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America Withholds Spares For Turkish F16s

Storm Force

Sep 19, 2009
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United Kingdom
Very interesting artcile which should be a real eye opener for those advocating American F16s for the PAF

Problems persist with the US on fighter planes

Turkey is a NATO ally and a western country.

If they can do that to Them they won,t think twice about doing it to PAF or indeed India in the event of hostilities.

Can you imagine the TENSION is at its highest and USA denys spares so F16s stay in the hangers.

No wonder Turkey is looking at indengious fighter.

Another interesting point Turkey is suppose to be Self sufficient on F16 support YET EVEN THEY NEED the parts imported from USA or Israel

This is why nothing beats INDENGIOUS self production
Nobody trusts the Americans.

No country especially non Nato Countries should buy American military hardware.

If it was my decision i would rather buy a less capable platform that is indengous or spend extra and go the Europe.

USA will be thrown out of indian MMRCA next month i can see it.
Post it in Military Forum Section or Turkey Defence.
I now strongly support any non-US made jet for PAF. It would be nightmare if that happened by the way didn`t Turkey have some sort of transfer of tech of f-16s. They did after all upgrade a lot of our F-16s.

Pakistan should offer Trukey JF-17 along with option to load Turkish avionics, it doesn't need spare parts and repairs after each flight it was built to fly, attack, come back, refuel, reload and fly back out. Where the F-16s need constant repair and an endless line of spare parts.
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I think it is little bit hard to believe this article. Because i only heard this news from zaman newspaper. Other papers or TV channels did not report this story.

if such thing happen they definitely report it.
i think its time when turks should start to review their policy of buying JSF....
doesn't seem like a very good move
i think its time when turks should start to review their policy of buying JSF....
doesn't seem like a very good move
The F-35 is a joint-effort involving in close to a dozen nations. It is unlikely that Americans would want to geopardize a cost-ridden programme further by creating problems for the Turkish air force.

This news though comes as a suprise considering that Turkey and United States have been friendliest of countries till date.
Once again Zaman i would say is not a very credible source. Also this has been posted already.
i think its time when turks should start to review their policy of buying JSF....
doesn't seem like a very good move

Even if this news, which appears to be complete b.s., is actually true, doesn't Turkey have the assembly and maintenance for the F-35 already?
Even if this news, which appears to be complete b.s., is actually true, doesn't Turkey have the assembly and maintenance for the F-35 already?

We have center fuselage contracts and contracts to build parts(amounting to 90%) of the engine. So if the U.S. for some crazy reason decided to pull out. They lose 15 billion in aircraft we were going to buy and TAI producing parts for the F-35 so they lose their international parts supplier. (Which most likely in turn means cost overruns and delays.)

Also just to make things clear. Senate has approved the sale, MOU has been signed, and parts production at TAI for the Fuselage has begun (since last year)
Recent wrong foreign policy decisions by Turkish government needs to fixed soon as possible

Turkish PM him self hurting the national interests of Turkey

My Turkish friends don’t like him

Let’s see what happens in next general elections

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