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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

I am not against Army at all. I love my army but there are som bad eggs there too since they are Pakistanies as me u and our leaders. B U T

1. How can army ppl with silary they have made so much property ?

Can you kindly provide me with sources? my father is a serving Brig.

2. Airstaff said but its army cheif staff who runs army did he ever said that ?

When he said something abt the kerry lugger bill people were talking about military involvement in political affairs... and now this?... Isnt it a fact tht PPP govt has allowed drone strikes in Pakistan?.. Do you think PAK ARMY doesnt care abt its own people? the soldiers martyred today were part of the brotherhood werent they?would any brother tolerate the death of his brother?....Whose stopping the govt frm ordering to stop NATO supplies permanently?

3. Army and Pakistanies dont want there soldiers die but some gernals does not care about common soldier

Not true....Ive seen officers getting drumed out coz of insulting a JCO!

4. Dont need to fight NATO but defend ur country.

Tell govt... and army will comply..WILCO!

5. I know some ppl who were in PML-N but resgined due to davis case told me that army gernals were involved to get him released.

How did the generals release him when he was arrested by the police? the govt ministers advocating his "immunity" and their relatives accepting blood money? how was the army even involved?
instead of rhetoric........smart foreign policy and better decision making will help you more.

The country is ruled by snakes who can sell their mothers to stay in power... the snake leading is the man who spent his life in jail in cases of corruption,murders etc and killed his own wife for power... Gillani is a puppet whose satisfied with the power,money n tenders passed to his relatives... while we have snakes like hussien haqqani towing the american agenda.. What can we possibly expect from them?

---------- Post added at 05:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:01 AM ----------

Actually I opened the .pdf files. The whole convo is pretty clear

http://armed-services.senate.gov/Transcripts/2011/07 July/11-63 - 7-21-11.pdf

The highlighted part is crystal clear on which supplies he's talking about

Cool story man.. i accept it.. you happy now?... can i now tell you to kindly get lost?
These were 28 soldiers so we all know they were killed

Imagine who many civilians are killed and later proclaimed as Taliban's
It is already facing challenges on many fronts, but if you think there will be outright confrontation between the US & Pakistan, that's not going to happen.

I have always maintained that there is never going to be a need for direct confrontation; merely a slow and steady tightening of the noose already in place will do the job just fine over the next few years. What's the rush? :(
it is well under plan that this government will finish next year's march and new elections will take place or army will take over
I have always maintained that there is never going to be a need for direct confrontation; merely a slow and steady tightening of the noose already in place will do the job just fine over the next few years. What's the rush? :(

I agree but this argument fails if US leaves behind 20-30k troops with SF, drones, CAS aircraft etc.

We'll start withdrawing in 2012, transitioning completely to Afghans by 2014 is a political stunt by Pres Obama for 2012 elections.

US will transition from a CI to CT strategy by reducing its footprint and handing over the win hearts and minds strategy to the Afghans.

US is here to stay - it needs to work towards weaning away the erstwhile Soviet Union states away from Russia.
common pak army we are not stupids its 15th time you are using same BS :lol:

LAST TIME it was under UAE :rofl:
not Pakistan army but the Govt. its PM Yousaf saying that closing it yet again altough it might be already vacant
That is NOT what I argued in RD's case; I had merely accepted the ground realities, just as PA will need to accept the ground realities in this case.

Again, your 'ground realities' require acceptance of the 'might is right' principle, and an acceptance of 'injustice, inequality and lack of freedom' - in essence your 'accept ground realities' argument perpetuates that status quo of 'lack of equality, freedom, and justice' in Pakistani society that you were commending Asim on in his post.
it is well under plan that this government will finish next year's march and new elections will take place or army will take over

The Army will not take over for the foreseeable future.

Bl[i]tZ;2329280 said:
I agree but this argument fails if US leaves behind 20-30k troops with SF, drones, CAS aircraft etc.

We'll start withdrawing in 2012, transitioning completely to Afghans is a political stunt by Pres Obama for 2012 elections.

US will transition from a CI to CT strategy by reducing its footprint and handing over the win hearts and minds strategy to the Afghans.

The US is not leaving Afghanistan, and there will be only be a veneer of winning hearts and minds.
Again, your 'ground realities' require acceptance of the 'might is right' principle, and an acceptance of 'injustice, inequality and lack of freedom' - in essence your 'accept ground realities' argument perpetuates that status quo of 'lack of equality, freedom, and justice' in Pakistani society that you were commending Asim on in his post.

Please let me explain: I agree with Asim that the present lack of justice, equality and freedom is a problem. I also recognize that unless those changes are implemented inhouse in Pakistan FIRST, these realities on the ground will continue to reign. Unless Paksitan has those measures in place to win the respect of its own people, others will not respect it either.

I hope I am clear in conveying the consistency in my position.
The apology is for the loss of Pakistani personnel; that is only appropriate, but should be followed by more more steps on both sides.

How can an apology grantee that such incident would not come up in future.After some similar incidents the Maps of Pakistani border Posts were provided to the ISAF for future reference and the Post which was fired upon was clearly mentioned in the Map but yet it was still ignored and fired upon, To add more the ISAF commander just held the meetings with there Pakistani counterparts merely a few hours before this tragic incident for the purpose of improving coordination,Further the Area in which this post is located has been cleared off from the miscreants.
It is quite obvious that either this incident is directly supported by the Nato or some bastard flying that chopper realy fkd up, either ways an apology would not be enough for a mistake which has been done over and over again.
The best possible path could be that NATO as org not only apologizes for such act but should also take necessary on ground steps to ensure that such incidents never arise again in future , Plus a viable explanation should be provided to the masses and also the afectees should be compensated by Nato.It should also launch an inquiry board comprising of members from Nato and Pakistan with an aim of providing acceptable explanation to the masses in Pakistan and also a coordination should be established to prevent such incidents.!!!
But All of that has been done in the Past too, This time it would Not be easy even for the PA's Top brass,even willingly, to let Nato go on with it and put another incident under the carpet, This incident will have shocking impacts yet to be seen.!

Protest: Pakistani demonstrators shout slogans against America and NATO in Lahore, Pakistan on Saturday as tensions between the two nations increased

---------- Post added at 07:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:20 PM ----------

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