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Alternative theories to the Mumbai attack


Mar 24, 2006
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Is it terror at work, or revenge at play? - Sify.com

Is it terror at work, or revenge at play?
By Rajesh Madathil | Thursday, 27 November , 2008, 12:10

Revenge is a dish, best served cold.
-Old Klingon proverb

Hemant Karkare. Vijay Salaskar. Ashok Kamte. These men who fell to the bullets as terror raised its ugly head again in Mumbai, were all professionals highly specialized in their chosen filed of law enforcement and were held in high esteem. Hemant Karkare, for instance headed Maharashtra’s Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS), an agency which has topped headlines for reasons right and wrong, in the wake of the now controversial Malegaon blast probe. Salaskar on the other hand belonged to the Mumbai’s very own group of ‘untouchables’ who won accolades for their much-publicised ‘encounter killings’ targeting wanted gangsters and criminals.

However, the manner in which these officers were targeted and killed by the terrorists in Wednesday night’s attack raises an important question: Was there a preplanned and premeditated move to eliminate these men who mattered in Maharashtra’s security and law enforcement apparatus, as part of plain revenge? Or was it just a matter of ‘collateral damage, whereby they just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?

It is in this context that the e-mail sent by the terror group Indian Mujahideen assumes serious proportions. "If this is the degree your arrogance has reached, and if you think that by these stunts you can scare us, then let the Indian Mujahideen warn all the people of Mumbai that whatever deadly attacks Mumbaikars will face in future, their responsibility would lie with the Mumbai ATS and their guardians," read the e-mail.

"You are already on our hit list and this time very, very seriously," said the vitriolic mail sent in September. The group which has claimed responsibility for a number of deadly attacks throughout 2008; it had further accused the Mumbai police of harassing Muslims and also claimed responsibility for a number of 2008 bomb attacks throughout India, which killed at least 130 people.

Terror strikes Mumbai again

An offshoot of the banned SIMI (the Students Islamic Movement) group, Indian Mujahideen’s relationship with the ‘Deccan Mujahideen’, which has claimed responsibility for the 26/11 attack is unclear as yet.

The IM seems to have been incensed by the tactics adopted by the ATS during its investigations; the agency was warned that "You ( the ATS) should know that your acts are not at all unnoticed; we are keeping an eye on you and just waiting for the right time to execute bloodshed. We are aware of your recent raids at Ansarnagar, Mograpada in Andheri and the harassment and trouble you created for the Muslims."

Four top police officers killed in Mumbai

"You threatened to murder them and you even misbehaved with the Muslim women and children," the e-mail alleged.

So has the Indian Mujahideen put its ominous September warning into effect? Is the ‘Deccan Mujahideen’a new group altogether? Or is it the good old Indian Mujahideen masquerading as ‘Deccan Mujahideen?’

All, questions worth mulling, even as Mumbai struggles to cope with the dead and injured, whose toll continues to mount.
AA - i am glad u have opened this thread.

there is a article in DAWN dateline Washington (as our indian colleagues dont accept pak date-lines) suggesting that:

an indian intell officer who is privy to information on the mumbai attack saying that the head of this terror ops was / is a Bangladeshi and the other members are indian muslims, Kashmiris (either from IOK or ***, using indian parlance) and additional bangladeshis. he further states that the indian security agencies have taken heavy losses in this op.
AA - i am glad u have opened this thread.

there is a article in DAWN dateline Washington (as our indian colleagues dont accept pak date-lines) suggesting that:

an indian intell officer who is privy to information on the mumbai attack saying that the head of this terror ops was / is a Bangladeshi and the other members are indian muslims, Kashmiris (either from IOK or ***, using indian parlance) and additional bangladeshis. he further states that the indian security agencies have taken heavy losses in this op.

source please.
US expert terms Mumbai attacks domestic issue
Saturday, November 29, 2008

NEW YORK: An American political scientist and South Asia expert has cautioned against rushing to blame anyone for the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, saying India’s domestic problems and long tensions between local communities were at the root of the rise of terrorism in the country. “This is a domestic issue,” Christine Fair of the Rand Corporation was quoted as saying in the course of a New York Times dispatch on Friday.
an indian intell officer who is privy to information on the mumbai attack saying that the head of this terror ops was / is a Bangladeshi and the other members are indian muslims, Kashmiris (either from IOK or ***, using indian parlance) and additional bangladeshis. he further states that the indian security agencies have taken heavy losses in this op.

First they say that CTS killer is a Bangladeshi now they are saying the head of the terror operation is from Bangladesh. The latest info from the Mumbai Mirror says that they are all Pakistanis. Guys please make up your minds!
One weird thing is. Why did India keep lying throughout the two days?

1. It says the boats came from Karachi...

Where is the evidence they came from boats? Such a massive attack doesn't happen by people landing on the shore and then going to attack. It sounds too implausible. They were trying too hard to prove this and they couldn't because that would surely implicate Pakistan.

2. They must've counted 10-15 kills at the Taj. But only 3 dead bodies and one person was captured alive.

What happened to all those kills?

Can 4 people take over the hotel and hold it? Even after hostages were released! I don't think the Indians are that incompetent, they are probably lying about the numbers. I think they might have been in the hundreds. Which would again make the possibility of Pak agents implausible.

So why is India lying and what is it hiding?
What the Indians are not saying is how many of their security forces were killed. So far the tally seems to be nil.
First they say that CTS killer is a Bangladeshi now they are saying the head of the terror operation is from Bangladesh. The latest info from the Mumbai Mirror says that they are all Pakistanis. Guys please make up your minds!

It is all the result of not knowing anyhing and incapable in anything. How does it sound that if Mr Singh shouts that it is not internal but external? A little ignorant...
One weird thing is. Why did India keep lying throughout the two days?

What happened to all those kills?

Can 4 people take over the hotel and hold it? Even after hostages were released! I don't think the Indians are that incompetent, they are probably lying about the numbers. I think they might have been in the hundreds. Which would again make the possibility of Pak agents implausible.

So why is India lying and what is it hiding?

How many bullets or grenades can they have with them so they can continue fighting against overwhelming force? I mean... Just keep spreading bullets? I think they are indeed hiding details and jumping to conclusions that suits them. Hiding the real facts.
How many bullets or grenades can they have with them so they can continue fighting against overwhelming force? I mean... Just keep spreading bullets? I think they are indeed hiding details and jumping to conclusions that suits them. Hiding the real facts.
The whole day has gone by today and almost no new info came out.

I think India is going to only release selective details.
man it,s all a staged drama india gets to many advantegs from all this
ha ha ha i am asking my self why the man hwo captured the army carnell for samjuhta bombing is killed.
how can the boats go in indian waters??
we hear every day fisherman caught for border crossing.
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