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America seperated Pakistan from Bangladesh in 1971, and is doing so again

I think Pakistan find US responsible because US did not take any action to stop the creation of Bangladesh.
wow man how can they say it????....can anyone expect someone to fight their war???????....one can provide you weapons and stuffs but fight for you???...this is modern world!!!
wow man how can they say it????....can anyone expect someone to fight their war???????....one can provide you weapons and stuffs but fight for you???...this is modern world!!!
Yeah I know. I just said what Pakistanis "might" be thinking. That was the only possible explanation I could come up with.
Obama concern for Pakistan

David E. Sanger, the New York Times Correspondent has revealed in his recently published book that, for the American President, Barack Obama, the biggest worry is that its nuclear arsenals may be taken away by extremists, in the event of its disintegration. Indeed, as per the author, President Obama expressed his worries with his aides in 2011. The book, entitled, “Confront and Conceal: Obama’s Secret War and Surprising Use of American Power” reveals that, President US has the least power to prevent a possible disintegration of Pakistan and indeed, consider Pakistan, as the “biggest single national security concern.”

This is not the first time that, Pakistani nation is hearing something about the future of their country and its nuclear arsenals. Repeatedly, US media, its writers, think tanks, scholars, officials and MPs have been issuing such statements and indeed making strategies as how to destabilize this only nuclear armed Muslim country of the world. So much so that there have been institutional endeavors by above mentioned institutions and officials to disintegrate Pakistan into smaller states, which may better serve the purpose of the super power for the attainment of its objectives in this part of the world.

In the past, some maps were issued, showing many parts of Pakistan or else no country with the name of Pakistan. Some of these maps and repots were even published by Pentagon and CIA. Authentic analysts and prominent writers’ firmly believe that US had a part in the disintegration of Pakistan in 1971 too. Indeed, there have been meetings between then Indian Prime Minister and US President and other officials who gave green signal to India for a military invasion into former East Pakistan, now Bangladesh.

Nevertheless, hearing something from the top man at the White House is indeed a new phenomenon and a real concern for the Pakistani nation, if not for the incumbent Government. This secret revelation clearly indicates that, apart from the Pentagon and CIA, the White House has also become a direct part of US covert planning against the state of Pakistan. This also means that, the current instability of Pakistan is part of US grand designs, which would subsequently lead towards major disaster to the integrity of Pakistan.

Having known all these facts, indeed, the ill intentions of US, the nation should not demoralize itself, which in any case would be amounting to concede to, what US is planning. Rather, the challenge and the threat posed or even the conspiracy theory (it may be) should become an opportunity for the national integration and unity. Let us get over to the differences that have been created by none other than the few selfish people within Pakistan, either on behest of these external powers or as an excuse to remain at the powerhouse the country.

In this regard, while there is an ongoing bickering among the political elites and between various pillars of the state, the people of Pakistan has to take the lead role. While shedding away the artificial differences of ethnicity and sectarianism, creating unity and harmony among the masses should be the beginning of this delayed action. The act should subsequently lead towards the gradual elimination of extremism, which has crept into the Pakistani society over the years, again owing to the external factors; still promoting it.

In this regard, the role of academia, scholars and media (especially the social media) would be most important one. The academia at various tiers of providing the education to the youth of nation should make an utmost effort to nurture a well-groomed, civilized, aware and a tolerant future generation. The wealth of education and morality as enunciated by the great religion; Islam should be the weapons of this youth. Besides, the glorious principles as given by the father of nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah; Faith, Unity and Discipline should be strictly followed by all, particularly the youth.

The scholars of a nation, indeed, the farsighted acumen have a great role to play. This is the most essential group, which whiles less discernible play the key role in the awareness of a nation. This group of the society has very very essential role for the correct guidance of the society. Indeed, unlucky are the nations, having either, no scholars are those on the payrolls of foreign powers to serve their motives against the interests of their own motherland. Though, the scholars of a nation, continuously contribute towards the nation building and its development, their role however, become more challenging during trying moments of the nation. Indeed, the current phase in the history of Pakistan is most critical, needing untiring and positive contributions from the scholars of the nations. Indeed, for all of us, it is a time to re-pay to the nation by promoting; unity, positivity, tolerance, education and above all the image building abroad.

In this world of information technology, the media; both electronic and print, has assumed for itself a unique roll; indeed, an unparallel and deciding one. It would not be wrong if I say that, today’s media can make or break the nation(s). For a dedicated nation building, a mature media role deems most crucial for the terrorism and extremism hit Pakistani society, where chaos and uncertainty is the order of the day. Creating social unrest and disharmony within Pakistan and asking for Aman ki Asha across the frontiers need reconciliation and reassessment. Media should make sure that its elements are not following the foreign themes and scripts, which in the long-term pave the way for cultural invasion of other countries.

Whereas, the others do have a role to play as summarized above, should not the elected representatives of the country stop playing with future of this poorly governed state. Perhaps, a maturity is needed to elect and select right people for the right job. In conclusion, I would just say that, not Obama, but someone from within Pakistan should start worrying for this great nation and the state of Pakistan, before it is too late.

On the contrary, USA did its utmost to keep Pakistan united. USA stopped India from continuing the war on the Western front after Dacca had fallen. Americans saved your country.
When a country allows internal abuses to reach a critical mass, then hostile outsiders will take advantage of the opportunity.

In 1971 Bangladesh, it was India, not America. In Baluchistan, there are a number of foreign sponsors. We know exactly where BLA leaders and fighters find refuge.

Ultimately, though, the fault lies with Pakistan for letting things get to the breaking point in the first place. The feudal lords of Punjab and Sindh absolutely do not give a damn about anyone else.

Ironically, the OP could be a clever pro-America propaganda. Classic technique is to exaggerate the culprit's crimes so much as to reach absurdity and discredit even legitimate concerns.
Its a strategy/policy of some nations & peoples if they want to turn tables & making new enemies justificable, they make conspiracy theories & change historical facts.

This conspiracy theory & false historical facts is then kept on repeating by all medias like internet, news papers, TV shows until masses starts believing this.same have been seen in case of kashmir, 1965 indo-pak war, 1971 war , 26/11.

Dark & Bitter Truths are hidden by lying in strong voices. Unfortunately majority of peoples with inadequete access to Nuetral media get brainwashed in this process & becomes blind patriots. While country is been degraded internationally.

Soon we will see more Anti-America propaganda comming on & I see 10 years from now, majority of pakistani people will believe whats said in OP.
What India has done in Bangladesh in many ways (kind of) similar to what Pakistan tried (and perhaps continues to try) in Kashmir. The only difference is, one was successful and the other was not.
Damn Americans tried hard to help pakistan.... give credit to them dude.................:pop:
Coward Punjabi Army Portion, Junagori(Indian originated Aryan) Beiman Bhutto, Different tricks of the Aggressors have triggered the Dravidian Bangladeshi Race to take the rightful decisions to gain our rightful Independence. There was no other alternation. Punjabis are always the pet dogs of the Aggressors, they are paid killer. No mercy for them. They must be eliminated from the earth for their crimes. We the Bangladeshis suffered a lot by those coward Punjabis. We are not a myth. We are the Bangladeshi. We are the seventh Largest Nation of the World. We are Vashani, We are Mujib, We are Osmani, We are Zia. We did that what is right. We gained our independence against the Coward agents of the Aggressors , Who are paid killer and suppressors of the rights of the people. We are not a myth & that is the final point.

A mass rape, the seeds of which were never born.
A genocide, the bodies of which were never recovered.

Pull your head out of Indian+State sponsored propaganda and get a whiff of the real world. Mujib put the number of dead upto 3 Million and 10 million women raped. Well, where are the bodies of the dead? Skeletons?
I am not denying that there were gross lapses of conduct and commanders did little to curb them but most of these crimes were at the hands of the Razakars and not the military. As for your entirely racist and thoroughly demeaning portrayal of Punjabis, have you even met a Punjabi? We are a warrior race, the Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, faith withstanding. Punjabis were at the forefront of the cause for Indian liberation from the British and rendered more sacrifices than any other race. We are proud of our heritage and the blood that flows through our veins, if you feel otherwise, you're welcome to burn your heart out.
No, it did not. Infact US went as far as it can go to help Pakistan. It used its power to malign India, it made Jordan provide us with aircrafts, for Iran to let us use their airbase and much more. Read the released documents from that time to get an idea of the sort of help and assistance US provided.

Pakistanis were responsible for the break and they will be the ones responsible if it breaks up again.

Stop blaming others, will ya?
Spot on!! I disagree with what the author says that the "US had a part in the disintegration of Pakistan in 1971. Indeed, there have been meetings between then Indian Prime Minister and US President and other officials who gave green signal to India for a military invasion into former East Pakistan, now Bangladesh".

This is utter balderdash! To set the record straight, on December 10, even as Nixon and Kissinger were frothing at the mouth, Indian intelligence intercepted an American message, indicating that the US Seventh Fleet was steaming into the war zone. The Seventh Fleet, which was then stationed in the Gulf of Tonkin, was led by the 75,000 ton nuclear powered aircraft carrier, the USS Enterprise. The world’s largest warship, it carried more than 70 fighters and bombers. The Seventh Fleet also included the guided missile cruiser USS King, guided missile destroyers USS Decatur, Parsons and Tartar Sam, and a large amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli.

Meanwhile, Soviet intelligence reported that a British naval group led by the aircraft carrier Eagle had moved closer to India’s territorial waters. This was perhaps one of the most ironic events in modern history where the Western world’s two leading democracies were threatening the world’s largest democracy in order to protect Pakistan. However, India did not panic. It quietly sent Moscow a request to activate a secret provision of the Indo-Soviet security treaty, under which Russia was bound to defend India in case of any external aggression.

The British and the Americans had planned a coordinated pincer to intimidate India: while the British ships in the Arabian Sea would target India’s western coast, the Americans would make a dash into the Bay of Bengal in the east where 100,000 Pakistani troops were caught between the advancing Indian troops and the sea.

To counter this two-pronged British-American threat, Russia dispatched a nuclear-armed flotilla from Vladivostok on December 13 under the overall command of Admiral Vladimir Kruglyakov, the Commander of the 10th Operative Battle Group (Pacific Fleet). Though the Russian fleet comprised a good number of nuclear-armed ships and atomic submarines, their missiles were of limited range (less than 300 km). Hence to effectively counter the British and American fleets the Russian commanders had to undertake the risk of encircling them to bring them within their target. This they did with military precision.

At this point, the Russians intercepted a communication from the commander of the British carrier battle group, Admiral Dimon Gordon, to the Seventh Fleet commander: “Sir, we are too late. There are the Russian atomic submarines here, and a big collection of battleships.” The British ships fled towards Madagascar while the larger US task force stopped before entering the Bay of Bengal.

Newly declassified documents reveal that the Indian Prime Minister went ahead with her plan to liberate Bangladesh despite inputs that the Americans had kept three battalions of Marines on standby to deter India, and that the American aircraft carrier USS Enterprise had orders to target the Indian Army.

Nixon's famous words while discussing the crises with Kissinger: "The Pakistan thing makes your heart sick. For them to be done so by the Indians even after we have warned the bit@h." (reference to Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi).
Its not Obama's concern. Ohh!! How come US President is so sympathetic to Pakistan? Actually US President wants Pakistan to disintegrate. They want it because they cant attack Pakistan directly as it has nuclear weapons. It will go on by breaking it from within, by creating divisions - encouraging ethnic, linguistic and religious differences. This is what is happening in today's Pakistan. A corrupt and inefficient govt. coming through their direct interference is helping them do this.

They want to do this to take nuclear weapons away from Pakistan. Our army chief submitted a report to the US President stating this.
Its not Obama's concern. Ohh!! How come US President is so sympathetic to Pakistan? Actually US President wants Pakistan to disintegrate. They want it because they cant attack Pakistan directly as it has nuclear weapons. It will go on by breaking it from within, by creating divisions - encouraging ethnic, linguistic and religious differences. This is what is happening in today's Pakistan. A corrupt and inefficient govt. coming through their direct interference is helping them do this.

They want to do this to take nuclear weapons away from Pakistan. Our army chief submitted a report to the US President stating this.
May be we are talking about the 1971 wartime events wherein US, Britain, Iran, China were helping you but still you lost.
Really cant believe (some) pakistanis thinking line this... Since its birth , US have been helping pakistan with financial and military aid.... In 1971 , US even sent a AC along with UK m and even thought of invading india at some point... There may be some problems now , but they cant deny the help done by the americans....
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