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America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

MrConcerned said:
Please show the part of the United States Constitution which was written far far earlier than the existence of Israel, that says that the US must defend Israel.

Wake up gentlemen, don't make this forum a laughing stock.

Nowhere does it say in the US constitution that israel must be protected. I think the guy that said it meant that the power of the Jewish Lobby..AIPAC,JINSA etc ensure that every American President guarantee that Israel be protected at all costs. American taxpayers dont send Israel $10 billion dollars for nothing ..
the annual stipend to Israel is around 5 billion a year, and Egypt gets exactly the same amount too, how come we don't see people whining about Egypt?

Jordan gets 400m as well, Pakistan gets 750m, Turkey got 1b a year until last year, Krgzystan, loads of other Muslim countries. Muslim countries in total get much more than Israel.

where. is. the. whining?
RAPTOR said:
The mode of an attack on Iran and Syria will not be occupation by ground troops, but most likely a massive attack from air and sea. All this has to be done before 2008. Israel has that much time until it can achieve its goals for "Greater Israel" or ZION. That consists of Iraq,Iran,Turkey,Syria ,Egypt,Arabia and parts of Central asia and Pakistan.
Just like Iraq and Afghanistan....the goal of such an attack on Iran and Syria will be to turn these two countries into a smouldering mess ,cause chaos ,destruction and despair. So then you have a huge MOSLEM landmass consisting of Afghanistan ,Iran,Iraq,Syria,Lebanon up in flames. Arabia will not be touched at this time due to its status as an oil depot for the west. To bring down Turkey..Israel has plans to use "Kurdistan" and for Pakistan the zionists with their hindu allies tried to use "Balochistan" (that plan has been thoroughly foiled by the Pakistan Army.)

I think its shouldnt come as a revelation to anyone that the idea behind the attack on Iraq and Afghanistan by Zionists was not to destroy WMDs,find OBL or free the people.........It was to create HELL on earth for the moslems who will be wiped out by the Jews/Zionists to create Greater Israel or ZION.

You seem to be seized by fear and palsying as a result!

In fact, you come out real pathetic.

I really feel sorry for you. I wish I lend you a shoulder.

Why don't you look at this way. Even if this far fetched fantasy fear of your is what Israel wants to do, why not stand up and take it on, rather than weeping, whining and create a fear psychosis amongst your people.

Stop being chicken hearted.

Believe it or not, I am listening to Junoon playing your National
Anthem as gifted indirectly by Asim!

Consider this as a CBM for your sake!
MrConcerned said:
the annual stipend to Israel is around 5 billion a year, and Egypt gets exactly the same amount too, how come we don't see people whining about Egypt?

Jordan gets 400m as well, Pakistan gets 750m, Turkey got 1b a year until last year, Krgzystan, loads of other Muslim countries. Muslim countries in total get much more than Israel.

where. is. the. whining?

Egypt doesnt get $5 billion a year....where did you get that info from??? I srael gets close to $10 Billion when you factor in US loans and other charities.
Salim said:
You seem to be seized by fear and palsying as a result!

In fact, you come out real pathetic.

I really feel sorry for you. I wish I lend you a shoulder.

Why don't you look at this way. Even if this far fetched fantasy fear of your is what Israel wants to do, why not stand up and take it on, rather than weeping, whining and create a fear psychosis amongst your people.

Stop being chicken hearted.

Believe it or not, I am listening to Junoon playing your National
Anthem as gifted indirectly by Asim!

Consider this as a CBM for your sake!

LOL...MODS....please discipline this indian joker about forum manners and rules. The constant moronic fustrated personal attacks are getting to be extremely annoying. :bat:

That was in reply to your inane and frantic call triggered by an irrational fear.
I get personal with peers and not with individuals that require assistance.

Do desist from tomfoolery.

You maybe afraid of Israel and totally mortified, but I don't think the Pakistanis in general share your mortification. Your post was an insult, in my opinon, to all Asians, let alone Paksitanis.

I maybe an Indian, but I sure feel humiliated if any Asian whimpers like a scared cat!

Learn to take reverses as a man.

Magnanimous in victory and defiant in defeat.
I am sure Birg sahib did'nt mean the way you are thinking.
guys this is just a discussion and no need to get angry. lets rap it now.
RAPTOR said:
Nowhere does it say in the US constitution that israel must be protected. I think the guy that said it meant that the power of the Jewish Lobby..AIPAC,JINSA etc ensure that every American President guarantee that Israel be protected at all costs. American taxpayers dont send Israel $10 billion dollars for nothing ..

I heard that in a debate on media that's why I m not sure. but you know that there are 90% jews in US congress. so can US made any decison against Israel?? this is the biggest reason of heavy US military and economical aid to Israel.
Muradk said:
I am sure Birg sahib did'nt mean the way you are thinking.
guys this is just a discussion and no need to get angry. lets rap it now.

No idea Muradk...lol. I usually pay no attention to these lepers. I do however enjoy reporting this "salim"/Ray character to the Admin. We need some ebony amusement on here . :cheers:
Owais said:
I heard that in a debate on media that's why I m not sure. but you know that there are 90% jews in US congress. so can US made any decison against Israel?? this is the biggest reason of heavy US military and economical aid to Israel.

Well, the Jews have become extremely powerful in the US. They control the money, the media,the politicians and the policies. Its not that 90% of Congress or the Senate is jewish....its just that the Jews and their lobbies control Congress and the Senate. No American President can get elected without jewish support. The Star of David lurks permanently over the Pentagon .

So just think of it this way...Israel controls America.
RAPTOR said:
No idea Muradk...lol. I usually pay no attention to these lepers. I do however enjoy reporting this "salim"/Ray character to the Admin. We need some ebony amusement on here . :cheers:
We do need and we do have One big time forum clown!!!:flag:
Owais said:
I heard that in a debate on media that's why I m not sure. but you know that there are 90% jews in US congress. so can US made any decison against Israel?? this is the biggest reason of heavy US military and economical aid to Israel.
As another poster has already pointed out, America gives as much in aid to Egypt as it does to Israel, and where exactly does the 90% Jews in US Congress statistic come from please?
Well just answer this: If israel was as weak as Lebonon and Arab statsesas strong as israel..then what wud have happened?
parihaka said:
As another poster has already pointed out, America gives as much in aid to Egypt as it does to Israel,

Please dont distort facts. Israel receives three times in monetary aid that Egypt receives (and many billions more considering technology transfer that happnens without compensation.)
sigatoka said:
Please dont distort facts. Israel receives three times in monetary aid that Egypt receives (and many billions more considering technology transfer that happnens without compensation.)

Sigatoka, very true... Israel recieves a LOT more than Egypt. The Aid package for Egypt is the result of the Peace treaty signed by Anwar Sadat. Even then so Egypt has to bear the nuisances like F-16s without BVR weapons.....and Hawkeyes that are downgraded.....and then some.
As a result the Sinai was brokered as a bufferzone between Israel and Egypt.

Israel recieves give or take $10 billion a year . And...this doesnt count the millions more it recieves from the Bible people (Born again christians)... who really do believe that Israel is the promised land and Jews are the chosen people and water transforms into wine and jews can walk on water........and so on......

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