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America takes help of India in monitoring pakistan`s nuclear assets:Stratfor

Stratfor has of late been pushing a very alarmist and comically 'doomsday scenario' analysis of Pakistan.

I have given up on it as a credible and objective source, at least on matters related to Pakistan.
Doomsday Scenario sells well in USA and India, hence the headline of the socalled "credible source" ;)

Who would come with such crap? India doesn't even have infrastructure nor mature intelligence to monitor "black projects" in Pakistan, let alone our nuclear assetts. :lol:
There is no real havoc nowdays only 1or 2 channels like INDIA TV etc.
sometimes remind of ISI.....
Also attention now is toeards elections
But how about RAW creating havoc in your minds:devil::devil::devil:

RAW, In our mind hehehheheheheheh..........................
Weather its real or not we should be prepared if US teams up with our Traditional enemy in persuing our nukes . There should be a strategy built for the worst case scenario . Till now that kind of scenario is next to impossible . But the way things are going events might occur which could beniffit those who seek Pakistan's Denuclearization as their ultimate goal.
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