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America takes help of India in monitoring pakistan`s nuclear assets:Stratfor



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Apr 28, 2009
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Agency,Washington. 13\5\2009
America`s main agency Stratfor said that it takes help of india in monitoring nuclear assets of pakistan. It also stated the main source of intelligence on pakistan`s nuclear assets is New Delhi.

America`s Advantage
Stratfor stated in its report on Wednesday that America takes this information because it needs them so as to ensure the nuclear assets of pakistan do not fall in wrong hands.

India is not worried is
In Report it also said that india is not worried about pakistan`s nuclear arsenals going into wrong hands as it is satisfied by its security.
any real change of providing some form of link to this?
helps to substantiate the comment.
Agency,Washington. 13\5\2009
America`s main agency Stratfor said that it takes help of india in monitoring nuclear assets of pakistan. It also stated the main source of intelligence on pakistan`s nuclear assets is New Delhi.

America`s Advantage
Stratfor stated in its report on Wednesday that America takes this information because it needs them so as to ensure the nuclear assets of pakistan do not fall in wrong hands.

Can you provide the link for the same, would like to go through the details

India is not worried is
In Report it also said that india is not worried about pakistan`s nuclear arsenals going into wrong hands as it is satisfied by its security.

How can one say that India wont be worries, man its you the worse thing to happen if you think from India's prospective.
Agency,Washington. 13\5\2009
America`s main agency Stratfor said that it takes help of india in monitoring nuclear assets of pakistan. It also stated the main source of intelligence on pakistan`s nuclear assets is New Delhi.

America`s Advantage
Stratfor stated in its report on Wednesday that America takes this information because it needs them so as to ensure the nuclear assets of pakistan do not fall in wrong hands.

India is not worried is
In Report it also said that india is not worried about pakistan`s nuclear arsenals going into wrong hands as it is satisfied by its security.

Really its a funny topic.
Dude Pakistan made nuclear weapons against India. So dont place Bull S***!!!

I can also post a thread.
"America takes help of Pakistan to destroy India's nuclear assets:Obama"

I request mods to remove threads which is not based on correct information or references.
Scoffs.... The US already has ground assetts in Pakistan, why would it need to hire India for the job?!

More nonsence from Stratfor... Ms. Bhalla (Driector of Analysis S.Asia) is busy spinning more lies as usual.
Here`s a link from the prestegious news paper

US banks on India for Pakistan’s nuclear security: Stratfor

Now mind your words before saying anything baseless..

Some people in india has lots and lots of times on there Hands.

Stratfor said Islamabad has long known that its nuclear weapons were the ultimate deterrent against a conventional war with its far more powerful regional rival.
Yeah this clearly shows pakistanies are obssessed with India.

Thus, since the early days of the Pakistani nuclear programme, the army has treated the nuclear assets as its most prized possession and has invested a great deal to protect it from both internal and external threats

yet one goes to india nukes are lying on the ground all over the place and are treated as un wanted trash people can walk in and out of nuclear reactors as they please(i guess brains not required ):rofl:

This means Washington has to rely on what it is hearing from Islamabad about control over its nuclear facilities, and on unilaterally obtaining information from third-party intelligence sources and intelligence-sharing with other countries, such as India.

What the writer is dreaming is that Americans should out source intelligence gathering to India as Americans intelligence gathering is no where near as good as India.Good news is Indians are now obsessed with Americans and not only Pakistan.:victory:C.I.A new name will be central indian agency

The United States thus works very closely with India on the issue of Pakistan’s nuclear security, Stratfor said.

Pakistan has secured its nukes in new dehli some where and indians have the knowledge of its where abouts.(super power india dummy Americans) as it clearly shows Amricans ask Newdehli about pakistans nukes and not Islamabad.:coffee:

‘New Delhi is a key source of intelligence on the status of that security, and a good - albeit imperfect

American tax payers to bail out american news agencies as people arent buying newspapers in usa i wonder why people arent paying for BS.

albeit imperfect

measure of valid concern is the degree to which India is worried about it, since it stands the greatest risk of being targeted by Pakistan-based nukes,’ the intelligence group said.

AND the Answer is (
it remains comfortable with Pakistan’s nuclear command-and-control infrastructure,’ it said. ‘This would explain to a considerable degree the current US comfort level.’

Pakistanies are obsessed with india and are always always trying to compare sizes clearly shows.:rofl:

Now mind your words before saying anything baseless..
i suggest you follow your own advice.
Haha another wet dream for US and India ! even our high rank officals dont know where they are India & US seem to know where haha plzz save this bs thread and dispose it hahah
1)yet one goes to india nukes are lying on the ground all over the place and are treated as un wanted trash people can walk in and out of nuclear reactors as they please(i guess brains not required ):rofl:

2)What the writer is dreaming is that Americans should out source intelligence gathering to India as Americans intelligence gathering is no where near as good as India.Good news is Indians are now obsessed with Americans and not only Pakistan.C.I.A new name will be central indian agency

3)Pakistan has secured its nukes in new dehli some where and indians have the knowledge of its where abouts.(super power india dummy Americans) as it clearly shows Amricans ask Newdehli about pakistans nukes and not Islamabad.

4)American tax payers to bail out american news agencies as people arent buying newspapers in usa i wonder why people arent paying for BS.

5)i suggest you follow your own advice.

1)I wonder you wanted to say pakistan instead of india here man..
See your words:rofl::rofl:
2)In case of Pakistan everything is possible CIA might have to outsource information even from Russia and China because there are some people (I saw in another forum) that want GOP to personally give some nukes to Taliban so that they can destroy the world.

3)This is because the word like credibility cannot be used for Islamabad so even New delhi is better than islamabad for Info.;):woot:

4)Always remember you are getting aid from american tax payers and is not gonna continue for long:woot:

5)I suggest Islamabad should first build credibility in world arena and then should seek someone like CIA to beleive info given by GOP.D:
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CIA would have far more info on our Nukes then India ever will have.They've worked with us in the past and know our tactics very well.In fact with their help we transformed ISI into one of the world's best intelligence agency.
Well, if a bankrupt Intelligence Agency can provide good intel and cause hovoc in India then yes, it's one of the best intelligence agency.Hell, if it was not that good we would not hear about it all the time in India :lol:
There is no real havoc nowdays only 1or 2 channels like INDIA TV etc.
sometimes remind of ISI.....
Also attention now is toeards elections
But how about RAW creating havoc in your minds:devil::devil::devil:
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