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America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

While the transfer of the sophisticated military equipment may cause concern, but it will not change the scenario.

The IsAF can penetrate the Arab Air defence as it is. What should worry is if the US transfers Sophisticated SEAD equipment. Then the Israelis may get total control of the skies.

Maybe an Air Force person can throw more light.


An air strike against any country is a feasibility. However if Iran is attacked then it would only open up the fronts and one wonders if that is a clever move or not, given the circumstances.

Unless they are planning to box in Iran from all sides including Balchochistan; but then the pennies don't fall in place. If the statement in globalresearch is to go by, then there is more than what meets the eye and which is not even the 'known that is unknown'!
Do you think it is so easy flying a new jet nowadays? Do you think it's as easy passing a few jets to Israel and saying, here buddy, it's yours, go and "rock Iran"!

Some of you have no idea the incredible effort needed to stand up a squadron. For example, as far back as early last year, there were already apparently news that Pakistani airmen and pilots were already training in the US for the new F-16s.

The only foreign pilot flying the F-22 today, only one, is a Brit. He will take about a year merely to become active status in that plane, and that's when all the attention is given to one foreign student.

Do you think it is World War 2, that a person who can fly the spitfire can fly the mustang can fly the thunderbolt?

The gap and difference between jet fighters nowadays is immense, whether it is F-22 or not. No one takes it out for a spin, not least to say employ in war time. No American F-15 pilot for example can fly the SU-27 series rightaway. He can handle the stick, he can take off and land in a few tries, but to employ it as a weapon, it will take months.

And that's between equivalent fighters.

And what about the ground support? Latest stealth fighters, although manufactured for ease of maintenance, compared to say the hangar queen Stealth fighter, need a lot of special consideration. Who is going to do it for the Israelis?

Do you know why people get worried about the Arab street, namely the public? Because they will believe any cock and bull story spewed out of a journo or mullah's mouth as long as it is related to Israel and America.

why don't you say the Americans have passed a ICBM laden Ohio to the Israelis, since you'll believe F-22s?

Israel taking over Jordan? Don't make me laugh. The King of Jordan is one of the most promising people to help lead the ummah into a modern and progressive region. and they'll never succeed.

At the same time that some of you despise the Israelis, you gift them with incredible powers almost magical so that you have a reason for your fear, and thus cultivate your hate.

Incredible. F-22 indeed.
Sid said:
Israel has a stake in the JSF program just like other US long-term allies (Britain and Australia for example) which still has a long way to go before the AC enters serial production and starts to enter service.

Israel has no stake in JSF project, they got thrown out last year as reproted by Flight International.
Concerns were raised by Pentagon that Israel might transfer sophisticated technology to China.
Was this also connected with there being a mole in the US Admin or something like that?
The magazine I referred to only mentioned the Phalcon Awacs and Lavi technology transfer to China as reason for ban.

Tell me more about this mole, any link available Sir? :what1:
No, I have no links.

All I remember is that the US was furious that someone had leaked some info to the Israelis and that someone was from the Admin. Not a top chap, but someone who had access to classified info.
Neo said:
Israel has no stake in JSF project, they got thrown out last year as reproted by Flight International.
Concerns were raised by Pentagon that Israel might transfer sophisticated technology to China.
hi Neo i would like to clear your one concept. there is no country in the world whose name is Israel, Israel is part of "United States of America and Asia". always keep this in your mind, if you are saying anything against Israel, you are saying against US. if Israel do anything, this means Pentagon also wants her to do. Thanks
That's an interesting observation.

Next you will say Pakistan, since Musharraf is doing all he can in the War on Terror and he claims that no other country has done as much as Pakistan?

I don't think it is fair.
JB 007 said:
hi Neo i would like to clear your one concept. there is no country in the world whose name is Israel, Israel is part of "United States of America and Asia". always keep this in your mind, if you are saying anything against Israel, you are saying against US. if Israel do anything, this means Pentagon also wants her to do. Thanks
I agree with you. the US constituton give Garuntee of Israel's protection and security.
JB 007 said:
hi Neo i would like to clear your one concept. there is no country in the world whose name is Israel, Israel is part of "United States of America and Asia". always keep this in your mind, if you are saying anything against Israel, you are saying against US. if Israel do anything, this means Pentagon also wants her to do. Thanks

Interesting pov's, but I'm not sure our American friends will agree with you.
Imho Irasel has only come this far due unconditional support from Washington and will continue to behave like a spoilt child as long as its favored by them.
I'm really curious if US can enforce Cease Fire anytime soon.
The ceasefire is of no use to man or beast.

Even if a UN Force comes in between the belligerents, they will not be ready to die to enforce the peace. So, which ever side once to start the show again, it will do so and the UN Force will remain the impotent force it is.

No one will care about the ceasefire violations. So, what is the use?

Only a permanent solution is the answer.

The world is not ready to give that solution.
The mode of an attack on Iran and Syria will not be occupation by ground troops, but most likely a massive attack from air and sea. All this has to be done before 2008. Israel has that much time until it can achieve its goals for "Greater Israel" or ZION. That consists of Iraq,Iran,Turkey,Syria ,Egypt,Arabia and parts of Central asia and Pakistan.
Just like Iraq and Afghanistan....the goal of such an attack on Iran and Syria will be to turn these two countries into a smouldering mess ,cause chaos ,destruction and despair. So then you have a huge MOSLEM landmass consisting of Afghanistan ,Iran,Iraq,Syria,Lebanon up in flames. Arabia will not be touched at this time due to its status as an oil depot for the west. To bring down Turkey..Israel has plans to use "Kurdistan" and for Pakistan the zionists with their hindu allies tried to use "Balochistan" (that plan has been thoroughly foiled by the Pakistan Army.)

I think its shouldnt come as a revelation to anyone that the idea behind the attack on Iraq and Afghanistan by Zionists was not to destroy WMDs,find OBL or free the people.........It was to create HELL on earth for the moslems who will be wiped out by the Jews/Zionists to create Greater Israel or ZION.
Please show the part of the United States Constitution which was written far far earlier than the existence of Israel, that says that the US must defend Israel.

Wake up gentlemen, don't make this forum a laughing stock.

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