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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Why dont you change your flag to both US flags. Why bend over and over to Amreekan government while they keep killing killing killing your people and your army.

Pakistanis should get rid of this slavery inferiority complex. If Americans believe 1 American life is more precious than 50 Pakistani lives then Pakistanis should believe that 1 Pakistani life is more precious than a 1000 American lives.

This slavery mentality of some Pakistanis like you is what is destroying Pakistan.

“When we don't know who to hate, we hate ourselves.”
― Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters
Well, to just sound like a ordiary Pakistani on Lahore's street, I would say, WE GIVE A DAMN to the International Community and its hypocrisy.

I respect that opinion, but there has to be more than just not giving a damn to deal with the hypocrisy that you mention.

Why dont you change your flag to both US flags. Why bend over and over to Amreekan government while they keep killing killing killing your people and your army.

Pakistanis should get rid of this slavery inferiority complex. If Americans believe 1 American life is more precious than 50 Pakistani lives then Pakistanis should believe that 1 Pakistani life is more precious than a 1000 American lives.

This slavery mentality of some Pakistanis like you is what is destroying Pakistan.

All lives are equally precious, but only those that have the means to ensure their dignified survival will go on. Those means are never created nor destroyed in a day.

---------- Post added at 09:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 PM ----------

Unfortunately you are not going to be heard in this uber patriotic din.

This din will die down as quickly as it arises once reality hits home. My opinions need not be shouted, for they will come true on their own.
I respect that opinion, but there has to be more than just not giving a damn to deal with the hypocrisy that you mention.

All lives are equally precious, but only those that have the means to ensure their dignified survival will go on. Those means are never created nor destroyed in a day.

---------- Post added at 09:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 PM ----------

This din will die down as quickly as it arises once reality hits home. My opinions need not be shouted, for they will come true on their own.

Im sure u mean american lives... right captain america?

No matter how much you rant n be anti Pak-pro usa... u will always remain a self hater,a traitor not an american hero..
Every country has traitors... unfortunately we have a whole bunch of them.... u specially remind me of hussain haqqani.
Bl[i]tZ;2329586 said:
The chinese scholar has come back to derail this thread. Here are his brilliant ideas -.

Wrong, our Bharati friends first came here in the name of condolences and started their troll with stupid questions.

1. Pakistan should address the US aggression by proliferating nuclear weapons.

Go read again with your open eyes, it was in response to a invasion of Pakistan.

2. If proliferation leads to a bomb going off in an American city, Pakistan shouldn't fear US retaliation since it can survive a US retaliation.

Of course we can!

3. Chinese will come to save the Pakistanis right after they break off their relation with the US

They already played their role in "saving" us, helping us I would say, we're thankful to them and this is what makes us so close to each other.

Just to burst his bubble

US took a very small time to overthrow the armies and the governments it invaded, its the administration afterwords that is difficult.

Just to burst your bubble, tell me how do you compare Pakistan's Military with that of Iraq or Afghanistan?

Forget about Military, do you know Pakistan is ranked top in the list of countries when it comes to Armed Societies, I say again, Ground invasion and world will see wonders!
Im sure u mean american lives... right captain america?

No matter how much you cry,rant n be anti Pak-pro usa... u will always remain a self hater,a traitor not an american hero..

Thank God you live outside my country... we had a guy like you in our college who used to brag abt usa all the time..coz he had a dual nationality.... once after getting fed up with treated him the way he deserved.... never saw tht guys.. say crap abt our country...
You sound like a wonderful person.
This year 2011 is a deadly year for Pakistan (i.e Raymond Davis, OBL raid, Mehran attack, Army Headquarters attacks, 200 terrorists crossovers, now 28+ soldier died). Enemy is making easy step by step to destroy Pakistan.

Kiyani meet NATO counterparts to improve relations on this friday while NATO gained benefits killing us.
Planning the
Nato: 'Highly likely' we caused Pakistan troop deaths

It is "highly likely" that Nato aircraft were behind a deadly overnight raid on a Pakistani border checkpoint, a Nato spokesman has told the BBC.

Brigadier-General Carsten Jacobson said Nato was investigating how the incident occurred and sent condolences.

Pakistan says at least 24 soldiers were killed. Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani called it "outrageous".

Pakistan retaliated by blocking Nato supply convoys, and ordering a review of co-operation with the US and Nato.

It also demanded the US vacate the remote Shamsi airbase - though it has made a similar demand before and the base may already be empty of US personnel, a BBC correspondent says.


The night-time attack took place at the Salala checkpoint, about 1.5 miles (2.5 km) from the Afghan border, at around 02:00 local time (21:00 GMT).

Gen Jacobson said a combined force of Afghan and Nato troops were in the area when "a tactical situation developed on the ground", though he gave no more details.

He said close air support was called in, and "we're aware it's highly likely this caused casualties".

He said it was a high priority for Nato to "find out what happened".

Military sources told the BBC's Quentin Sommerville in Paktika province in Afghanistan that a US-Afghan special forces mission came under fire from a position within Pakistan.

They received permission from the headquarters of Nato's Isaf mission to fire back at what they believed was a suspected Taliban training camp.

The Pakistani army said in a statement that two border posts had been attacked by helicopters and fighter aircraft, killing 24 people and leaving 13 injured.

It said Pakistani troops fired back as best they could.

Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani had strongly condemned the "blatant and unacceptable act", and demanded "strong and urgent action be taken against those responsible for this aggression", the military said.

'Sincere condolences'

A senior Pakistani military officer told Reuters the attack came "without any reasons" and that soldiers were asleep at the time.

Pakistani officials have told the BBC there was no militant activity in the area at the time.

In a statement, Isaf commander Gen John R Allen said the incident "has my highest personal attention and my commitment to thoroughly investigate it to determine the facts".

"My most sincere and personal heartfelt condolences go out to the families and loved ones of any members of Pakistan Security Forces who may have been killed or injured."

The incident looks set to deal a fresh blow to US-Pakistan relations, which had only just begun to recover following a unilateral US raid that killed Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan in May.

Prime Minister Gilani cut short a visit to his hometown to return to Islamabad, where he called an emergency meeting of the cabinet.

A foreign ministry statement said he was taking up the matter with Nato and the US "in the strongest terms".

Following the attack, lorries and fuel tankers were being stopped at Jamrud town in the Khyber tribal region near the city of Peshawar, officials and local media said - part of a key route supplying Nato equipment to Afghanistan.

"We have halted the supplies and some 40 tankers and trucks have been returned from the check post in Jamrud," Mutahir Zeb, a senior government official, told Reuters.

Pakistani troops are involved in fighting the Taliban in the crucial border region area. Hundreds of militants have been resisting attempts by the security forces to clear them from southern and south-eastern parts of the district.

In October, Pakistan's army chief Ashfaq Kayani warned the US against taking unilateral action in nearby North Waziristan.

Washington has for many years urged Islamabad to deal with militants in the area.

BBC News - Nato: 'Highly likely' we caused Pakistan troop deaths

Its obvious that NATO is Pakistan's enemy and not friend. NATO is a bigger enemy of Pakistan than India.
Im sure u mean american lives... right captain america?

No matter how much you cry,rant n be anti Pak-pro usa... u will always remain a self hater,a traitor not an american hero..

Thank God you live outside my country... we had a guy like you in our college who used to brag abt usa all the time..coz he had a dual nationality.... once after getting fed up with his usual rants... we gave him a treated that he deserved.... never saw tht guy.. say crap abt our country again..

Every country has traitors... unfortunately we have a whole bunch of them.... u specially remind me of hussain haqqani.

Notice all Indians and and other enemies of Pakistan giving him thanks. Either VCheng is an indian or a very confused self-hating slave who is not accepted by his masters (amreekans) or Pakistanis.
For the people who hate my country... im the worst person...

Pakistan is my fatherland...

You need to learn to differentiate between constructive criticism and outright hatred. Going by your record, you've still got a lot to learn. Pakistan does not need "patriots" like you, it needs critics like Mastaan or VCheng and their likes.
Wrong, our Bharati friends first came here in the name of condolences and started their troll with stupid questions.

Go read again with your open eyes, it was in response to a invasion of Pakistan.

Of course we can!

They already played their role in "saving" us, helping us I would say, we're thankful to them and this is what makes us so close to each other.

Just to burst your bubble, tell me how do you compare Pakistan's Military with that of Iraq or Afghanistan?

Forget about Military, do you know Pakistan is ranked top in the list of countries when it comes to Armed Societies, I say again, Ground invasion and world will see wonders!

Its all about technology and not about having more men on your side. An Apache gunship only carries a group of two and see how much damage it has caused.

Lets not derail this thread into US vs Pak conventional war, you'd be disappointed and mods angry.
You need to learn to differentiate between constructive criticism and outright hatred. Going by your record, you've still got a lot to learn. Pakistan does not need "patriots" like you, it needs critics like Mastaan or VCheng and their likes.

Yea we all know how much Indians love these traitors. You can have them.
Alas, the world's waiting for this for a long time.

Oh the door is already unlocked and open, it is only a short time till Madam Reality walks right into the living room and sits down on the sofa for the inevitable reckoning.
Just because he lives in the US he's a traitor? Moronic.

No because he rants,and is always cynical of even positive news tht originates from Pakistan... and sides with america even if they r in deep shite!

Moronic word suites you guys the most!

Dont tell me tht usa bombed an PAK ARMY HQ not once but twice...2.5km inside Pakistani territory tht has been marked n known to NATO n USA... and than have the audacity to lie!
You need to learn to differentiate between constructive criticism and outright hatred. Going by your record, you've still got a lot to learn. Pakistan does not need "patriots" like you, it needs critics like Mastaan or VCheng and their likes.

I respect Mastaan sahabs opinions... but this Vcheng aka capt america is nothing more than an american puppet.His views reek of hatred against the very nation tht gave his parent the opportunity to send him or migrate to usa.. his adopted country... Such people are known as traitors... I hope this guy never returns to Pakistan.... he should stay in america..
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