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Aman Shanti

You forgot the part where pakistani jets went inside Indian territory and bombed the shit out of anything that was important. Lets not forget the bombs that landed near the camp of military officials.
Damn right,,,,ekdum martialwarriors
"Satya Seleukas, ki bichitro ei desh!" Dwijendralal Ray - Chandragupta. ;)

I know you won't like this, but you have been accused of being me. Just ignore that slur, as shall I, and move on. I am not allowed to quote the full saying by our erudite Moderators (the others except this one are all right), so I will merely say,"....the caravan moves on."
He is a Pak nationalist. Ethnic pride. That is worse.

I would personally prefer a Sultanate that is just. Was it not far better than what bhakt rule gives us Indians?


You haven't read your history, or you have read it through theological blinkers. Almost every Sultanate we have known has been a brutal oppression; very, very few were not, and are legends in history because of that unusual behaviour.

I am a secularist, and I despise the religiosity that replaces genuine religious feeling; having said that, there are differences in the way that bigotry expresses itself, and those differences are stark facts that cannot be wished away.

You might prefer a Sultanate; that has more to do with the religious identity that you have and far less with the historical analysis that you might have undertaken instead.

Try disappearing us.

We are not talking NDA, but BJP. And the rest makes for an interesting discussion.

Finally, either we go by @Indus Pakistan or we go by you, about having the same roots; unless he has changed his mind and is nowadays concentrating on the twigs and branches. Given the choice, and if it is not too hurtful, I'd go by him.

Try to bear up against the pain of rejection.

Incidentally, I am a keen observer of who is present and who is absent in discussions such as these. I am strongly tempted to break out into Auld Lang Syne.

I know you won't like this, but you have been accused of being me. Just ignore that slur, as shall I, and move on. I am not allowed to quote the full saying by our erudite Moderators (the others except this one are all right), so I will merely say,"....the caravan moves on."

1. You want to break out into Auld Lang Syne, let me know and I will join you with my harmonica.
2. I would be honoured, Joe Shearer, if the majority on the forum thought I were you and vice versa. You have been accepted and I respect that.
1. You want to break out into Auld Lang Syne, let me know and I will join you with my harmonica.
2. I would be honoured, Joe Shearer, if the majority on the forum thought I were you and vice versa. You have been accepted and I respect that.

By some, and fortunately those are the ones I respect. The scum don't respect me; that is their language for dissimulation, for concealing their uncertainty and their insecurity, and I take a perverse pleasure in their revulsion. Imagine being the object of hate of an object of ridicule and disdainful contempt.

My sincere advice: keep cool, never respond to the Black List, build a Black List or seek one from older members, and build your ignore list as soon as you can. Naturally these keyboard or system skills take a few minutes; cut yourself some slack.
Me?? Lionheart? Good joke. Here I am, hiding my true identity and creating a empathic (albeit fake) handle and posting on a forum administered by those guys across the border, what is worse is that I am eulogising their fallen heroes and paying tributes to them. Me a lionheart, no Sir. I am just a dreamer. I just see black and white and unlike you Sir, I bury my head in the sand. I am happy that way, happier than you. You see, you dwell in the past and the reality, I hope for the future - however impossible or rhetorical it may seem today. By the way, I have been involved in the research of Indo-Pak relationships and the socio political scenario of the sub-continent for the last 3 decades. I am no spring chicken. Jai Hind and all that old chap!
Your assumptions are based on a false premise.

You think that a greater India with no problems existed. And then the evil Brits arrived and everything downhill.

Idealists like you want to reunite. But what about the consequences.

Why don't you just accept the godamn reality?

Jinnah and the British gave you an opportunity to amputate your gangrene infested arm. But aman ki asha fools like you at that time refused to let go off the whole infected arm.

Past determines present and the future. So you can't ignore it.

India will break down. That moment is not to be mourned but cheered for , instead.
But the only depressing outcome would be that gangrene would stay.
I am a secularist, and I despise the religiosity that replaces genuine religious feeling; having said that
Yes sir, to that.

Finally, either we go by @Indus Pakistan or we go by you, about having the same roots; unless he has changed his mind and is nowadays concentrating on the twigs and branches. Given the choice, and if it is not too hurtful, I'd go by him.
It's not a question of roots. I understand humans share 98.5% genes with Chimps and 60% with bananas. So banging on about 'roots' is tedious and not very productive. I could father a child with a Bantu or Eskimo as easily as with a Indian. Meaning we are all humans and this is a obvious fact that needs no repeating, again, again and again. My interest in nationalism is because I see it as a tool to paper over the tribal, ethnic, regional, religious, sectarian, class etc cleavages we have. Modern states need a homogenous unified population to progress.
By some, and fortunately those are the ones I respect. The scum don't respect me; that is their language for dissimulation, for concealing their uncertainty and their insecurity, and I take a perverse pleasure in their revulsion. Imagine being the object of hate of an object of ridicule and disdainful contempt.

My sincere advice: keep cool, never respond to the Black List, build a Black List or seek one from older members, and build your ignore list as soon as you can. Naturally these keyboard or system skills take a few minutes; cut yourself some slack.

My thoughts exactly. Will follow your valuable advice. Thank you.
Yes sir, to that.

It's not a question of roots. I understand humans share 98.5% genes with Chimps and 60% with bananas. So banging on about 'roots' is tedious and not very productive. I could father a child with a Bantu or Eskimo as easily as with a Indian. Meaning we are all humans and this is a obvious fact that needs no repeating, again, again and again. My interest in nationalism is because I see it as a tool to paper over the tribal, ethnic, regional, religious, sectarian, class etc cleavages we have. Modern states need a homogenous unified population to progress.

A view worth retaining, and giving a lot of thought.
Your assumptions are based on a false premise.

You think that a greater India with no problems existed. And then the evil Brits arrived and everything downhill.

Idealists like you want to reunite. But what about the consequences.

Why don't you just accept the godamn reality?

Jinnah and the British gave you an opportunity to amputate your gangrene infested arm. But aman ki asha fools like you at that time refused to let go off the whole infected arm.

Past determines present and the future. So you can't ignore it.

India will break down. That moment is not to be mourned but cheered for , instead.
But the only depressing outcome would be that gangrene would stay.

@Nilu Pule - In that case, in the near future the entire Europe shall cease to exist, communism will emerge again and there will be no Toyotas in the USA. The next generation of Japanese will never wear Levis, they will not know of McDonald's or enjoy a Starbucks Coffee. Compared to that scenario, 'India breaking down' is not even a ripple in the ocean.
So banging on about 'roots' is tedious and not very productive.
There is another angle to this. Often the 'root's' is symptom of toxicity emanating from those who refuse to accept 1947. For instance I have yet to see this 'roots' thing being touted by Canadians, Americans, Germans or the British when in fact they are actually by and large literally children of one mother. That is why I often react harder then I would otherwise.

I remember reading Dervla Murphy's "Where Indus is young" in late 1970s and where she pontificates why Pakistan even exists. This coming from a Irish writer whose people fought until late 1990s to have a separate country from their mirror image called the English.

I have never understood why it was perfectly fine to slice and dice Arabs of the Arabian peninsula using ruler straight lines in the desert but to acccede to elective choice the undoing of a colony more diverse then Europe, integrated by British force of arms was a sin against nature.
@Nilu Pule - In that case, in the near future the entire Europe shall cease to exist, communism will emerge again and there will be no Toyotas in the USA. The next generation of Japanese will never wear Levis, they will not know of McDonald's or enjoy a Starbucks Coffee. Compared to that scenario, 'India breaking down' is not even a ripple in the ocean.
Don't know about that. All world would be under sharia law if people like you are elected to power.
Why Shariah law specifically?
Because they love nurturing Islamists.

Nehru and Gandhi were bigger islamists than Jinnah.

The fact Gandhi supported Islamic extremism is conviently forgotten by these Indian seculars.
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