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America seperated Pakistan from Bangladesh in 1971, and is doing so again

Punjabis are the Pa Chata ***** of British. They proved that in 1857, they killed the Bangladeshi Race in 1971, Beloch Brothers as a contract killers. They have no creativity just have the ability to act as contract killer. It is proven by the history. None can avoid that history of Chamchami. Still they are killing own territory members only to satisfy their so called MASTERS! How can you avoid that?No Carnivorous hound can get the dignity of a proper human & that is the final Point. That is also the final point of Fuckistan( Ancient so called united Pakistan in 1971). The husband of my own grandfather's sister was burned by the Punjabi Hounds. This is not day mare. This is the true story of my family. But We fought against Aryan cluster to gain the Independence in 1947. That Independence was looted by the Punjabi Hayena as they act as pet dogs of the aggressors as it is their nature. They are unable to ignore that. They are doing the same repeat. They must be eliminated from the earth for their crimes if they become to understand the total scenario. Sorrow for the Coward One!

Well then you must be enjoying having policy dictated by the Indians and having your people killed like animals on a daily basis by the BSF. What you people did to the Biharis in the aftermath was nothing less than genocide, it's like the pot is calling the kettle black.

Enjoy your Utopian world where you can destroy Pakistan by trolling on a forum, you delusional maniac!

Why he should be banned my friend?

You are either actually very naive or trying to be. The sort of language being used is hardly suitable for a healthy discourse, not to mention the total disregard for the respect of an entire nation and an entire ethnicity.
I think it's all weather friend China should be blamed for not the following the false promises. US did their best to save you but ultimately it's Pakistani army failed miserably to protect their own land.
A mass rape, the seeds of which were never born.
A genocide, the bodies of which were never recovered.

Pull your head out of Indian+State sponsored propaganda and get a whiff of the real world. Mujib put the number of dead upto 3 Million and 10 million women raped. Well, where are the bodies of the dead? Skeletons?
I am not denying that there were gross lapses of conduct and commanders did little to curb them but most of these crimes were at the hands of the Razakars and not the military. As for your entirely racist and thoroughly demeaning portrayal of Punjabis, have you even met a Punjabi? We are a warrior race, the Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, faith withstanding. Punjabis were at the forefront of the cause for Indian liberation from the British and rendered more sacrifices than any other race. We are proud of our heritage and the blood that flows through our veins, if you feel otherwise, you're welcome to burn your heart out.

Please take it easy and just ignore him. Read his other posts on this forum.
I don't know what will happen to the current friendship of pakistan-china, 30-40 years from now.
Who will be the next, victim ???
1. Russia
2. Afghanistan
3. Bangladesh
4. North Korea
We will save Russia and Afganisthan before they fall in to trap . Though the Bangladeshis here are Anti India , their govt loves us , so Bangladesh saved . NK is already a victim of China . It might be the one . :undecided:
We will save Russia and Afganisthan before they fall in to trap . Though the Bangladeshis here are Anti India , their govt loves us , so Bangladesh saved . NK is already a victim of China . It might be the one .

Let me rephrase that..Russia and India will save Afghanistan. Not even America can save anyone alone.China will do what it always does ,protect its Interests once it comes in and sets up base.

Not even allah can help pakistan destabilize Afghanistan now.
Obama concern for Pakistan
David E. Sanger, the New York Times Correspondent has revealed in his recently published book that, for the American President, Barack Obama, the biggest worry is that its nuclear arsenals may be taken away by extremists, in the event of its disintegration. .
Looks like disintegration is on the table. If incase its decided by the US then I guess what we can do by just talking on the forum...... The big powers can make or disintegrate the small countries as they wish....So nothing is in our handz cuz we already are their puppets........:smokin:
Looks like disintegration is on the table. If incase its decided by the US then I guess what we can do by just talking on the forum...... The big powers can make or disintegrate the small countries as they wish....So nothing is in our handz cuz we already are their puppets........:smokin:

It does not work like that. Big powers cant disintegrate small countries unless their own people want to divide.
I thought the reason Bangladesh was separated from Pakistan because Pakistan army conducted a genocide there. PA was involved in loot, murder and rape of Bangalis there. Isnt it true?

Its Pakistani army not Indian army what they doing in kashmir

America used to be good alliance for all but now they are becoming worst nation who destroying world, now if u say that America is destroying Pakistan its true because now America is in zionists lobbys hands and they hate muslims
A mass rape, the seeds of which were never born.
They were born alright, but never acknowledged due to social stigma. Not to mention, thousands of abortions using crude country methods.
A genocide, the bodies of which were never recovered.
Because bodies were dumped into the river to be carried into open sea. If you so desire I can post a newspaper clipping describing a nice little death camp run by PA.

Punjabis were at the forefront of the cause for Indian liberation from the British and rendered more sacrifices than any other race.
If you look a little to the east you will notice an entity called Bengal.
Well then you must be enjoying having policy dictated by the Indians and having your people killed like animals on a daily basis by the BSF. What you people did to the Biharis in the aftermath was nothing less than genocide, it's like the pot is calling the kettle black.

Enjoy your Utopian world where you can destroy Pakistan by trolling on a forum, you delusional maniac!

You are either actually very naive or trying to be. The sort of language being used is hardly suitable for a healthy discourse, not to mention the total disregard for the respect of an entire nation and an entire ethnicity.
lol, I dont know why you bothered to reply him, considering his track record (I did not read his post though, some of the things he write is so deep, I will drown in it..)
Well then you must be enjoying having policy dictated by the Indians and having your people killed like animals on a daily basis by the BSF. What you people did to the Biharis in the aftermath was nothing less than genocide, it's like the pot is calling the kettle black.

Enjoy your Utopian world where you can destroy Pakistan by trolling on a forum, you delusional maniac!

This Sheikh Shakib Ahmed is dravidian troll. He is known here as the dravidian worrior who bash
anyone (even banladeshi and Indians) he considers not a dravidian. He is borderline "ret@rd", he even admitted it ones.:lol:
me personally, i wasnt even alive in 71 and i bet 99.9999% of you kids were either

me personally, i could give 4 damns about Bangla Desh or their political aspirations. Why? Coz i have ZERO to do with them, i dont even understand em when they talk. I can't read the stuff they write. They are thousands of km away from my homeland -with a big chunk of god-forsaken landmass in between which i was always viewed (with no compunction) as my sworn enemy.

it is 2012 now and times have changed. We are a nuclear power. We may be at a weak point due to the political squabbles that have brought our country down in the past 4-5 years. Yet we've been a kind and forgiving country. Much too forgiving i must say. Pakistanis elect the most degenerate crooks time after time, and then they complain and whine about it.

Peasants from Afghanistan who are nothing more than weaklings that abuse Pakistan's generosity and then backstab us in their private quarters.

for years, the people we entrust have been push-overs

but there are people out there who -- despite not living in poverty and despite having a lot to lose --- WILL RESIST

i say it all the time and i'll say it again.......to all those enemies and ill-wishers of Pakistan that pose a threat to our country and its integrity ---keep your eyes open, even when you sleep.

dont **** with Pakistan.

@ topic

one could make the same "argument" about Georgia in 2008.

the onus is on Pakistan, and we can defend ourselves just fine......yes for too long eggs were put in one basket but by 1970s cooperation with more reliable regional allies came into fruition.

there's a reason why you wont be hearing about new orders for those shiny F-solas we grew up to love. Why? Because of strings attached and because of an increasingly hostile US Congress.....it's actually a gift in disguise --- remember the lost decade?

while arms were cutoff in 1971 and "allies" called for restraint, the soviet enemy was sending arms by the shipload to our enemy next door -- in quite a liberal fashion. And quite frankly in the political sense, the bangalia were already demanding autonomy and whining about the whole language thing much earlier on. A two-winged federation with one ugly enemy in between seemed untenable to begin with. The Sri Lankans provided us with some basic landing rights and other provisions that would enable the Mainland to be in some contact with the troubled eastern wing.

typhoons and cyclones that curse the erstwhile East Pakistan even to this day sure didn't help for the young nation --- which had zero industrial infrastructure and thus difficult prospects for equal distribution of resourcs to begin with

pay your taxes and stop electing crooks.....we'll have more to "work" with
^^^ typical pakistani 'we are the victims' rant. Have seen same written by Indians and bangladeshis (where every other county is scheming against them and they are all forgiving humble people).
Tell us something new.
why this racist doesn't get banned?

Like in real Pakistan, even in virtual Pakistan, people with Military connections are above the rules it seems.. (I am pretty sure though I will get an infraction for this :) )
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