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Alternative strategy for Pakistan


Sep 15, 2009
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Once a nation has been dragged into debt and is at risk of going into default, consultants and economic hit-men, return, this time with an entirely different carrot — and much bigger stick...

John Perkins Writer of The confessions of the Economic Hitman

Someone rightly said that the enmity of America is dangerous and its friendship is fatal.

The Economic Hitmen in the form of Rothschild & co have their eyes set on Pakistan. With the failure of IMF talks, govt going tp private banks with higher interest rates.

We can also think alternatively of forming a Confederation with Afghanistan and join old Non-Aligned Movement block. or tilt towards Russia and China.

We can get cheap oil and gas from Iran and Russia. We can get wheat from Central Asian countries which are under Russian influence.
Just dont give a **** what "the West" wants. Dont pay to "the West" . Do your own development to please your basic needs. Try to develop high standard in some fields so that you can trade with non western countries.
just say hey rothschilds we can too also print money but debt free.
There were already plenty in Musharraf's years from 1999-2007: Less corruption, less waste, less focus on using religion in daily discourse, political stability, making an honorable peace with India. Yes, his govt got help after 9/11 but such help but I don't think $20-30 billion 'aid' over so many years, of that aid a chunk was for military support, was the most important factor in Pakistan's relative properity under Musharraf. Also, Pakistan can learn a lot from Bangladesh.

If it would come to that, Pakistan can more than survive following some kind of North Korean version of the 'Juche' philosophy: There is a lot of internal industries and agriculture and service base. There is a huge domestic economy and potential trade with Iran, China and countries to the north and west of Pakistan. There is a huge diaspora which can support Pakistan. It is not a country like Greece or Sri Lanka who were/are over-reliant on tourism.
I certainly believe Pakistan can get out of its trouble under the 'right' leadership. I also think Pakistan CAN get out of the reliance on the West in no longer than medium time frame if Pakistan decides to. Really decides to.
There were already plenty in Musharraf's years from 1999-2007: Less corruption, less waste, less focus on using religion in daily discourse, political stability, making an honorable peace with India. Yes, his govt got help after 9/11 but such help but I don't think $20-30 billion 'aid' over so many years, of that aid a chunk was for military support, was the most important factor in Pakistan's relative properity under Musharraf. Also, Pakistan can learn a lot from Bangladesh.

If it would come to that, Pakistan can more than survive following some kind of North Korean version of the 'Juche' philosophy: There is a lot of internal industries and agriculture and service base. There is a huge domestic economy and potential trade with Iran, China and countries to the north and west of Pakistan. There is a huge diaspora which can support Pakistan. It is not a country like Greece or Sri Lanka who were/are over-reliant on tourism.
I certainly believe Pakistan can get out of its trouble under the 'right' leadership. I also think Pakistan CAN get out of the reliance on the West in no longer than medium time frame if Pakistan decides to. Really decides to.
Pakistan the country can - those who control Pakistan can't, that includes upper-middle-class people not just rich people

theyll never let go of their pleasures in life for the greater good of the people
Need 15 years of austerity. Corruption free and high performing governance. That is all. Pakistan has never had a sustained competent leadership. Its been these Sharifs and Zardaris who have now been found out, it look long enough and they are sinking with the ship.

PTI in its 3 years without a majority mandate was already having a positive impact. Imagine with a majority what could be possible.
Just dont give a **** what "the West" wants. Dont pay to "the West" . Do your own development to please your basic needs. Try to develop high standard in some fields so that you can trade with non western countries.
Our largest market is the West and it will continue to be the West so it is extremely important for Pakistan to maintain good ties with the West but at the same time, Pakistan also needs to maintain good ties with China which is considered an enemy of the West.
There is nothing wrong with IMF. Pakistan can get free from IMF if Pakistan has good economy, then it can finance its economy using many kind of bond from market with free condition (USD, Yen, Sukuk, own currency bond, etc).

The reason Pakistan government asked IMF is because IMF can provide Pakistan with large USD loan and with much low interest rate.

IMF is not saint either, they for example in Indonesian case (1997-2004), want Indonesia to stop funding our N250 program despite the program has already been going on and the plane has been flown and tested. But that is the price of being cornered when our economy is in problem.

2022 is difficult year, I have explained in my running thread.

Pakistan overall economic fundamental is already weak, it is just coincident that current government get blamed because we understand what will happen when 2 negative impacts felt in the same period of time for quite long period (The Fed tightening policy and Russian invasion economic impact/high energy prices)

This was calculated in 2021 when IK was still in power



Check Trade Deficit Trend and check where is your export destination


Why does this guy have a hard-on for Afghanistan, Taliban and TTP whenever he speaks?

Another Afghan worshipping pseduo-Islamist?

A confederation would never work simply because the people despise each other. Barely the current federation is even working.

The confederation would simply be used in a nefarious way by the Taliban Afghan type to spread their claws deeper with militants, flood cities and ruin demographics in the name of brotherhood.
There is nothing wrong with IMF. Pakistan can get free from IMF if Pakistan has good economy, then it can finance its economy using many kind of bond from market with free condition (USD, Yen, Sukuk, own currency bond, etc).

The reason Pakistan government asked IMF is because IMF can provide Pakistan with large USD loan and with much low interest rate.

IMF is not saint either, they for example in Indonesian case (1997-2004), want Indonesia to stop funding our N250 program despite the program has already been going on and the plane has been flown and tested. But that is the price of being cornered when our economy is in problem.

2022 is difficult year, I have explained in my running thread.

Pakistan overall economic fundamental is already weak, it is just coincident that current government get blamed because we understand what will happen when 2 negative impacts felt in the same period of time for quite long period (The Fed tightening policy and Russian invasion economic impact/high energy prices)

This was calculated in 2021 when IK was still in power



Check Trade Deficit Trend and check where is your export destination

View attachment 917606

The inflation going on in USA is impacting smaller economies due to the respond of The Fed by raising the interest rate.

If the inflation is not being responded by raising interest rate, but rather by market operation (which is impossible for liberal capitalist economy like USA) then smaller economies will not get any negative impact, even with higher inflation in USA it will give smaller economies advantage (provided USA doesnt raise the interest rate) because the real interest rate of smaller economies currency will be higher than USD (Usually smaller economy has positive real interest rate compared to USD).

The problem with The Fed raising interest rate is because it will make USD previously invested in emerging and developing economies are pushed back to USA. This later become problem with some countries that needs USD reserve for transaction like import. The other negative effect felt by smaller economies because of The Fed tightening policy are the devaluation of their currency that could push more inflation from imported goods, capital outflow from stock and bond market that will be bad for the overall economy as we can see already happening in some countries.

The problem we see in 2022 is rather complex. The Fed has already been starting to raise their rate since late 2021 which is in part is due to balance previous loosening (quantitative easing-printing money) that happened since Obama administration. The invasion of Ukraine that later raise energy prices so high due to Western sanction make The Fed tightening policy become less effective to control inflation and make it going quite long, it then make several countries get huge financial difficulty.
We can also think alternatively of forming a Confederation with Afghanistan
I think some people in Pakistan may not like Taliban type austere and puritanical rule, especially the elites.
Again a basic comprehension issue...
Pakistan and like countries are consumers of western inflation. The understanding is that, more you sell(cheap), more you'll reap.
The essential, and, most important here is the understanding of wealth transfer to actually consumers, in the west.
A product in third world keeps getting devalued by mere debasing of their currencies, an example is China that purposefully kept its currency undervalued to sell consumer goods to the West.
Pakistanis, whether they work as cheap labor in Middle East or in the west are essentially serving the same purpose. It merely shifted from indentured import of labor in the previous century... present in front of you is only it's modern iteratio
Our largest market is the West and it will continue to be the West so it is extremely important for Pakistan to maintain good ties with the West but at the same time, Pakistan also needs to maintain good ties with China which is considered an enemy of the West.

Once a nation has been dragged into debt and is at risk of going into default, consultants and economic hit-men, return, this time with an entirely different carrot — and much bigger stick...

John Perkins Writer of The confessions of the Economic Hitman

Someone rightly said that the enmity of America is dangerous and its friendship is fatal.

The Economic Hitmen in the form of Rothschild & co have their eyes set on Pakistan. With the failure of IMF talks, govt going tp private banks with higher interest rates.

We can also think alternatively of forming a Confederation with Afghanistan and join old Non-Aligned Movement block. or tilt towards Russia and China.

We can get cheap oil and gas from Iran and Russia. We can get wheat from Central Asian countries which are under Russian influence.
Pakistan only problem is that of toddlers who eat ice cream all day and then complaint about toothaches

Who told Pakistanis to say "khata hey tu lagata be hey"

Was it America??
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North Korean version of the 'Juche' philosophy:
That is a good idea. Self-sufficiency combined with some foreign aid from China and Saudi Arabia/UAE for help with petroleum will buy some time to set the house in order.
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