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Aman Shanti

What about the hundreds of years before that? Who or what ideology / doctrine held us together in unity? What was that binding force?
What about the hundreds of years before? We were [region coterminous to Pakistan] the base for IVC, at various times part of Persian Empire, part of Greek Empire, other times separate kingdoms, other times conquered like any other region of the world. Even before the British came when we were together only under conquerers like Moghuls. Sans this we have always been separate.

Thus you can say the 'doctrine' that held us when we were together was exogenous force of arms ...

The Mughals arrived here in 1526.
And we were rarely together before that time. Draw a timelone from 5,000 years ago and you will see.
I would request all members not to include the names of politicians or the annals of their deeds in this thread. This is NOT a political thread.
What about the hundreds of years before? We were [region coterminous to Pakistan] the base for IVC, at various times part of Persian Empire, part of Greek Empire, other times separate kingdoms, other times conquered like any other region of the world. Even before the British came when we were together only under conquerers like Moghuls. Sans this we have always been separate.

Thus you can say the 'doctrine' that held us when we were together was exogenous force of arms ...

And we were rarely together before that time. Draw a timelone from 5,000 years ago and you will see.
All that I can say is that you Sir are a political historian and that I am a dreamer who is dreaming of a peaceful / better future. You are raking up the past, I am focussing on the future. I am happy and you are frustrated.
The Mughals arrived here in 1526. There was no Hindustan or India existent at that time.
Mughals don't win all from Hindus but Muslim rulers kindly check Mamluk dynasty of Delhi (1206–1290) if u wanna read history check area wise rulers of current Pakistan side also the Delhi sultanate

Now u starting thread also lights an very interesting point .whenever and where ever u talk an indian either here or any other social media site ,personally,from ordinary people to Intellectuals like justice markandey katju (so called) at some point all they gonna say"""wish hum loog ek country hotay""" oh bhai when u gonna accept we demand and get country for ourselves on our idea why u peoples don't understand it ???
i give it away as human rights not brahmin rights.

for brahmins aka nazis, i have a cactus

Many old time and resolute Brahmins are Nazis. I agree. That is why I used inverted commas in my introduction - in case you did not notice. No Hindu Brahmin respects or recites the Islamic Azaan. I do, proudly.
This is a tear jerker. Don't watch it if you are soft hearted. I wept.

Believe and it shall happen. If you don't want to believe, please ignore and stop commenting on my threads and posts. Thank you Sir.

Thankfully Thunderdome, you do not represent the majority of Pakistan with your comments. Thankfully, we have the ability to see Beyond Thunderdome.

Please share this with RSS and 50% of Indians who elected a right wing anti minority and a fundamentalist government
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