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American documentary about Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1958)

If a Muslim finds it is funny that Allah is "imaginary" and that Muslims are bigots i wont say that it is tolerance or coolheaded, in my world, it is insulting a religion and its followers.
If a Muslim finds it is funny that Allah is "imaginary" and that Muslims are bigots i wont say that it is tolerance or coolheaded, in my world, it is insulting a religion and its followers.

Then nearly all of things muslims or anyother religious person says or does is an insult to an Agnostic or an Athesit.... People should have the capacity to laught or atleast not to be offended when there are person who tease their beliefs... Without that you can't have a functional society...

Example: Iran

Example: Nigeria

Example: India

Example: Sivas Massacre

Example: Menemen Rebelion......
Separating state and religion is not an anti-islam... It is called free soceity with secularism...

Free Society & Secularism? Okay. thats what west wanted you guys to think. thats y still Christian Left Wings parties exist in each & every european country. isn't it.
Basically, you guys were made to kneel down & defeated, to cover up, you accepted this man as ur Leader.
No if we had to kneel down Izmir would todays still be Greek, Antalya Italian and Istanbul would be a part of a international zone as it was meant to be in the Treaty of Lausanne. We fought back, Atatürk fought back. Check your facts.
Awe inspiring. With a Sultan (Zardari and Kayani) giving away the nation to foreign invaders and Greece launching attacks (drones, incursions), Turkey not only managed to free itself but to become one of the best nations of the world today.

We seriously need to take a lesson and uproot this hold of the corrupt and stale leadership in Islamabad and Rawalpindi with someone pro-Pakistan
Free Society & Secularism? Okay. thats what west wanted you guys to think. thats y still Christian Left Wings parties exist in each & every european country. isn't it.
Basically, you guys were made to kneel down & defeated, to cover up, you accepted this man as ur Leader.

This man defeated imperialist armies who invaded our country to enslave our people, today the same emperialists who u Chinese consider rivals\enemies going by that u should respect and support M.K Ataturk instead ur disrespecting and criticizing him like an puppet of the emperialists.
This man defeated imperialist armies who invaded our country to enslave our people, today the same emperialists who u Chinese consider rivals\enemies going by that u should respect and support M.K Ataturk instead ur disrespecting and criticizing him like an puppet of the emperialists.

Well every nation/country has its own embarasments... That guy is one of them I guess...
i dont like your mustafa kamal guy
that guy was anti islamic

Coming from a Bangladeshi, what have you Bangladeshis ever achieved in your history as a country\ nation. You are being played around by several countries, you are not independant, or important you are just and insignificant country\people dominated by Indian power. However if u ever had a great leader such as M.K Atatur trust me u would be not in this position right now.
i dont like your mustafa kamal guy
that guy was anti islamic

if Ottomans were more Pro Turkish and more anti armenian, anti Jew, anti Greek, anti circassian anti albanian, anti everything but Turk, then there would have been No need for Mustafa Kemal. Ottomans' mistakes are a reason as well.

Maybe Allah c.c. Chose an atheist (could be or could be not) to command Turkish armies. Mustafa Kemal's choices are his own, my choices are my own.
Well every nation/country has its own embarasments... That guy is one of them I guess...

I think he's just an ignorant biased fool, probably adopted his corrupted views from ignorant anti-Ataturk forum members.

I'm sure Mao would respect a leader like Ataturk.
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