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Ambassador of KSA met #COAS at GHQ today. COAS reassured the Ambassador that Pakistan Army holds the

Not just that, I mean that I could even digest. But to Saudis, we are at the bottom of the food chain, below INDIANS!! That is unacceptable. Let them deal with their own shit, we should be neutral in all cases.

Unfortunately, the Saudis have learnt what their Western masters have taught them, their western masters keep the monarchy intact and similarly, the Saudis support 'democracy' of certain ameer-ul-momeneen wannabe. They pay pennies for the services that we render and the protection that we have committed, including the Nuclear umbrella.

American military bailed out Saudi Arabia in 1990. Can the Pakistani military defend them ?
American military bailed out Saudi Arabia in 1990. Can the Pakistani military defend them ?

Is that a joke? Saddam fired a couple of dozen useless scuds at Saudi Arabia and Israel, probably none of which could be intercepted by the Patriot systems, which was in response to Saudi support to the US forces for attacks on Iraq. That was protection of Saudi Arabia? Even today, the Saudi Royal Family is protected by SSG Commandos ahead of their own forces, that speaks louder than anything.

Moving on, building on the above, any idea how much the US charges for its services? Let me give you a hint, it is enough for Pakistan to provide Saudi Arabia with half a million highly trained, extremely motivated, eager and fearless army stationed within Saudi Arabia and available to go to war for Saudi Arabia under the command of Saudi King. That is something that the US can never do for Saudi Arabia!
Is that a joke? Saddam fired a couple of dozen useless scuds at Saudi Arabia and Israel, probably none of which could be intercepted by the Patriot systems, which was in response to Saudi support to the US forces for attacks on Iraq. That was protection of Saudi Arabia? Even today, the Saudi Royal Family is protected by SSG Commandos ahead of their own forces, that speaks louder than anything.

Moving on, building on the above, any idea how much the US charges for its services? Let me give you a hint, it is enough for Pakistan to provide Saudi Arabia with half a million highly trained, extremely motivated, eager and fearless army stationed within Saudi Arabia and available to go to war for Saudi Arabia under the command of Saudi King. That is something that the US can never do for Saudi Arabia!

Iraq's army in 1990 would level Pakistani army. They have more tanks and more artillery. Pakistani army does have the logistics capacity to ship equipment to Saudi Arabia in time. Your SSG commandos are no match for Iraqi T-72 columns.

I do not know what USA charges for its services. The Saudi royals do not care. It has been that way for 80+ years

I have a general rule - if money is no objection I get the best. The Americans are the best for protection
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