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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

hey we also get the same blame from you guys so feeling is mutual
23 Dec report will be as good as their previous reports about American "mistakes" in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I generally try to avoid generalizations based on a few internet based opinions where the actual nationalities cant even be confirmed but whatever.. And also avoid predicting what may come in future reports. Though frankly, the detail I am most awaiting is the whole deal on the 2nd round of attack. it is the weakest link in the whole story..
Bonn conference has started and Pakistan isnt there..

No surprise really.

Whatever they say in the conference, nothing is going to be implemented and the true pullout plan and future of Afghanistan can never be settled unless the Taliban, Afghans( Not Karzai) and pakistan is taken on board. And when the US wants, conference or no conference.

Michael Scheuer, is my favourite, very articulate and eloquent debater, a proud American, a great American patriot and doesn’t mince his words he has been the head of Bin Laden unit in CIA during President Bush time.

Although I welcome his positive and pro-Pakistan remarks that he has made over the years and defended Pakistan on various discussions but the real reason I respect this person is that he is not a lying hypocrite like the Neo Cons are who will throw the sympathy card whenever it suits them to justify their murder and outright arrogance.
You might want to look up to his answer to Bill Maher on you tube, its not related to WoT or Pakistan at all but what he says really refreshing and one cant help but wish if everyone was a patriot and straight talker like he is.
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NATO attack aftermath: Bereaved demand end to ‘America’s war’
Published: December 5, 2011

BHAGWAL: Bereaved Pakistanis are demanding an end to their country’s alliance with the US and banning of drone attacks in the region. It remains unclear the extent to which the government or the military will implement changes.
Relatives of martyred soldiers believe that Pakistan should not be paying a high price to figh this war.
Sergeant Mumtaz Hussain was deployed to fight the Taliban on the Afghan border and was the sole breadwinner of the family. The survival of his family, which includes his mother, wife and two young children, depended on the military salary and pension.

“The day he died, the children missed him immensely. They told me they just wanted to see him and would not go to school until they had. My son still does not believe he is dead,” Mussarrat Bibi said.

“This is not the first time the US attacked our soldiers, but our government is not responding,” she added. “If our government decides to come out of this alliance, things may improve … These drone strikes are fuelling terrorism and strengthening the Taliban,” said his uncle Muhammad Nazeer.

Tasleem Akhter’s 20-year-old son, Rizwan Abbas, was recruited last year.

“He desired to sacrifice his life for his country. I can sacrifice all my sons for my homeland but our government should also take necessary action,” said Akhter.

“While we were out walking down the streets, he told me this might be his last trip to the village and asked me to change the national flag on his grave regularly after his death,” recalled Jameel Akhter. “He always told stories about fights against the Taliban. I never expected he would die so soon,” he added.
Published in The Express Tribune, December 5th, 2011.
I never knew how much outrage there is. Wheres the outrage when the Taliban attacks the outposts? Maybe its acceptable to be killed by Muslims than non-Muslims.
I never knew how much outrage there is. Wheres the outrage when the Taliban attacks the outposts? Maybe its acceptable to be killed by Muslims than non-Muslims.

we wont complain a Taliban attack as we are at war with them. they are the enemy.
for their every single attack there are many more done on them.

where as
you guys are supposed to be our allies..yet what you did was nothing different from what a hostile enemy would do.

this action has just killed our drive to fight this war for Americans. what little support it had is now lost and the Taliban are celebrating the victory and their propoganda is going arround in both Pakistan and Afghanistan with ...".. told you so comments."
I never knew how much outrage there is. Wheres the outrage when the Taliban attacks the outposts? Maybe its acceptable to be killed by Muslims than non-Muslims.

We don't consider Taliban our friends, they have killed thousands of our soldiers and civilians, our Army is after those insurgents. Whereas we consider US and US led forces our friends and its very unfortunate that we are being killed by our own friends repeatedly.
I never knew how much outrage there is. Wheres the outrage when the Taliban attacks the outposts? Maybe its acceptable to be killed by Muslims than non-Muslims.

You share common objective with TTP and it is quite obvious.

While how much outrage is out there, can be seen on this thread.. which you obviously failed to see.
I never knew how much outrage there is. Wheres the outrage when the Taliban attacks the outposts? Maybe its acceptable to be killed by Muslims than non-Muslims.

Old man you should call it a quits- its above your interpretation now-
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