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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

............retract your earlier claim.

My claim stands Sir, at least till 23rd December. Then we shall see if I need to amend it, based on the NATO report, not by your non-arguments.

.........Pakistan may indeed decide to 'accept an apology' from NATO and return to a normal relationship, but that does not by any means suggest that the PA is backtracking on its version of events.

Au contraire, resuming a "normal" master-slave relationship means EXACTLY that PA has backtracked. You may not admit it and the frenzied zealots in the Pakistani nation may not admit it, but the whole world will surely see it.
Only time will tell whether he is playing ISI (in which case he'd have to be really smart) or whether the ISI is playing him.

One thing is for sure, though, that in the current maelstrom of the state of affairs in Pakistan, Imran Khan is the best bet.

There's no other who can compete with Imran for now at least.

wow mate I thought you were joking when you started that thread about not trolling I find myself being compelled to thank you
That is a pretty dishonest shift in your position and your earlier claims - you said that the PA had backtracked, just try and be honest for a second and just respond to that question - do you have anything to support your claim that the PA has backtracked in its official statements?

It is a simple enough answer - have the decency and honesty to answer it, and retract your earlier claim.

BTW, WRT your 'backtracked by actions', that is just a sniveling safe facing way out for you - Pakistan may indeed decide to 'accept an apology' from NATO and return to a normal relationship, but that does not by any means suggest that the PA is backtracking on its version of events.

---------- Post added at 04:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:58 PM ----------

Yet more running around in circles instead of answering the questions - why can't NATO military be liars and fabricate reports to continue to promote their national interests?

AM - i personally give in. Cheng is Cheng. He is set in his ways and his hatred for Pakistan is clear for all to see in his posts.
In my opinion Pakistan may have to accept the grovelling apology from Nato for the sake of all - this wont change the status quo. Americans are liars and scumbags in this affair and others. For the sake of this region we may accept a "sorry" but we can and will never forget.
Sure, please keep your opinion, as I will keep mine.

There is a differnece between stubbornness and conviction, but perhaps that is beyond you to understand.

How hard can it be to wait three weeks?

PDF was in an uproar about RD too, till he was driven to the airport. Same thing with this thread. Sad, will you you guys never learn?
Patriotic Pakistanis are still upset over the RD affair, as it should be - only a continuing buildup of rage against policies such as the ones followed by the current government will result in a change, either politically or otherwise, in Pakistan.
.............. why can't NATO military be liars and fabricate reports to continue to promote their national interests?

..... because they have to put out their report yet! THAT IS WHY!

Why are you so anxious to prejudge what has not been put out yet? This is the very definition of prejudice.

Please learn to wait for ALL the facts to be known before jumping to conclusions.

---------- Post added at 05:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:04 PM ----------

Patriotic Pakistanis are still upset over the RD affair, as it should be - only a continuing buildup of rage against policies such as the ones followed by the current government will result in a change, either politically or otherwise, in Pakistan.

How much more "rage" does the nation need to actually DO something that creates a real change, I wonder?

---------- Post added at 05:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:06 PM ----------

AM - i personally give in. Cheng is Cheng. ................

Thank you! :D
My claim stands Sir, at least till 23rd December. Then we shall see if I need to amend it, based on the NATO report, not by your non-arguments.
How can your claim stand when you have not backed it up by providing any official PA statements contradicting themselves?
Au contraire, resuming a "normal" master-slave relationship means EXACTLY that PA has backtracked. You may not admit it and the frenzied zealots in the Pakistani nation may not admit it, but the whole world will surely see it.
The PA has not argued that 'Pakistan should have an X or Y relationship after this incident' to begin with, the GoP has.

The only thing the PA can 'backtrack' on are the official statements it has made regarding the facts it has established around the NATO attack, as mentioned.

The only thing you are doing is changing the goal posts when your argument is called out for the duplicitous and dishonest nonsense it is.

I am giving you one last chance to retract your earlier claims that the 'PA HAS backtracked on the claims it has made regarding the NATO attack'.

What happens in the future is not what the argument is about, and your speculation about what will happen is not the issue being debated - again - Do you have official statements from the PA contradicting themselves on the facts related to the NATO attack?
..... because they have to put out their report yet! THAT IS WHY!

Why are you so anxious to prejudge what has not been put out yet? This is the very definition of prejudice.
Because nothing has come of the previous so called reports they came out with - with all the 'investigations and reports' they have done around so called 'friendly fire incidents' in similar circumstances, on the same border, you would think they had the process perfected by now and this would not have happened to begin with.

Please learn to wait for ALL the facts to be known before jumping to conclusions.
Yet you had no problem accusing the PA of 'backtracking' or making predictions of 'slave master relationships' and backtracking in the future. I don't think you are in any position to be making that argument.
How much more "rage" does the nation need to actually DO something that creates a real change, I wonder?
Its getting there - Imran Khan is becoming popular finally after all.

I am giving you one last chance to retract your earlier claims that the 'PA HAS backtracked on the claims it has made regarding the NATO attack'......................

I am not taking any "last chances", and standing by my position till 12-23-11, thank you very much. Till then, I am sorry you will either have to accept it or exercise your Admin rights if you so wish, making a mockery of the words by Webmaster in my signature:

"Just want to add, no matter what your view is. PDF accepts them all. Just respect everybody, keep a friendly tone, and the favor will be returned by many.

It is my goal to make this happen."
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Americans Don't Believe Government Lies: "Forty-Eight Percent Say That Another Great Depression Is Likely To Occur In The Next Year ... More Than Eight In Ten Americans Say That The Economy Is In Poor Shape

Look at the above in a survey undertaken in america about american govt 48% americans believe their govt are liars. But Mr Cheng is one of the 52%

Americans Don't Believe Government Lies: "Forty-Eight Percent Say That Another Great Depression Is Likely To Occur In The Next Year ... More Than Eight In Ten Americans Say That The Economy Is In Poor Shape" → Washingtons Blog
ABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Pakistan resumed some cooperation with U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan following NATO strikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers by working with the coalition to prevent another cross-border incident from escalating, a spokesman said Wednesday.

The airstrikes have severely strained the already troubled relationship between Pakistan and the U.S., jeopardizing Washington's hopes of enlisting Islamabad's support in winding down the Afghan war.

Pakistan is still outraged by the soldiers' deaths and has retaliated by closing its Afghan border crossings to NATO supplies, demanding the U.S. vacate an air base used by American drones and boycotting an international conference aimed at stabilizing Afghanistan.

But NATO said Islamabad communicated with the alliance to prevent an exchange of artillery fire late Tuesday from turning into another international incident.

German Brig. Gen. Carsten Jacobson, a NATO spokesman in Kabul, expressed hope that Pakistan's cooperation in resolving the incident in eastern Afghanistan's Paktia province signaled the two sides could recover from the recent tragedy. He did not provide more details about targets or who was doing the shooting but said no damage or injuries were reported.

"We are continuing operations and it is of great importance that the incidents of Saturday, as tragic as they were, do not disrupt our capability to operate in the border area and cooperate with the Pakistani side," said Jacobson.

The Pakistani military did not immediately respond to request for comment on the latest incident.

Pakistani and American officials have offered different accounts of how NATO aircraft attacked two Pakistan army posts before dawn Saturday. But it seems clear that a breakdown in communication contributed to the tragedy.

According to U.S. military records described to The Associated Press, the incident occurred when a joint U.S. and Afghan patrol requested backup after being hit by mortar and small arms fire by Taliban militants. Before responding, the joint U.S.-Afghan patrol first checked with the Pakistani army, which reported it had no troops in the area, the military account said.

Pakistani officials have refuted this claim and said U.S. forces must have known they were attacking Pakistani soldiers because the posts were clearly marked on maps given to NATO and the two sides were in contact immediately before and during the airstrikes.

Pentagon press secretary George Little disputed suggestions that the attack on the Pakistani troops was deliberate.

"In no way, shape or form should this be construed as in intentional attack on Pakistan by the United States. That is simply incorrect," Little told reporters in Washington.

The Pakistan army on Wednesday released photographs and video of the posts that were attacked in the Mohmand tribal area. The images show small, damaged structures made out of stacked gray stones perched on a steep, barren mountain ridge. A white flag flew next to one of the posts.

Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said he rejected person pleas from the Afghan president and the German chancellor to reconsider Islamabad's decision to boycott the conference Monday in Bonn, Germany, on Afghanistan.

Few had high expectations for the conference, but the absence of Pakistan will make even minor progress more difficult. The Taliban called the conference an "American trap" and a plot to "further ensnare Afghanistan into the flames of occupation" in statement posted on its website Wednesday, according to Site Monitoring Services, a U.S.-based group that tracks militant websites.

Pakistan and Afghanistan have long had a strained relationship even though the two countries have ethnic and cultural similarities. Islamabad is angry at Kabul because the NATO aircraft that carried out the strikes that killed its soldiers were based in Afghanistan.

"Afghan land has been used against Pakistan, and we are protesting against this," Gilani told reporters in the southern city of Karachi. "We don't want the land of our brother country, which is like a twin, to be used against Pakistan."

Pakistanis have staged small rallies protesting the strikes in the country's major cities, many of them organized by anti-U.S. Islamist parties.

Re-establishing a workable relationship between Pakistan, Afghanistan and the U.S. is important because Islamabad is critical to the process of peace negotiations with the Taliban. Pakistan has historical ties with the group and is seen as the actor with the greatest leverage to push the Taliban to the negotiating table.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai moved forward with those efforts Wednesday, meeting with members of a council he set up to broker peace with the Taliban and reiterating the need for "honest cooperation with Pakistan for providing opportunities for negotiation with the opposition."

Karzai also told members of the peace council that he was in favor of changing the panel's composition to include more individuals who might be able to bridge the divide between the insurgents and the government. Tribal leaders, religious figures and clerics also should be given more opportunity to assist with the peace process, Karzai told them.


Khan reported from Karachi, Pakistan. Associated Press writers Sebastian Abbot in Islamabad and Lolita Baldor in Washington contributed to this report.

Yet you had no problem accusing the PA of 'backtracking' or making predictions of 'slave master relationships' and backtracking in the future. ........................

Those are not predictions, but HISTORICAL FACTS, which WILL continue for the foreseeable future, even if IK is in power. You are setting yourself for another disappointment I am afraid.

---------- Post added at 05:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:19 PM ----------

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Americans Don't Believe Government Lies: "Forty-Eight Percent Say That Another Great Depression Is Likely To Occur In The Next Year ... More Than Eight In Ten Americans Say That The Economy Is In Poor Shape

Look at the above in a survey undertaken in america about american govt 48% americans believe their govt are liars. But Mr Cheng is one of the 52%

Americans Don't Believe Government Lies: "Forty-Eight Percent Say That Another Great Depression Is Likely To Occur In The Next Year ... More Than Eight In Ten Americans Say That The Economy Is In Poor Shape" → Washingtons Blog

Offtopic, and thus not worthy of a response.
"Just want to add, no matter what your view is. PDF accepts them all. Just respect everybody, keep a friendly tone, and the favor will be returned by many.

It is my goal to make this happen."

Is that why you were calling me names earlier?? calling bilal a liar? etc

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