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America pressing Pakistan on a long ‘wish list’

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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America pressing Pakistan on a long ‘wish list’ | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

LAHORE – The Obama administration is pressing Pakistan hard to eliminate all hardline religious groups, which Pentagon believes are militant outfits ahead of the much-awaited US troops’ withdrawal from Afghanistan after decade-long and unending war against Al-Qaeda and Taliban.

The US wish-list also includes permission for NATO forces’ ground operations in North Waziristan Agency (NWA), drone strikes in Balochistan, military operation in Southern Punjab and visible elimination of Haqqanis and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).

American and Pakistani defense experts say that international media war against Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Directorate is part of the well-thought out strategy to force Islamabad to compromise on strategic affairs. “This time, the US has sizeable wish-list as far as efforts to ‘disrupt, dismantle and defeat the Taliban and Al-Qaeda” elements are concerned,” an official in the Interior Ministry said seeking anonymity.

An American official engaged in Afghanistan and familiar with the developments also revealed that Washington would consider handing over of fully-equipped and lethal drone technology to Islamabad if Pakistan agreed to implement US war strategy in the region “as it is.”
“They have to choice what they like. This is not a matter of just likes and dislikes. This is a long war against terror and we have to declare clear-cut victory (in Afghanistan), which is only possible if our war-time strategic partner offers unconditional support,” the Kabul based American official told this reporter during his recent visit to Pakistan.

When asked about the recent deliberately-leaked US defense cables linking ISI with militant outfits, he said that the ISI was the major hurdle to carry out ground operations in NWA and southern Punjab. “As the US military command has suggested this year would be the ‘turning point’ in Afghanistan, Americans can go to any extent. But, we never wish to lose our strategic partner (Pakistan),” he emphasised. He further added, “If they (ISI) will not cooperate with us as we require, it means they are with Haqqanis and LeT. So it means they are siding with the militant outfits,” the outspoken US official justified.

The American officials claimed that the Pakistani security establishment lacked public support as far as ‘punitive action’ against LeT, Haqqanis, and pro-Taliban elements in Southern Punjab is concerned. “We understand their problems but we need joint ventures against common enemies. These militant groups are serious threats for Islamabad as well as Washington,” US officials added.

Pakistan and American officials said that in response to Islamabad’s demand to stop covert CIA operations in Pakistan, Washington has suggested Islamabad to scale down ISI operations, no matter the top intelligence agency is striving hard to wipe out the menace of terrorism from its soil.

“They (Americans) are upset since Raymond Davis episode exposed US designs in the region. They think that the men gunned down by CIA-contractor in Lahore were ISI operatives although it has been proved totally baseless. We are eager to remove trust-deficit but not at the cost of our national interest,” a Pakistani official having in-depth knowledge about the issues said, requesting his name not to be made public.

According to him, the so-called US defence leaks are desperately trying to attach ISI with the militant outfits to create country’s negative image in the Western media when they (Americans) know that the same spy agency remains the biggest victim of suicide bombings as its headquarters in Lahore, Peshawar, and Multan were bombed.
“It’s very unfortunate. They have reasons to understand (our commitment),,, but they don’t,” the official said. Pakistan is the worst terror-victim in the world as the country with fragile economy suffered unusual human and economic losses due to war on terror in Afghanistan. Pakistani officials describe US allegations against Pakistani security establishment as a malicious campaign to demoralise the terror-hit nation despite its remarkable sacrifices and success.
American officials insist that Pakistan’s punitive action against Haqqanis, LeT, and other militant groups is vital to economic and security stability in the region.

“India is also sitting on the next table in the ‘Af-Pak peace conference room’ and keenly watching towards the strategic-partners to decide her role in the war-torn country after US-led allied forces withdrawal,” US officials claimed.

They also added that the US wanted complete elimination of JuD and LeT in the province of Punjab and Kashmir as well because the step would help build confidence among the nuclear-armed neighbours. While dismantling Haqqani network is the key to American success in Afghanistan, US officials believed.

Pakistan’s vision on Kashmir is very clear and Islamabad will not move an inch from its stance on the occupied valley, Pakistani officials said. A senior political leader in Lahore said that the option to move UNSC against the deadly drones targeting women and children in northwest Pakistan is under spotlight following the visit of Punjab Chief Minister Mian Shahbaz Sharif to Beijing, where he underlined the incursion as attack on the country’s sovereignty.
“India is also sitting on the next table in the ‘ peace conference room’ and keenly watching towards the strategic-partners to decide her role in the war-torn country after US-led allied forces withdrawal,” US officials claimed.

They also added that the US wanted complete elimination of JuD and LeT in the province of Punjab and Kashmir as well because the step would help build confidence among the nuclear-armed neighbours. While dismantling Haqqani network is the key to American success in Afghanistan, US officials believed.

do it fast...

:guns: :taz:
I feel Americans will not leave afghanistan anytime soon...

I support US in eleminating these terrorist outfits...
Till they r Eliminated,i think US won't leave Afghan....good :)
I think Pakistan will not be able to deal with LeT as the US may want - and perhaps the LeT may be better dealt with once Indian friends are in a reasonable frame on mind with regard to captive Kashmir and indeed the US list may be long and extensive but we may have a fair measure of assurance that Pakistani authorities will not have a similarly long and extensive list (bandhur kiya janeh Adrah ka bhau) and the relationship may not move in any particular direction.
He further added, “If they (ISI) will not cooperate with us as we require, it means they are with Haqqanis and LeT. So it means they are siding with the militant outfits,” the outspoken US official justified. [/B]

What logic!! So if we disagree with your stupid war strategies (I am yet to see any strategy working for US in Afghanistan), means we are with Taliban? This "with us or against us" attitude has led Americans where they find themselves in Afghanistan. Take it from a layman - You are not going to get success in Afghanistan even if you deploy 100 k more troops unless you change your mindset.
“India is also sitting on the next table in the ‘ peace conference room’ and keenly watching towards the strategic-partners to decide her role in the war-torn country after US-led allied forces withdrawal,” US officials claimed.

why is india even at the table?

thats the problem, the us has given india an unnatural role and then force pakistan to accept it AND THEN say they are allies.

the americans as usual are behaving like gangsters and have pakistan in an arm twist.
What logic!! So if we disagree with your stupid war strategies (I am yet to see any strategy working for US in Afghanistan), means we are with Taliban? This "with us or against us" attitude has led Americans where they find themselves in Afghanistan. Take it from a layman - You are not going to get success in Afghanistan even if you deploy 100 k more troops unless you change your mindset.

As they say: rassi to jal gai per bul nai gaya :lol:
Also, we are hearing or rather reading this line about how Pakistan has a regional outlook and US a global outlook and this cuases some friction between them -- now, what other than possibly India, does this mean?

Can anyone offer us a better understanding?
pakistan it seems from the outset has offered futile resistance to indian presence in aghanistan.

how can the americans simultaneously expect pakistan to be an ally yet also co-opt pakistans enemies in the region therefore allowing them to cause mayhem and mischief?

the tone and content of the american behaviour towards pakistan exhibits nothing more than the contempt they hold pakistani's in, the pakistani elites do not suffer from this, the people do.
Wouldn't you have contempt for a bunch who always have their hand out and make excuses for not getting the job done?

Look US couldn't care less what our concerns are and they know that it's only their dollars which our leadership is interested in - and as long as we do not focus on the economy we can continue to be "contemptible"
The sense of indignation amongst ppl of Pak is understandable.

The bottom line is that it is Pak that has allowed itself to get played into US hands all the time realising fully that US is one nation ( not that others are better though) that thinks only of three things .. I, me & myself.

Time and again Pak has dug itself into a hole . Unless a nation stands on its own feet it is bound to feel short changed and the proverbial camel will someday occupy the whole tent.

By looking at China it may just some day replace one camel with another.
USA is in mess but they want to be in deep mess . i really dont understand why superpowers always think stupidly . may be its natural law thats how superpowers will go down and other power come up?.
Wouldn't you have contempt for a bunch who always have their hand out and make excuses for not getting the job done?

Look US couldn't care less what our concerns are and they know that it's only their dollars which our leadership is interested in - and as long as we do not focus on the economy we can continue to be "contemptible"

yes, the point is that its the people of pakistan who suffer the most in this exchange between american and pakistani elites.
Look for the American tantrum to get increasingly shrill and arrogant as the election campaign season gets underway in the US and desperation mounts to show progress and closure in Afghanistan.
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