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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Yeah , I read that but There is Tajikstan Route Beside you think the Pak Govt will Hold the Block of NATO Supplies Permenantly ?

This will Severely Effect U.S-Pak Relations !

The IMU has a strong presence in Tajikistan as well.

google earth over view of shamsi air base and u can even see the drones in this video . . . . @1:30

This is photo is from the early years of the "war on terror" when it was in full swing.

The base was given to UAE and leased to USA with the consent of Pakistani government + army
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To 'SUCCEED' Pakistan perhaps must be the above, but to demand, argue and campaign for change does not require the above - the latter will set the stage for when the nation is politically and economically stronger.

The problem with VC's argument is that he seeks to discourage even 'demanding, arguing and campaigning for change'.
Looks like he is a friend of Haqqani our ex-Ambassador to US or belongs to his sympathiser groups.......:eek:
Should Pakistan close its air space for NATO?

These UAE sheikhs are the worst of the worse , they used this air strip for their trips to Pakistan for Bustard hunting , then they handed this over to the US and we the Pakistanis took the responsibility for it.

Blame Nawaz who gave the UAE sheikhs this base.

Pakistan should not give our bases to countries known as slaves of the west.
Pakistan records protest at UNSC

UNITED NATIONS: Pakistan’s permanent envoy to United Nations (UN) Abdullah Hussain Haroon in his letter to UN’s Security Council has lodged strong protest against Nato’s attack on Pakistan’s border post in Mohmand Agency, Geo News reported.

In his letter Haroon conveyed to the UNSC and the General Assembly the decisions taken by the Pakistan Cabinet’s Defence Committee.

Writing to UNSC was the first thing the ambassador to UN did after reaching New York.

Pakistan records protest at UNSC
There r a few important questions ...and even considering these questions probably we can find answers :
*Is Shamsi air base really just an airstrip ?
* Why is it so important that UAE's minister had to personally request to Zardari to let them hav it ?
* Why did we vacate this air base in the first place ? (a very important question...)
* Did Zardari really decline UAE's request or its just for common man's consumption by Zardari's spoksperson ?

USA cannot afford jeopardizing the relations between UAE and Pakistan but the many other bases under US control inside Pakistan, what about them? As i have told in other threads it is being used just as a scape goat by the government and army.

NO GCC country wants any harm to come to Pakistan. UAE requires the strip for the time of need for itself.
If they block permanently, We may see bolochistan as new independent country. India should step in and provide through IRAN.
Put pressure on western boarder.

Please try that.

I am sure the Iranians would be most interested to learn about Indian help for NATO and Baloch separatists.
Did you read the full article?

The route through Uzbekistan is currently in question, however, after a key bridge near the Afghan border was damaged by an explosion 10 days ago and has been closed since.

Neither the US nor the Uzbeks have commented on the cause of the explosion, although there are fears it could be the work of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, which is allied to the Taliban.
Okay! then let us wait and see when they will run out of TOILET PAPERS.......:D
USA cannot afford jeopardizing the relations between UAE and Pakistan but the many other bases under US control inside Pakistan, what about them? As i have told in other threads it is being used just as a scape goat by the government and army.

NO GCC country wants any harm to come to Pakistan. UAE requires the strip for the time of need for itself.

Assalam alaikum

u know my pov about gulf countries and arab but i don't like the bold part ,

we should not give any country access to our bases no matter how close we r, either we r with them or not but not let them do some stupid act and then say hey uae is responsilbe for that act coz the base is under them

If they block permanently, We may see bolochistan as new independent country. India should step in and provide through IRAN.
Put pressure on western boarder.

Lol about Iran. :rofl: :rofl:

---------- Post added at 10:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 AM ----------

Pak Minorities: Christian leaders back armed forces

The protest was led by Salim Gabriel, Hanif Maseeh, Javed Sindhu, Pastor Asif Rafique, Javed Enayat and Madam Tabassum. The speakers said the Nato strike was not the first of its kind, as Western forces had repeatedly violated Pakistan’s borders. “How can we forget the great sacrifices of our brave soldiers? All Christians of Pakistan categorically condemn this dastardly attack,” said one speaker. “If any country or alliance of countries tries to intrude our borders, our response should be very hard and fast.” The Christian leaders pledged their full support for the army in the defence of the country’s sovereignty and integrity. They said that the United Nations must take note of the incident and play a part in stopping such attacks on Pakistan.

Pak Minorities: Christian leaders back armed forces – The Express Tribune
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