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Aman ki Asha: We are one

They know how to ruin a perfectly good song.

Holy ****, they ruined that famous Pakistani Sufi song.:hitwall:

who ruined it? wasn't a bad interpretation in my opinion. anything which gets the youth drawn back to our own culture rather than adopting western vile nonsense, is most welcome. and Jugni is part of Punjabi folk culture, not India or Pakistan. simply one colour in the patchwork of traditions that Allah has made in our beautiful subcontinent.

what in particular don't you guys like about it? vocals? that was done by Arif Lohar, son of the legend Alam Loar saahib.

is it the picturisation? well it is for a movie, and be glad that it portrayed the girls decently and not vulgar like some punjabi movies nowadays. is it context you dislike? the verses of jugni can be interpreted as pure love for a person as well as for the highest, Allah Subhaanahu wa ta'ala.

in future could you guys please be specific or constructive on what you like/don't like and not just run your mouth in khotah like manner , we have all heard that before.
@LoveIcon well. when will bilateral relations improve? do you know up till the early 60s there was free movement across the borders. no visa no nothing, people could meet their families and visit either side without restriction.

but ever since the hukmraan on both sides have kept the people in constant fear and hatred of each other, pledging so kindly our children to plunge themselves to own deaths to fight their egotistic wars initiated in mansions hundreds of miles from the frontline. even if kashmir is liberated, tey will find something else to keep the blood boiling, like the leeches that they are. best is for us common people who like to live life, dance, singh, laugh, love and remember our rich culture, to bypass them and never let our bonds be broken.

if two brothers have a fight and start to live in separate homes, that does not mean they cannot reconcile from it, learn to respect each other's wills and love & embrace each other in time. who says they must keep conspiring to burn the other's house and gloat at misfortune of the other. enough of that. it is my imaan that Allah will guide us both to the right path and bring our hearts together, once our lessons are learnt and we have served our punishments.


Here is first part of the series Mirza Ghalib, written and acted beautifully by Gulzar and Nasseruddin Shah respectively. encourage all those who haven't, and even those that have, to (re)watch it. truly a beautiful piece of art.

(for the other parts just find it on related videos at right hand side titled part 2, part 3 and so on. if anyone has trouble please say and i'll link the other parts as well)
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In other words, hand over Kashmir on a silver platter to Pakistan! That's the only solution where Pakistan is concerned! But then 96% of Kashmiris don't want anything to do with Pakistan!! Sheeesh! That sucks, what?! :P

If 96% of Kashmiris dont want anything to do with Pakistan, why is India so scared of a refenderum?

Do a referendum then. Let the Kashmris decide.

Dont spew BS
If 96% of Kashmiris dont want anything to do with Pakistan, why is India so scared of a refenderum?

Do a referendum then. Let the Kashmris decide.

Dont spew BS
Hey! Do you even know what a referendum according to the UN resolution is all about? The Kashmiris can only decide between joining India or Pakistan. There is no third alternative which Pakistan and a section of the Kashmiris have been harping about and that is, taking into account the 'wishes of the Kashmiri people' where 63% prefer independence.

Since > 90% of Kashmiris don't want anything to do with Pakistan, You know where you stand! You can't ask for a referendum as well as 'wishes of the Kashmiri people'! Like having the cake and eating it too!

Stop playing politics and get real. So you are the one spewing rubbish. :P
Hey! Do you even know what a referendum according to the UN resolution is all about? The Kashmiris can only decide between joining India or Pakistan. There is no third alternative which Pakistan and a section of the Kashmiris have been harping about and that is, taking into account the 'wishes of the Kashmiri people' where 63% prefer independence.

Since > 90% of Kashmiris don't want anything to do with Pakistan, You know where you stand! You can't ask for a referendum as well as 'wishes of the Kashmiri people'! Like having the cake and eating it too!

Stop playing politics and get real. So you are the one spewing rubbish. :P

63% in IOK want independence...
Yet they'd rather be with PAKISTAN than INDIA.

You get Indian?

And if a REFERENDUM does happen in KASHMIR I GUARANTEE YOU 100% that Kashmir will go to Pakistan.

INDIAN occupying govt in Kashmir is SCARED TO THE TEETH.

Even Kashmiris raised PAKISTANI flag in SRI NAGAR, IOK.


Even you say "India Zindabad" while walking down the streets of IOK, you will never be seen again. This is the hate Kashmiris have for Indians.

And please give me poll where you got magical figure of 96% Kashmiris dont want anything to do with Pakistan.

According to REAL, statistics, only 20% of Kashmiris want independence, rest want to be with Pakistan, while 5% want to be with India (Hindus)

DO US (and kashmiris) a favor and stop occupying KASHMIR?

Or dont cry when same Kashmiris attack your Parliament buildings?
63% in IOK want independence...
Yet they'd rather be with PAKISTAN than INDIA.

You get Indian?

And if a REFERENDUM does happen in KASHMIR I GUARANTEE YOU 100% that Kashmir will go to Pakistan.

INDIAN occupying govt in Kashmir is SCARED TO THE TEETH.

Even Kashmiris raised PAKISTANI flag in SRI NAGAR, IOK.


Even you say "India Zindabad" while walking down the streets of IOK, you will never be seen again. This is the hate Kashmiris have for Indians.

And please give me poll where you got magical figure of 96% Kashmiris dont want anything to do with Pakistan.

According to REAL, statistics, only 20% of Kashmiris want independence, rest want to be with Pakistan, while 5% want to be with India (Hindus)

DO US (and kashmiris) a favor and stop occupying KASHMIR?

Or dont cry when same Kashmiris attack your Parliament buildings?


You are a joke! Nuff said! :blah:
Pakistan is not able to control NWFP, baloucistan. Forget Kashmir. Kashmiri dont like punjabi culture and pakistan dont have any other culture..
LOL. Fail thread.

We are not the same, @author of article.
Pakistan is not able to control NWFP, baloucistan. Forget Kashmir. Kashmiri dont like punjabi culture and pakistan dont have any other culture..

All of humanity's culture was bestowed upon Bharrrat indeed :rolleyes:
Hey! Do you even know what a referendum according to the UN resolution is all about? The Kashmiris can only decide between joining India or Pakistan. There is no third alternative which Pakistan and a section of the Kashmiris have been harping about and that is, taking into account the 'wishes of the Kashmiri people' where 63% prefer independence.

Since > 90% of Kashmiris don't want anything to do with Pakistan, You know where you stand! You can't ask for a referendum as well as 'wishes of the Kashmiri people'! Like having the cake and eating it too!

Stop playing politics and get real. So you are the one spewing rubbish. :P

:laugh: and India fears losing to Pakistan in that scenario.

Pakistan is not able to control NWFP, baloucistan. Forget Kashmir. Kashmiri dont like punjabi culture and pakistan dont have any other culture..

bwahahahha what culture India has?

the urban areas are copying western culture and the poor illiterate are still creating a new god everyday in ruraL areas sometimes its a mellon sometimes a hen.

instead of focusing on Pakistan better go and educate these people and tell them what is hindu culture literally you guys are striping down your own culture so better lookafter that before telling us about ours
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