Silly of you you are comparing turkey with Bangladesh......... He has every right to say about caliphate as a part of Ummah..... Eva heard of khilafat movement ?? It is a movement against britain to save ottoman caliphate in which bengalis actively took part!
Free Society & Secularism? Okay. thats what west wanted you guys to think. thats y still Christian Left Wings parties exist in each & every european country. isn't it.
Basically, you guys were made to kneel down & defeated, to cover up, you accepted this man as ur Leader.
Thats the problem! For them west sets standard and they work hard to achieve that, feels proud of the brain wash leaving their own culture and history!
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