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Aman Shanti

Retired Troll, I was 18 and my ex girlfriend in the 80'shook hands with IK during a match. Thereafter she would not let me touch her hand for 4 weeks. You think I will ever forgive IK for that? Yet, I still love him and admire him and respect him.

Trolls are not known for their mercy Rafiki

there are no assurances in life and no insurance in death Rafiki but he will try like those before him and those after him.

its a human way of life Rafiki
What really age has to do with this? Could u plz spare some time to explain...

you see you are most probably under 25 if not under 30.

you are talking sense which a 60 year old is on the same wavelength.

this alone should solve many puzzles who are looking into the conflict.

the 30 year your equivalent in india is brainwashed by birth to conspire for akhand bharat and is active about it.

good enough?
Anothr bhayya bhaya bhai bhai thread,,
@swnjo luk at this thread.
Peace is ok but but wait,,,,are we at war with each???did i miss somthng.
or maybe this is what nazaryati nooklia jani dushmans can conjure at most.
Batein karoro ki aur dukan pakoro ki.

Btw the op had to take a jibe at northeasternrs.
yes those "particular" northeast guys wud not hesistate to literally cook n eat thr jani dushmans,,,bhayyas wont get it.
Anothr bhayya bhaya bhai bhai thread,,
@swnjo luk at this thread.
Peace is ok but but wait,,,,are we at war with each???did i miss somthng.
or maybe this is what nazaryati nooklia jani dushmans can conjure at most.
Batein karoro ki aur dukan pakoro ki.

Btw the op had to take a jibe at northeasternrs.
yes those "particular" northeast guys wud not hesistate to literally cook n eat thr jani dushmans,,,bhayyas wont get it.

you are indian. frustrated and unhappy.

we can tolerate you too in peace.
you are indian. frustrated and unhappy.

we can tolerate you too in peace.
Neither just bemused.
Karna kya chahte hai log?
if we r really perceive each other as mortal enemies,,,thn go for the kill.
If we r not thn either make peace or just simply ignore each other till things change.
What is this dilly dallying,,,
Neither just bemused.
Karna kya chahte hai log?
if we r really perceive each other as mortal enemies,,,thn go for the kill.
If we r not thn either make peace or just simply ignore each other till things change.
What is this dilly dallying,,,

i think they are just doing it to piss you off.

Misbah should be next prime minister.

#TicToc meets #TukTuk
You just can’t draw a line across the homes of a joint family and separate two families on religious lines and instil hatred. That is just not done! The tragedy is that we have accepted it and that has resulted in misery for all and countless deaths.

"The Muslims of India are a nation with a distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, laws and moral codes, customs and calendar, history andd traditions."

"India has never been a true nation"

Quaid e Aazam M.A Jinnah
i mean our airforce strikes inside pakistan "surgical" style.
Politicians n media boasts,claims victory n settles down.
Pakistan captures our pilot,who was supposedly bombing pakistan n they give him biryani n return him,,,thn claims victory,,settles down.
I mean wtf,,,,yahi hai nooklia dushmani bhayyo ki,,,,
Aisey toh bus lambi lambi chorne me hi agle 70 saal nikal jayenge
Anothr bhayya bhaya bhai bhai thread,,
@swnjo luk at this thread.
Peace is ok but but wait,,,,are we at war with each???did i miss somthng.
or maybe this is what nazaryati nooklia jani dushmans can conjure at most.
Batein karoro ki aur dukan pakoro ki.

Btw the op had to take a jibe at northeasternrs.
yes those "particular" northeast guys wud not hesistate to literally cook n eat thr jani dushmans,,,bhayyas wont get it.

OP & his whoever fauji relative is a m0r0n. One plane down and bahyya suckers are already bringing out the aman-shanti brigade. Even at the cost of insulting their own citizens.What more would you expects from these suckers.
OP & his whoever fauji relative is a m0r0n. One plane down and bahyya suckers are already bringing out the aman-shanti brigade. Even at the cost of insulting their own citizens.What more would you expects from these suckers.
This is nooklia dushmani bro :rofl:
You are just the type of person that the political parties are advertising across the border as the archetypal Pakistani. I didn't think you existed. I feel sorry for you. By the way, how little you know abut me to make these statements. I hope I don't see your posts on my thread in future here.
I don't think you get the concept of INSAAF (JUSTICE). maybe the concept is new and scary for those who consider themselves as inherently superior to others on account of self proclaimed divinity of sorts while the rest are minuscule creatures to be used, abused and tossed. regardless of how much you claim to "not believe in that crap", the fact does not change that by default, EVERYONE will assume that your denial is nothing more than a mere front. you can't blame us...you only have yourself and the crooked upbringing to blame...
"The Muslims of India are a nation with a distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, laws and moral codes, customs and calendar, history andd traditions."
Well, if they are a nation you need to wake up the 190 million in India and another 150 million in Bangladesh. And I thought 'Muslim' is a religion' and not a nation?
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