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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

USA must be kicked out of Afghanistan like USSR. If Pakistan blocks to supply road of NATO, there will left only central asian countries to provide supply. Uzbekistan is one of the anti us governments in the region but it seems Russia supports USA to cut petrol transit between Central Asia and China.

Allah have mercy on soldiers.
and even before that, didnt army denied the existing of shamsi airbase in the first place and tht drones flew from afghanistan

this army and government i can swear is making the common pakistanis fool, like they made us fool in 1971, they are also using media to fool us again and again

i pray to god this pakistan nation wakes up before its too late, if you know what i really mean
USA must be kicked out of Afghanistan like USSR. If Pakistan blocks to supply road of NATO, there will left only central asian countries to provide supply. Uzbekistan is one of the anti us governments in the region but it seems Russia supports USA to cut petrol transit between Central Asia and China.

Allah have mercy on soldiers.

You are mis-informed.

All the 'stans' in the region are willing to let NATO use their territory for transit.

Uzbekistan Signs Transit Route Agreement

Pakistani soldiers on patrol today close to the area near the Afghan border where a Nato helicopter killed up to 28 troops
Again, after paying our condolences to these bereaved families the people of Pakistan must ask their military leaders -

how could NATO forces be so brazen as to violate the sovereignty of Pakistan? (I already see this question being asked again and again.)

Other important questions are -

why did NATO enter into Pakistan and not Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan or Tajikistan?

why didn't NATO forces just request Pakistan to take on these militants as NATO alleges they were conducting an op against these people?

These are equally important questions.

Attack: Nato helicopters similar to this one opened fire on the checkpoint close to the border with Afghanistan killing 28 soilders, it was claimed.
So is Pakistan prepared economically for the response that will surely follow a prolonged blockade?

it's like this, where do you draw the line? is this incident acceptable for economic flourishment reasons? would another attack even deeper inside Pak with more casualties be acceptable for the same reasons? then more and more? where do you draw the line when do you say enough is enough?

America, when it remained a British colony faced heavy taxation and injustices but drew the line and decided to liberate itself after the Boston massacre. Heavily outnumbered and outgunned it prevailed against all odds.

I'm by no means suggesting a similar method. Ours is a different situation. We dont need to go gung-ho but there has to be a stand taken. Can Pakistan withstand the economic fallout in the event of a permanent blockade? better question, is America going to go that far to ecomically squeeze Pakistan for an injust incident? Is America that morally bankrupt? if yes the do you feel comfortable doing business with and relying on such injust establishment?

Sooner or later Pakistani nation has to answer these questions and learn to stand on it's feet.
My first reaction was , what the hell.. 28 jawaans lost their dear life , and who will look after their poor families :(
breaks my hear to see anybody die / martyr , esp. when they dont deserve it:(
rip guys. may God give ur souls peace and Ur families strength
Sad day indeed ... for any countries soldier :(

Pakistan has reacted with fury to an "unprovoked and indiscriminate" attack after Nato helicopters appeared to have killed at least 28 soldiers at a Pakistani border post.

Government officials immediately blocked Nato supplies to Afghanistan and condemned the early morning airstrike on the Afghan border as a “grave infringement” of Pakistan’ssovereignty.

Pakistan’s prime minister, Yousuf Raza Gilani, called an emergency meeting of his cabinet’s defence committee to consider the response.

In a late-night statement the committee condemned the attack and asked the US to vacate the Shamsi air base, where the CIA is believed to base predator drones, within 15 days.

“The Government will revisit and undertake a complete review of all programmes, activities and cooperative arrangements with US/Nato/Isaf, including diplomatic, political, military and intelligence,” it added.

The incident seemed certain to inflame already tense relations with America. Nato forces in Kabul said an investigation was underway and admitted it was “highly likely” the coalition had killed the soldiers in the Baizai area of the Mohmand region.
The problem, is that the current leaders of Pakistan (Zardari) are unwilling to break off the alliance with America.

I hope that the Pakistani people will soon elect a true leader who speaks for them, and tell America to p*ss off from the region. After breaking ties with America, Pakistan can then enter into a mutual defence agreement with China, so they can concentrate on getting their economy back on track rather than having to worry about entering into a regional conflict.
It's a shame, such an event would normally lead to war, but Pakistan is stopped by the fact that they would be destroyed.
A very difficult situation to be in.
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