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bwahahahha what culture India has?

the urban areas are copying western culture and the poor illiterate are still creating a new god everyday in ruraL areas sometimes its a mellon sometimes a hen.

instead of focusing on Pakistan better go and educate these people and tell them what is hindu culture literally you guys are striping down your own culture so better lookafter that before telling us about ours

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nail has been hit on head.
bwahahahha what culture India has?

the urban areas are copying western culture and the poor illiterate are still creating a new god everyday in ruraL areas sometimes its a mellon sometimes a hen.

instead of focusing on Pakistan better go and educate these people and tell them what is hindu culture literally you guys are striping down your own culture so better lookafter that before telling us about ours

You forget to mention that some time they are workshippng tree also. Thats Indian culture. But they are accepting other cultures. I am saying pakistan punjabies are not accpeting other cultures. We have seen that in east pakistan...
But they are accepting other cultures. I am saying pakistan punjabies are not accpeting other cultures. We have seen that in east pakistan...

linguistic bias is deadly thats what happend in East Pakistan. that is NOT a culture. linguistic point can NOT unite a Nation simple as that.

As far Pakistani punjabis are concerned they are very much adopting other cultures in Pakistan.

come to my city we have quiet a good number of our Punjabi Pakistanis with strong business bases in Pesh.

coming to your point of adopting the culture then you must take into Account South India and its biase and unflexibility towards adopting Hindi culture.

Mahrashtrians are hell bent to demonise the non-Mahrashrian culture in India.

so better think before you speak
bwahahahha what culture India has?

the urban areas are copying western culture and the poor illiterate are still creating a new god everyday in ruraL areas sometimes its a mellon sometimes a hen.

instead of focusing on Pakistan better go and educate these people and tell them what is hindu culture literally you guys are striping down your own culture so better lookafter that before telling us about ours

Our culture evolves with time absorbing best of all the worlds and is not struck in some 14th century desert
linguistic bias is deadly thats what happend in East Pakistan. that is NOT a culture. linguistic point can NOT unite a Nation simple as that.

As far Pakistani punjabis are concerned they are very much adopting other cultures in Pakistan.

come to my city we have quiet a good number of our Punjabi Pakistanis with strong business bases in Pesh.

coming to your point of adopting the culture then you must take into Account South India and its biase and unflexibility towards adopting Hindi culture.

Mahrashtrians are hell bent to demonise the non-Mahrashrian culture in India.

so better think before you speak

Culture has its origin in language. India has 22 official and about 450 languages.
India has given space to every language and culture. If Tamilian has objection to Hindu we dont have any problem. You can not force anybody to accept simply because you are in majority.
Pakistan has 4-5 languages/culture and every one is finding it difficult to adjust to others.
Our culture evolves with time absorbing best of all the worlds and is not struck in some 14th century desert

The 4th century desert culture was to worship idols and every other senseless thing on earth that is still continued in India.

Islam came to negate that 4th century desert culture of idolworshiping.

Culture has its origin in language. India has 22 official and about 450 languages.
India has given space to every language and culture. If Tamilian has objection to Hindu we dont have any problem. You can not force anybody to accept simply because you are in majority.
Pakistan has 4-5 languages/culture and every one is finding it difficult to adjust to others.

:lol: contradiction in your own statement.

when Indians dont adjust to each others culture then its personal choice and when it comes to Pakistan then its not absorbing.

dahhhh what a contradiction.
The 4th century desert culture was to worship idols and every other senseless thing on earth that is still continued in India.

Islam came to negate that 4th century desert culture of idolworshiping.

:lol: contradiction in your own statement.

when Indians dont adjust to each others culture then its personal choice and when it comes to Pakistan then its not absorbing.

dahhhh what a contradiction.

No contradiction.. its reality....:victory:
Hey! Do you even know what a referendum according to the UN resolution is all about? The Kashmiris can only decide between joining India or Pakistan. There is no third alternative which Pakistan and a section of the Kashmiris have been harping about and that is, taking into account the 'wishes of the Kashmiri people' where 63% prefer independence.

Since > 90% of Kashmiris don't want anything to do with Pakistan, You know where you stand! You can't ask for a referendum as well as 'wishes of the Kashmiri people'! Like having the cake and eating it too!

Stop playing politics and get real. So you are the one spewing rubbish. :P

kabhe zindage may kashmir gaya hey? yaan bollywood kay stories yaan India media kay dramay he daekta raha hey sari zindage LOLzzz

ye pata nahe gari kesay chalatay hain aur training denay chalay hain aglay ko :rofl:
If 96% of Kashmiris dont want anything to do with Pakistan, why is India so scared of a refenderum?

Do a referendum then. Let the Kashmris decide.

Dont spew BS

first remove your army from ***, then talk about referendum.
kabhe zindage may kashmir gaya hey? yaan bollywood kay stories yaan India media kay dramay he daekta raha hey sari zindage LOLzzz
Men ne tho Kashmir men 3 years reh chuka hun. Thumne kitne saal bithaye ji? :P
Men ne tho Kashmir men 3 years reh chuka hun. Thumne kitne saal bithaye ji? :P

3 saal use walay kashmir may raha hoga jo 4 dewari hindustani fauj nay khare karkay hindustanio kiliye appartment banarakhay hain wesay ye sawaal na pooch kay may wahan kitna arsa raha hoon iska jawab meray paas asa hey fir nazar nahe ayega :P
The 4th century desert culture was to worship idols and every other senseless thing on earth that is still continued in India.

Islam came to negate that 4th century desert culture of idolworshiping.

I care less about cultures and happening from Arabic deserts as I'm not a follower of any imported culture, my idols are my representation of my God(s) same as the black stone in Mecca is representation of something for you people, Islam did liberate the Middle East but it surely couldn't teach some respect and compassion for others. Well I surely hope that Islam didn't came to negate senseless things by flying planes in to buildings :omghaha::omghaha:
bwahahahha what culture India has?

the urban areas are copying western culture and the poor illiterate are still creating a new god everyday in ruraL areas sometimes its a mellon sometimes a hen.

instead of focusing on Pakistan better go and educate these people and tell them what is hindu culture literally you guys are striping down your own culture so better lookafter that before telling us about ours

U nailed it... :pakistan:
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