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Alternate solution for Pakistan Navy to counter Large Navies ?

it is also applicable the other way around, having one naval base we do not have nothing much else to be worried about and to divert our assets to defend it!
Furthermore, PN is establishing more bases for subs and combat surface fleets away from Karachi. We DO NOT HAVE A huge shore line to defend so no need of many bases. This is called intelligent thinking. You remember what happened to USSR when they tried a tit for tat with US?
PN needs to develop within its own resources keeping in view our own interests!
Single target is more easier than having multiple targets...
no you don't get what he meant do you??? he is simply saying... PN is not capable to defend for long let alone blockade of supplies to India... India got enough reserves to sustain during the war.... whereas Pakistan is at dried out... and you can't threaten oil supplies from Iran ???? do you have that much capability? ??
I remember one old submarine that blockaded most of your navy and sank 2 of your destroyers looking for it !!!
I think that if Pakistan goes to produce another 10 Agosta Submarines with AIP plus 6 Chinese subs with AIP, there is not much the Indian navy or any other forces can do to blockade its shores.

No bad feelings, just some facts to remember, and the easy possibilities at hand for Pakistan.
Single target is more easier than having multiple targets...

If you read my post again, you ll find out that i started it with " it is also applicable the other way around......"
That is,, IF you want to understand! :)

Entire problem of Pakistan is related to money.there is no denial of fact that Pakistan needs more Naval Assets to remain as a significant power in this region.You need better Frigates,New Submarines,more OPVs,Missile Boats,Support Ships and Maritime Aircrafts.Hell,even Iran is integrating platforms faster than Pakistan is.only problem is they're integrating smaller indigenous platforms.

it is pretty much a fact that it'd be hard for Pakistan Navy to sustain a war.they're underfunded and their newer platforms are being outclassed.their fund problem is forcing them to crunch their "Wish List" and it may remain so for few more years.I'm not suggesting PN to match ship for ship or missiles for missiles to its opponent i.e. Indian Navy.but they're on the verge of being insignificant.give Iran few more years and possibly even Pakistan would find to match their firepower.

about coastline,it is a fact that PN would've to defend a smaller coastline than some.but to lift a blockade or to strike opponent and fighting a defensive War,do Pakistan have that kind of resources??the only gloomy sector of the grim picture of Pakistan Navy is their Submarines.

Very sensible reply, I really appreciate some one taking sense rather then bragging. Agree with most of the things you said. It is true that we do need to expand the Navy even if we do not have offensive ambitions. Need around 6 subs with AIP, once this is done PN also need to get some 4 frigates with better air defense capabilities. Missiles boats and other supporting stuff is something that we keep on inducting so no need to mention that. This said, it is not that in current situation fighting PN will be a walk in a park and any one can come and enforce a naval blockade.
I agree that at least we need a few more submarines to be transfer PN into a very effective and equal to the task defensive force. Then they can carry out there job quite efficiently.
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I remember one old submarine that blockaded most of your navy and sank 2 of your destroyers looking for it !!!
I think that if Pakistan goes to produce another 10 Agosta Submarines with AIP plus 6 Chinese subs with AIP, there is not much the Indian navy or any other forces can do to blockade its shores.

No bad feelings, just some facts to remember, and the easy possibilities at hand for Pakistan.

really... I hope you can go through that thread..

It is for those who want to understand dear.
For people willing to argue with anything and everything and who want to criticize just for the sake of criticism, these things wont help. Best just ignore them
Anyways, nice effort, but i am not really optimistic that it will come good.

The best solution is to take get the UKs old frigates and corvettes with upgrade being paid by NATO.

As the whole French Fleet can easily come to PN with upgrades if NATO supports it.
It is for those who want to understand dear.
For people willing to argue with anything and everything and who want to criticize just for the sake of criticism, these things wont help. Best just ignore them
Anyways, nice effort, but i am not really optimistic that it will come good.

Operation Dwarka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

as you mentioned dwaraka ...

On the night of 7 September, the Pakistan Navy launched its assault on Western Indian shores. Dwarka was chosen for its proximity (200 km from Karachi Port), its lower defences and historical relevance. The plan called for a fleet of 7 naval vessels of Pakistan to bomb the tiny town of Dwarka. It was aimed at luring the heavy ships anchored in Bombay into attacking the Pakistani ships. The intention was that the submarine PNS Ghazi lurking in the Arabian Sea would then engage and sink the Indian ships. Accordingly, a fleet of seven ships comprising PNS Babur, PNS Khaibar, PNS Badr, PNS Jahangir, PNS Alamgir, PNS Shah Jahan and PNS Tipu Sultan set sail for Dwarka and bombarded the town.

The warships harbored in Bombay were under refit and were unable to sortie, nor did PNS Ghazi encounter the active combatants on the West coast.

Ghazi, the only submarine in the conflict arena,[13] was deployed in the Indo-Pakistani war of 1965 to attack heavy ships of the Indian Navy, aiding the ships in Operation Dwarka. Though the submarine did not score any hits, it was a significant threat to any ships that came out of harbour (with that being its mission); but none came out. It won 10 awards including two decorations of Sitara-e-Jurat and the President's citations.
Operation Dwarka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

as you mentioned dwaraka ...

On the night of 7 September, the Pakistan Navy launched its assault on Western Indian shores. Dwarka was chosen for its proximity (200 km from Karachi Port), its lower defences and historical relevance. The plan called for a fleet of 7 naval vessels of Pakistan to bomb the tiny town of Dwarka. It was aimed at luring the heavy ships anchored in Bombay into attacking the Pakistani ships. The intention was that the submarine PNS Ghazi lurking in the Arabian Sea would then engage and sink the Indian ships. Accordingly, a fleet of seven ships comprising PNS Babur, PNS Khaibar, PNS Badr, PNS Jahangir, PNS Alamgir, PNS Shah Jahan and PNS Tipu Sultan set sail for Dwarka and bombarded the town.

The warships harbored in Bombay were under refit and were unable to sortie, nor did PNS Ghazi encounter the active combatants on the West coast.

Ghazi, the only submarine in the conflict arena,[13] was deployed in the Indo-Pakistani war of 1965 to attack heavy ships of the Indian Navy, aiding the ships in Operation Dwarka. Though the submarine did not score any hits, it was a significant threat to any ships that came out of harbour (with that being its mission); but none came out. It won 10 awards including two decorations of Sitara-e-Jurat and the President's citations.

I never mentioned Operation Dwarka and am in no mood to debate that with you as a couple of posts where enough for me to know what will come off our debate.
Again, not really optimistic and hopeful for anything good.
Constructive criticism and positive debate are always welcomed but only for people who are here to discuss and learn things. Agree to disagree mate, SOMETIMES!!
I never mentioned Operation Dwarka and am in no mood to debate that with you as a couple of posts where enough for me to know what will come off our debate.
Again, not really optimistic and hopeful for anything good.
Constructive criticism and positive debate are always welcomed but only for people who are here to discuss and learn things. Agree to disagree mate, SOMETIMES!!
no i just responded to his post... that PNS sub blockade Indian ships... and he mentioned Op dwaraka...
that because you quoted him.. like i don't understand etc..
yeah i was addressing him so i had to quote him :)
anyways, no more off topic posts from my side.
I wish that the message have been delivered and the debate will continue in a constructive way on this thread.
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