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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Because They Knew Pakistan would not hit back the day we will show them if they will kill Soldier in reply we will make sure 10 of Nato soldiers become History I guarantee you they will never attack again

I disagree most of your posts but this one i must agree :P .
the whole thing needs to be viewed without the 'emotional' aspect. personally i am saddened and greived at this loss of life but in the 'fog of war' such incidents will continue to happen. having said that, one thing is a given - US/NATO/ISAF forces are 'trigger happy'. this is the 8th incident of so called 'friendly fire' against our troops. in afghanistan hundreds of civilians have been killed by 'friendly fire' incidents. secondly these western forces dont care what happens to the civilians and troops of their 'allies' - now what to do?
unfortunately we dont have many options. closing all doors to them will only 'isolate' us further. we have only ourselves to blame for this because we have bent over backwards in the past to 'accomodate' them and now they take these things for granted that we will not do anything. we cant start a war with the US/NATO/ISAF with the state of our economy. we just have to 'bite the bullet' and make the best of a very bad situation - 'situation is critical but not hopeless'.

And sir, believe me, neither can they start a war.
the whole thing needs to be viewed without the 'emotional' aspect. personally i am saddened and greived at this loss of life but in the 'fog of war' such incidents will continue to happen. having said that, one thing is a given - US/NATO/ISAF forces are 'trigger happy'. this is the 8th incident of so called 'friendly fire' against our troops. in afghanistan hundreds of civilians have been killed by 'friendly fire' incidents. secondly these western forces dont care what happens to the civilians and troops of their 'allies' - now what to do?
unfortunately we dont have many options. closing all doors to them will only 'isolate' us further. we have only ourselves to blame for this because we have bent over backwards in the past to 'accomodate' them and now they take these things for granted that we will not do anything. we cant start a war with the US/NATO/ISAF with the state of our economy. we just have to 'bite the bullet' and make the best of a very bad situation - 'situation is critical but not hopeless'.

so u mean we keep on working for them jub tak Allah kuch nahi karain gay

Lol, Americans are the only ones waging war since WWII! Behold the products of Muslim education!:eek:

You should also come out of delusional world--oh wait, you're a Westerner--brainwashed by its media and pathetic education system.

People in your country still believe "We went to war to help Iraqis" ... How shameful is the fact that idiots like Herman Cain are running for the presidency of America? For a country with 100% literacy rate and $ 44,000 GDP per capita--this is pathetic.

Also just tell me that how many CIVILIANS have been killed by US bombings in last 50 years?
Yes! the US General is right the ties are repairable if they hand over us the guyz responsible for spilling out the blood of our innocent soldiers.......:smokin:

You are right till the if, after that you became emotional like me, they know that our leadership need $$$ and they have those, so every kind of damage is repairable, just wait couple for weeks.

A strong attacks by million Pakistanis on NATO....great!



Change Your Avatar!

"as an unannounced war on Pakistan’s sovereignty”
Idiot.. they had airbase in Pakistan.
Stupid ignorant reply! They do not and did not have an AIRBASE in Pakistan. Period. What they have is an airfield for operating drones at Shamsi (which was also being used by US special forces until 2006), which had been leased by Pakistan to the Arab sheiks from Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries for falconry trips, decades ago. The UAE allowed the Americans to use the base as it belonged to them.

Pakistan Air Chief Rao Qamar Suleman had disclosed that the Shamsi Base is under the control of United Arab Emirates, not in the control of Pakistan Air Force while briefing a joint in-camera session of Pakistan parliament on 13 May 2011.

So which is that so called American air base in Pakistan that you're talking about?
Speculation knows no bounds.

Since the people have lost faith in what the GoP says.. and the Army hasnt said much about the incident other than refuting charges and pointing fingers.
We dont have a clear story apart from the dots that connect 28 flag draped coffins that come from a KNOWN post to both sides and the statement of PA about the attack not being stopped even after a mayday was issued.
Some one create anti- nato protest face book page- Lets all join in-
Because They Knew Pakistan would not hit back the day we will show them if they will kill Soldier in reply we will make sure 10 of Nato soldiers become History I guarantee you they will never attack again

I disagree most of your posts but this one i must agree :P .

Well gentlemen here i disagree with you both.

I guess you never read the first post of this thread.

Bottom line is the people who run wars are not confined to borders or nationalities and they have no regard for any life.. be it Western, Asian or Chinese.
yes you are right Pakistan should make friends with Iran and Russia move more closer

Russia if they stop supply in Afghanistan with Pakistan will be doing it then NATO and USA will be in a big problem in Afghanistan even though they will get supply it will really be expensive
it is time for Pakistan to buy and use the S300 and S400 from Russia and also be nice to USa in Afghanistan Shoot down some HElo and drones and ALWAYS say OOOOPPPSSS sorry mistake and it happened accidentally

:) that is why be nice :)
November 28, 2011

What's Next?

NATO vs Pakistan


The Nato assault on a Pakistani checkpoint close to the Afghan border which killed 24 soldiers on Saturday must have been deliberate. Nato commanders have long been supplied with maps marking these checkpoints by the Pakistani military. They knew that the target was a military outpost. The explanation that they were fired on first rings false and has been ferociously denied by Islamabad. Previous such attacks were pronounced ‘accidental’ and apologies were given and accepted. This time it seems more serious. It has come too soon after other ‘breaches of sovereignty’, in the words of the local press, but Pakistani sovereignty is a fiction. The military high command and the country’s political leaders willingly surrendered their sovereignty many decades ago. That it is now being violated openly and brutally is the real cause for concern.

In retaliation, Pakistan has halted Nato convoys to Afghanistan (49 per cent of which go through the country) and asked the US to vacate the Shamsi base that they built to launch drones against targets in both Afghanistan and Pakistan with the permission of the country’s rulers. Islamabad was allowed a legal fig-leaf: in official documents the base was officially leased by the UAE – whose ‘sovereignty’ is even more flexible than Pakistan’s.

Motives for the attack remain a mystery but its impact is not. It will create further divisions within the military, further weaken the venal Zardari regime, strengthen religious militants and make the US even more hated than it already is in Pakistan.

So why do it? Was it intended as a provocation? Is Obama seriously thinking of unleashing a civil war in an already battered country? Some commentators in Islamabad are arguing this but it’s unlikely that Nato troops will occupy Pakistan. Such an irrational turn would be difficult to justify in terms of any imperial interests. Perhaps it was simply a tit-for-tat to punish the Pakistani military for dispatching the Haqqani network to bomb the US embassy and Nato HQ in Kabul’s ‘Green Zone’ a few months back.

The Nato attack comes on the heels of another crisis. One of Zardari and his late wife’s trusted bagmen in Washington, Husain Haqqani, whose links to the US intelligence agencies since the 1970s made him a useful intermediary and whom Zardari appointed as Pakistan’s ambassador to Washington, has been forced to resign. Haqqani, often referred to as the US ambassador to Pakistan, appears to have been caught red-handed: he allegedly asked Mansoor Ijaz, a multi-millionaire close to the US defense establishment, to carry a message to Admiral Mike Mullen pleading for help against the Pakistani military and offering in return to disband the Haqqani network and the ISI and carry out all US instructions.

Mullen denied that he had received any message. A military underling contradicted him. Mullen changed his story and said a message had been received and ignored. When the ISI discovered this ‘act of treachery’, Haqqani, instead of saying that he was acting under orders from Zardari, denied the entire story. Unfortunately for him, the ISI boss, General Pasha, had met up with Ijaz and been given the Blackberry with the messages and instructions. Haqqani had no option but to resign. Demands for his trial and hanging (the two often go together when the military is involved) are proliferating. Zardari is standing by his man. The military wants his head. And now Nato has entered the fray. This story is not yet over.

TARIQ ALI’s latest book is The Obama Syndrome: Surrender at Home, War Abroad.
This was a complete setup. The timing is perfect for Bonn Conference. Boycotting it will fullfill the objective of US, we will have no say in future of Afghanistan. Some Military Analysts think that this operation was conducted by Special Ops task Force (which did OBL op as well), they had an air cover this time too.

Boycotting this conference only to raise our voice and protest against the un-just killing from a so called 'Friendly' isnt a good plan. Implementation is..e.g taking back Shamsi, halting the supply line for months and then decreasing it to the minimum possible level. Imposing ban on arrival of US/NATO containers at Karachi dockyard. And Finally demanding a big price to pay to these shuada(martyrs) and all 72 shuada who have lost their lives in such 'friendly fire' in past couple of years.

Bonn conference should be attended, but NATo supplies blocked, cooperation with NATO stopped, and the inclusion and participation of Pakistan in NATO sessions as an observer be stopped.
Ask/protest against the civilian government to provide similar 'allowances' to non-military orphans that the military provides to its soldiers.

Criticizing the institution of the military for properly caring for its soldiers and officers, because the civilian government cannot do the same, is absurd.

While it is true that the military earns billions of rupees in profit from the businesses it runs (which is largely used to fund these welfare and retirement programs for the troops), the GoP has even larger Public Sector Enterprizes under its control that can offer far more in the way of income, were they run properly - Pakistan Steel, PIA, Pakistan Railways, Oil and Gas, Water and Power etc. etc.

It is rather pathetic to see Pakistanis critiquing the military for being able to run successful businesses in order to provide proper welfare and retirement benefits to its soldiers, who otherwise don't earn much by even Pakistani standards.

In addition to that you cannot blame , a soldier who sleeps in freezing nights, and voluntarily goes out there, eats practically nothing, except for daal roti for most of the week, and still dies defending you.
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