Lets put it other way...Misinterpreation of Quran by the enemies to shove the terrorist lable up a billion muslims. Our jahel fellows propogate these myths out of pride while the actual reason they serve is to create sterotype. Anyone who understand the role of pop-culture and sterotyping in europe and america to engineer voter support behind wars and forigen policy will understand the dangerous angles to such "innocent" looking myth. Email has become the most populare mass media to propogate these myths by none other than some fellow wanna-be good muslims..
To access the power of these myths just a small example:
1. Hitler nazi movement and subsequent mass murder of millions of european jews started with a systematic myth of demonizing Jews.
2. War in Afghanistan was started with the myth of global islamic terrorist network the so-called Al-Quaida. Nothing else but CIA's self created propoganda boogyman.
3.War in Iraq was started with the myth of WMD and Saddam links with Terrorists.
4. Soviets murdered millions of their own country men out of myths of racial and idealogical superiority.
Afghanistan was the outsourced hub of arabi troublemakers by their Wahabi governments who wanted to keep peace and tranquality in their own countries. For this they sacrified the future and generations of another fellow muslim country.
The 9/11 highjackers were arabis, atleast 15 of them acting on with arabi version of religious doctrine. The ultimate price is being paid by poor Afghanis.
How wahabis have come into power??
Arab nationalism, which followed the Wahhabi attack on the Ottoman Empire;
reformism, which followed a return to Salaf (as-Salaf aṣ-Ṣāliḥ
Wahhabi control of the two holy cities of Mecca and Medina, which gave Wahhabis great influence on Muslim culture and thinking;
the discovery of Persian Gulf oil fields, which after 1975 allowed Wahhabis to promote their interpretations of Islam using billions from oil export revenue.
These are the same wahabis which until 1990 were disregarded as jahel and even the most hardcore religious parents warned their kids to stay away from these if they happened to have a few in their mohallah! What gave creditibility to wahhabism is much affluent "afghan jihad" propoganda which raised these people from the least caste of humanity to the most powerful and influencial over night. Suddenly wahabi madaris would sprung all over the world and attending them was the new fashion. Ignored through out the history the tribals of arabia found new respect in propogating their stoneage culture under auspices of religion at the high rises of newyork, london, amsterdam, berlin, paris and other affluent european capitals.
One can always take religious message, attach symbolism to it and create a doctine to justify his views and actions. Quran needs to be read at a while not few lines taken out and placed in middle of nowhere.
Somewhere in the Quran it also says kill the disbelivers wherever you find them and taking this line out of context one can justify an attack on his christian / hindu neighbour and call it holy.
The world this way would turn into a crystal ball of bigotry.