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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

The meeting decided to ask the United States to vacate Shamsi Air Base in southwestern Balochistan province within 15 days in an apparent protest against NATO strikes.

Pakistan asks US to vacate key air base in 15 days

Hasn't this base supposidely been vaccated already - as state by pak officials? It seems that we have been lied too again. This is the same base that google maps exposed for having drones on its runway.:disagree:

typical of the double-dealing by those in power.
there are only 2 possibilities

1. The NATO high command sanctioned the attack knowing what the target was.
2. The NATO troops who called the attack and the pilots who carried out the strike are inept, illiterate and cant use their own NAV systems to see where they are being sent.

or it may be that these NATO pilots were mentally ill...

---------- Post added at 07:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:15 PM ----------

Hasn't this base supposidely been vaccated already - as state by pak officials? It seems that we have been lied too again.

typical of the double-dealing by those in power.

exactly! It was Rehman Malik who said that Shamsi Base has been vacated.. Bloody Liar...
Hasn't this base supposidely been vaccated already - as state by pak officials? It seems that we have been lied too again. This is the same base that google maps exposed for having drones on its runway.:disagree:

typical of the double-dealing by those in power.

United States was able to squeeze us in the aftermatch of 9/11 by claiming the higher moral ground and throguh the threat of force .. times have changed and we have to push back on all the inroads that they have made since then .. it will take time but this has to done.

In the mean time displays of stupidity that will lend a hand to enemy in any form should be avoided. ( the same stupididty that TTP goons have done to embolden the enemy )
if it really were that easy, they would have changed the route completely already.. Last time when when the supplies were stopped, US/NATO troops were even out of toilet papers and apologized for the incident then...

I don't know what happened last time, but this time it is 100% sure that they won't suffer for toilet paper, even for beer to drink. US already made alternate plans so such thing never happen but I don't know about preparation made by Pakistan for hostile moments.
I think the majority of Pakistanis are blinded by their indoctrination, and hence are more gullible than anything else. Once their leadership is changed, by force likely, it is only then that they will begin to see.

awww most pakistanis are "blinded by their indoctrination" even those of pakistani origin who have been educated in the best western unis and schools only cheng out of all of us has the clarity. His opinions seem completly in tune with those that have pakistani blood on their hands. American Indian govts views all chime with one another and Cheng is their cheer leader. What I find funny is that he displays this as truth and or intellectual superiority over the rest of us. To me this superiority complex is actually the worst part of an inferiority complex. Tell us cheng what has happend in your childhood that makes you so disloyal.
there are only 2 possibilities

1. The NATO high command sanctioned the attack knowing what the target was.
2. The NATO troops who called the attack and the pilots who carried out the strike are inept, illiterate and cant use their own NAV systems to see where they are being sent.


Let us wait for the final report, shall we?
Look at how Mukhtaran Mai's case eventually turned out, with the acquittal of all but one guy. I rest my case with your analogy. :D
Your 'case' suggests that Mukhtaran Mai and others simply stop struggling for changing the status quo of injustice and inequality.

Again, your moral depravity is clear.
................ American Indian govts views all chime with one another and Cheng is their cheer leader. .......................

Ever consider the possibility that the rest of the world may actually be CORRECT and Pakistan is in the WRONG?
Tommorow the american defence attache or should i call him attackie is comming to pay respects n tribute to our Heroic Martyrs in Multan Garrison.. the celebration will be attended my attaches frm multiple countries .....and will be held at YADGAR E SHUHADA monument.... I asked my father if it was equal to spray our wounds with salt or chillies.... he had no words

Its time we tell usa to f..k off!

And embrace our fate even if it means tht we become the next N korea!
Your 'case' suggests that Mukhtaran Mai and others simply stop struggling for changing the status quo of injustice and inequality.

Again, your moral depravity is clear.

No Sir: The moral depravity of the system that you are supporting is clear. You merely misdirect that ire at me.
Let us wait for the final report, shall we?
Why? Is the final report being prepared by a joint 'NATO-Pak' investigation?

If not, why should we 'wait' for the NATO report, since Pakistan has already made clear its own position? Especially given NATO's track record of bombing weddings and funerals?

You continue to betray your hypocrisy and double standards when it comes to the actions of the US/West and Pakistan.
The only institution saying that the area has been cleared of insurgents is the Pakistani Army. And which type of insurgents have been cleared is a question that is anyone can only guess the answer to. The story that NATO strafed "sleeping men" could have bee palatized if it was just one post that was eliminated. Actually 2 posts were eliminated. It has also been later acknowledged that Pakistani men were "returning" fire. So that is pretty much your decision to pick up the misinformaiton of your choice.

Re the UN mandate, Obama made it clear several times that they will do whatever is necessary to protect the US soldiers even if it is going after whoever may be protecting the terrorists. So UN mandate is worth nothing. Even on the corrollary, UN also asks Pakistani army to cease support to terrorists. But that is justified as "national interest". So UN mandate is worth nothing as is evident. What however is pertinent that with this clarity from NATO that they will not leave any stone unturned and will not leave any effort undone in protecting their soldiers from any cover that the terrorist get, who is responsible for the deaths. The men who were just following orders, or NATO who had already warned that they will not allow their soldiers to die just to accomodate a twisted sense of "national interest" of the Pakistani army or will it be the PA generals that you will hold responsible now for these deaths?

As for the first paragraph, I have not seen the ISPR statement personally myself, nor have I heard it, what I said was exactly what was said to me by a Brigadier in the Armed Forces related to that area. So stop spewing nonsense. The area was cleared, everybody knows it , if you have contacts within. And 2 posts were not eliminated. Rather it was one post, or rather Company HQ , not a post, and it was attacked twice by helis.

As for the bolded part, just shows the respect for UN you guys have. This way, Iran has full rights to deny entry of IAEA people into their country.

And nowhere has it been said that it is national interest, and you have no proof so say other wise. The terrorists that attacked NATO in the first place, were not from across the border, they were on the Afghan side, and then fled into the pakistani side, as said by the NATO chief.

Why did the helis come there?

How did they possibly cross 2.5 km into Pak territory , is NATO so inept?

Was the pilot blind?

Stop spewing BS .
No Sir: The moral depravity of the system that you are supporting is clear. You merely misdirect that ire at me.
Calling for an end to injustice and inequality is no moral depravity on my part - but that is precisely what your position is, as pointed out.
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