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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

How many times have we not posted news about taliban attacks on PA and civilians and showed our anger towards taliban, cursed them out and cheered PA when they captured or killed ttp bastards.

This attack is different as it came from people our army put their lives on the line for. We feel betrayed as it appears we were back stabbed. Not only our soldiers were killed but our army is being accused of complicity in the attack by the perpetrators.

So why wouldn't we be outraged?
I never knew how much outrage there is. Wheres the outrage when the Taliban attacks the outposts? Maybe its acceptable to be killed by Muslims than non-Muslims.

taliban dont claim to be our friends
So, you are saying its right or it was their (USofAs) right to attack once again their ally's post the second time to finish them off since the US soldiers attacked initially by mistake. You get fire from your ally's position by a 12.7mm gun, which by the way can't do anything to the helicopter it as fired at, the ally does the firing because you attacked its position first, the US forces return back and say to each other hey, those Pakistani soldiers fired at us even though we first attacked their position, even though we did not suffered any casualties, it was our mistake, thus we need to give a reply and decimate those soldiers.

Well, i do hope Indian sanity / intellectual level is at a level which can clearly then see that it was deliberate.

And going by your definition, it gives the right to PA to reply back in the same token as it likes and kill as many US soldiers as it can through any mean available.

You Indians are awesome, nothing parallels you guys including the Americans who thank your such pathetic posts.

it's hard to instill even basic common sense in some people who arent able or willing to perceive common sense
But u claim to be our FRIENDS.....

Yes we are friends. Have you heard of blue on blue. We sometimes accidentally kill our own does that mean we are not friends?

---------- Post added at 04:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:29 AM ----------

we wont complain a Taliban attack as we are at war with them. they are the enemy.
for their every single attack there are many more done on them.

where as
you guys are supposed to be our allies..yet what you did was nothing different from what a hostile enemy would do.

this action has just killed our drive to fight this war for Americans. what little support it had is now lost and the Taliban are celebrating the victory and their propoganda is going arround in both Pakistan and Afghanistan with ...".. told you so comments."

Thats pretty much BS to me because they could have easily protested against Taliban attacks. Yet I don't see that going around. Enough said. No burning of Mullah Omar pics if he had any.
accidental 2 hour engagement even after radio contact was established?


(well, the USS Liberty attack does come to mind)
Pakistani's Protest Outside Bonn
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Yes we are friends. Have you heard of blue on blue. We sometimes accidentally kill our own does that mean we are not friends?

---------- Post added at 04:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:29 AM ----------

Thats pretty much BS to me because they could have easily protested against Taliban attacks. Yet I don't see that going around. Enough said. No burning of Mullah Omar pics if he had any.

You really are a very old man!!

We are at war with those guys precisely because we hate them. Had we not been condemning them, then would we have been waging war against those Taliban?

Get your head straight oldman.
I never knew how much outrage there is. Wheres the outrage when the Taliban attacks the outposts? Maybe its acceptable to be killed by Muslims than non-Muslims.
lmao the audacity!!!!
I have to commend you pakistanis. In an iranian forum, he would be perm banned after making 2 comments like this haha you guys have a lot of patience.
US officials say Pakistan leaving liaison centers

(AP) ISLAMABAD — Pakistan is pulling its troops out of at least two of the three centers meant to coordinate military activity across the Afghan border in apparent retaliation for NATO airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, U.S. military officials said.

The move will hamper U.S. efforts to liaise with Pakistani forces, increasing the risk that something could go wrong again, said the officials late Monday. They spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.

The U.S. and Pakistan have offered different accounts of what led to the NATO attacks against two army posts along the Afghan border before dawn on Nov. 26, but the deadly incident seems to have been caused in part by communication breakdowns.

The soldiers' deaths have plunged already strained U.S.-Pakistan relations to an all-time low, threatening Washington's attempts to get Pakistan to cooperate on the Afghan war.

Pakistan retaliated immediately by closing its Afghan border crossings to NATO supplies, demanding the U.S. vacate an air base used by American drones and boycotting an international conference held Monday in Bonn, Germany, aimed at stabilizing Afghanistan.

Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani told The Associated Press in an interview Monday that Pakistan wants to repair relations with the United States.

But the military's decision to abandon the border coordination centers shows it is still outraged over the incident, which it has called deliberate — an allegation denied by the U.S.

Pakistan may still have troops at the coordination center in Torkham in the country's northwest Khyber tribal area, but has pulled out of the other two along the border, said the U.S. officials.

The Pakistani military did not immediately respond to request for comment.

US officials say Pakistan leaving liaison centers - CBS News
Americans are getting worried now ;)

Pakistan Fans the Flames

Pakistan is refusing to help calm public fury — or help figure out what led to a NATO attack that left 24 Pakistani soldiers dead. It has rejected American entreaties to participate in a joint investigation. On Monday, it boycotted an international conference in Bonn that laid plans for Afghanistan’s future. Both moves are self-defeating.

If there is any chance of salvaging a working relationship, Washington and Islamabad must establish what went wrong along the border and work together to ensure that it does not happen again. The Pentagon has promised a transparent inquiry — it must deliver one — and officials say they can compensate for Pakistan’s lack of cooperation by using phone conversations, e-mail exchanges and surveillance images. But without Islamabad’s participation, the Pakistani public will never find the results credible.

The two sides have radically different versions of what went awry during an Afghan-American operation against a Taliban training camp. The Americans say they were fired on first and cleared the strikes with Pakistani Army officers. The Pakistanis say that NATO gave the wrong coordinates for the strikes and that their forces fired only after the attacks began.

The United States needs Pakistan’s cooperation — as grudging and duplicitous as it is. Islamabad controls supply routes for American troops in Afghanistan (they were closed in retaliation for the attack), and it is essential to negotiations with the Taliban. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta quickly offered condolences. President Obama waited eight days to overrule Pentagon concerns and telephone President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan to say the deaths were regrettable and accidental. We share frustrations over Pakistan, but that delay further fueled the crisis.

Pakistan needs American aid :disagree: and help to hold off the extremists :disagree: — a fact no Pakistani leader has the courage to admit. Their behavior in recent days has become even more irresponsible. Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, the chief of the Pakistani Army, made things more dangerous by giving his border troops the green light to return fire without asking for permission beforehand.

Pakistan’s refusal to attend the Bonn conference was misguided. The meeting, attended by dozens of countries and organizations, worked on a political and economic strategy to ensure Afghan stability after NATO troops draw down. Pakistan has a strong strategic and economic interest in Afghanistan’s future. With its boycott, it has denied itself a voice and increased its own isolation. :disagree:

Yes we are friends. Have you heard of blue on blue. We sometimes accidentally kill our own does that mean we are not friends?

yup we know, but the Ally heeds the calls and stops firing. doesnt come back and attacks again. doesnt ignore the calls, doesnt ignore the fact that these designated posts were already communicated to it.

Thats pretty much BS to me because they could have easily protested against Taliban attacks. Yet I don't see that going around. Enough said. No burning of Mullah Omar pics if he had any.

no my dear, its not BS...
1. Taliban ARE celebrating the attack of the Americans on the Pakistan army (which is not the first time).
2. Taliban ARE using this example to convince people to stop helping the WoT.
3. Mullah Omar has never attacked Pakistan, he is fighting the Invadors in his country.
4. pakistanis dont burn the pictures of Mullah Omar because he is only operating in Afghanistan and doesnt use the blue on blue excuse to repeatedly attack our posts.
5. As far as Pakistani Taliban or TTP is concerned, our religious leaders, Clergy, teachers, soldiers, policemen, scholars, doctors, rescue workers and ordinary civilians have protested and gave their lives while ignoring the threats of taliban. so what you say sir, is ill-informed, ignorant and malicious lie. But I don’t blame you if the media of your choice is very selective and choosing only the stories that suit the anti-Pakistan perception.
i think we should create to four different thread on reasons given by US
1. Taliban attacked
2. Pakistan army fire first
3. wrong coordinates given
4. Error of US official (latest)
to discuss every aspects of these reasons separately and in detail
dude which aid are you talking about the OBL operation everything was cut they dont need to pay Pakistan any more
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