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America’s latest TV fixation: Nuclear war in Pakistan

They also had 13 episodes and they also showed the attack in its first episode.
"prisoners of the pakistani navy.....atleast whats left of it"
that just gives me the shivers, Allah hamari hifazat karay......
Not yet .. saved for later viewing..
But thanks for posting it ...

In this episode the FBI agent says we will plan the attack on world trade center and blame it on terrorists and then we will start a war against terrorism so that our weapon manufacturers can earn money.

The exact same happened after 6 months.
What plans you americans are making against us? :D

Nothing that i know of with my limited abilities.

As far as the show is concerned, I just couldn't watch more than 3 episodes, even that was painful. The plot is absolutely preposterous .

It was like watching a B grade syfy movie.
I followed the link & watched 2 episodes. I don't know what these americans have for brains, its really pathtically inhuman of how they potray themselves at the world stage. In the movie the heroes are americans and villains are also americans but nuking PAK is just a side story where everyone forget about the incident after a few days, and the plot revolves around the dissident crew fighting for american way of freedom & hypocrisy with their usual hollywood fart scenes. This series is a perfect example of how they view human , more specifically muslim life.
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